Killing like the sea, rolling in!

Bai Qi, the most powerful ghost God in the underworld!!

Seeing the translucent, majestic and powerful man in front of him, Li Hao felt that he was really moved and was about to cry.

Bai Qi finally appeared. In the past, whenever NIMA wanted to summon him through the divine seal, he never fell off the chain, but this time, at the critical moment when he was really helpless, he took the initiative to appear!!

"Brother, I just woke up from the closed door. I didn't feel your call to me when I closed the door. I'm sorry."

Bai Qi confronted Liu Yuying and took time to smile at Li Hao with embarrassment and said: "Because the magic weapon you gave me for simulated combat, many limitless and moves in it have greatly inspired me. I've been trapped in the realm of Ming Shuai for too long. I'm only short of an opportunity. Not long after I got the magic weapon you gave me, I felt that I was going to break through. I've been closed until now, and finally broke through the realm of the underworld!!"

"Darling, the underworld!"

Li Hao smacked his tongue in his heart. Unexpectedly, Bai Qi also broke through and became the king of the underworld. He is worthy of being favored by Tu Feng!

"Tu Feng is an old Pluto who has been famous for a long time and has been killed from the 18th floor of hell. From now on, he has become a sharp new Pluto. Doesn't that mean that I am now the brother of two Pluto level gods?"

When I think of it, Li Hao's heart was excited. According to this situation, if he had the opportunity to go to the underworld in the future, wouldn't he be able to walk around as long as he didn't provoke the supreme emperor of the underworld?

"Pluto? How could Pluto come?"

The primitive mind devil looked at Bai Qi in front of him and felt the pure breath of the underworld on him. Finally, a trace of panic appeared in his face.

The primitive mind devil is an extremely terrible existence for friars and mortals. Even the most powerful friars, as long as there is a little flaw in their mind, he can follow the good guidance, detonate his mind devil and turn it into a slave under his control.

In addition to the natural sage like Li Hao, who has been condensed by the purple rhyme of the East pole, his heart is clear and flawless. Any resentment and evil heart will be cut off by him. Only such a person can't start the original evil heart and can only choose to kill Li Hao.

But for the gods in the underworld, the primitive demons have no way at all. Even the weak gods will not be afraid of the primitive demons to lure their demons.

Because frankly speaking, the underworld itself is the representative of magic!

Li Hao has realized that the fairyland represents the bright and orderly Yang, while the underworld represents the dark and chaotic Yin, and the human world is closer to chaos. There are yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang coexist. The original heart devil is the collection of the demonic nature of the dark side in the hearts of all living beings in the human world, but the underworld God itself is also demonic, which is essentially no different from the original heart devil, so I want to be right Fu Mingshen, the original mind devil can only crush through strength. It is impossible to use his most mysterious means of attacking his heart.

Although the original demons have made a lot of progress than when they just condensed, they still can't compare with Baiqi who became Pluto!

Seeing the appearance of big white, the original heart devil finally felt that the situation was a little bad.


Bai Qi didn't say much nonsense to the original heart devil. With a wave of his big hand, a terrible blood red streamer flew towards her. The original heart devil snorted coldly, raised his hand and waved a dark purple competition. The two beams collided heavily and then annihilated at the same time.

Just the energy residue that escaped, everything in the surrounding room was blown into powder, and Li Hao was lifted to the wall again. As for the blade that is just an ordinary person, he flew out of the room upside down, spraying blood in his mouth. It seems that he can't live!

"Ha ha, no, I said, now the three worlds are sealed, how can you live? It turns out that it's just an avatar!"

After a move against Baiqi, the original mind devil suddenly found out the reality of Baiqi and said with a grim smile: "although you are the breath of the underworld, this incarnation has less than half of your own strength. How can it be my opponent?"

"What nonsense, call again!"

Bai Qi's incarnation snorted coldly, and did not refute the words of the original heart demon.

Indeed, the seal in the three realms is still there. He can only pass on a divine power projection through the divine seal. His strength is about 30% of his own. Although the breath is at the level of Pluto, his strength is greatly reduced.

"Just a separate body, looking for death!"

The fierce power of the original heart devil soared again and dodged to fight with Bai Qi's Avatar.

With Li Hao's current strength, he can't get involved at all. He can clearly feel that unless he can practice the five Qi Tianxin formula to the state of gathering five Qi, he is not qualified to intervene in this level of battle.

"Strength is still not enough..."

Li Hao leaned closely against the wall, looked at the original demons and Baiqi avatars, and clenched his fist.

He is very tangled now. If Bai Qi's Avatar wins, he is afraid that Bai Qi will kill Liu Yuying and the original heart demon by mistake. If Bai Qi's Avatar loses, Bai Qi will suffer some minor injuries. He must be killed by the original heart demon.

What Li Hao expects most now is that they can lose both sides and let themselves deal with it.


The primitive mind devil tied Bai Qi's body together, and then began to shrink violently.

Bai Qi's figure became weaker and weaker, and the battle with the original heart devil was more and more stretched. Such a battle consumed too much for his avatar.

"Even if I annihilate today, I will hit you hard!"

Bai Qi's Avatar's eyes were fierce, and then his body suddenly turned into many blood red smoke clouds, and wrapped it around Liu Yuying's body all at once!!


Seeing his avatar, he couldn't stop the original demons. Bai Qi decisively chose to sacrifice his avatar and hit the original demons with self explosion!


The smoke exploded and Li Hao covered his eyes. A moment later, he opened his eyes. The white incarnation had disappeared, while the original heart demon fell to the ground, his clothes were ragged, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.

"Xiao Hao, Xiao Hao..."

Liu Yuying's voice came. In a mess, she stretched out her hand and said weakly to Li Hao: "help me, cough, help me..."

Li Hao was shocked. At the moment, Liu Yuying's eyes returned to their former appearance again. A trace of blood remained at the corner of her mouth. She looked so weak and helpless.

Li Hao jumped to Liu Yuying and wanted to deal with her injury quickly.

But his speed is very fast, but a bright blue light is faster than his speed!


The sound of a sharp weapon passing through the body suddenly enlarged Liu Yuying's pupil, and the black gas condensed rapidly and then dissipated.

The thunder sword was still shaking. Li Hao looked back in horror and found Li Jiaqi in the same white robe standing on the roof. The terrible blue light was his sword!

He nailed Liu Yuying to the ground with his own sword#### Second change

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