Li Hao was stunned.

Since he awakened the talent of natural saints, it can be said that he has no choice. Basically, nothing has not been calculated by him, and nothing has exceeded his expectations, leaving him without any psychological preparation.

But this time, just today, in just a few hours, there were too many things beyond his expectations.

Liu Yuying's body had always hidden a primitive demon. She got the greatest nourishment in Shennongjia and completely woke up.

The original demons of the heart have been hiding their power for so many years, and their strength is so strong that Li Hao has no power to fight back. Even the summoned incarnation of Pluto is not an opponent!

These things greatly exceeded Li Hao's expectations. Although he felt something wrong in Ruyi building before, he also thought that Liu Yuying had been a little strange in his low-key recently, but he didn't expect that things should be so serious.

The most unexpected thing for him was that now, Li Jiaqi suddenly appeared. When everything seemed to be over, the divine soldier fell from heaven and stabbed Liu Yuying's chest with a sword!!

"Are you crazy?!"

Li Hao's eyes widened, bloodshot in his eyes, rushed over with red eyes and grabbed Li Jiaqi's clothes!

Li Jiaqi didn't speak. He looked at Liu Yuying who was nailed to the ground without blinking. There was no expression on Gu Jing's face.

"Why did you kill?"

Li Hao pushed Li Jiaqi away and shouted, "are you crazy? You want to get rid of the devil, but this is sister Yu Ying's body! And the original heart devil has been seriously injured and dissipated. With me, I will find a way to force the original heart devil out of sister Yu Ying's body. Is it troublesome to get you?"

"Wooden needling, I can save my sister, I can save her!"

After roaring twice, Li Hao seemed to suddenly sound something. He suddenly spread Li Jiaqi's clothes, turned his head, rushed back to Liu Yuying, and stretched out his hand to wipe the silver needle around his waist.

"What a pity..."

The tenderness on Liu Yuying's face faded and showed the evil cold smile of the original heart demon. Although her body was nailed to the ground by Li Jiaqi's divine sword and couldn't move, she shook her head and said, "although she is a natural saint, she is too young after all. Li Jiaqi, if you come a little later, I can break his neck!"

Li Hao's heart suddenly startled and looked at Liu Yuying on the ground unbelievably.

It turned out that Liu Yuying, whom he had just thought, had regained her mind, but in fact it was not at all. It was just that the original heart demon wanted to lure Li Hao to take the initiative and hurt the killer!

"You don't have a chance."

Li Jiaqi finally opened his mouth, but his voice trembled slightly. With a flash of his body shape, he appeared next to Liu Yuying and held his thunder sword. The surging thunder surged out of him and poured into Liu Yuying, or the body of the primitive demon!


The primitive mind devil gave a roar of pain, and wisps of black fog breath drifted from Liu Yuying's body to the sky under the quenching of thunder. It was the primitive mind devil that was forced out by Li Jiaqi.

Li Hao looked at it blankly and understood in his heart that although Baiqi was powerful, he was not restrained by the original mind devil at most. However, if he could restrain the original mind devil, the power of thunder with Haoran righteousness was the most powerful!

"Li Jiaqi!! it's you! Ha ha, as your brother said, ha ha, you killed Liu Yuying yourself!!"

The primitive demon screamed in pain and screamed nervously: "I feel the anger and guilt in your heart. Hahaha, this woman has been waiting for you for more than ten years, but she only gets your sword. What's your way? You can't even protect your own woman. What are you talking about guarding the common people?!"


Li Jiaqi's face was cold and his sword holding hand tightened. The terrible thunder made the whole room blue.

"I feel your anger and guilt. Hahaha, that will be my nutrients. Just like in Shennongjia, you humans can't destroy me!!"

The primitive mind devil roared wildly, then the roar became lower and lower, and finally annihilated.

"Have you destroyed the original demons?"

Li Hao knew he had wronged Li Jiaqi and asked in a low voice.

"No, just like he said, as long as there are people in the world, the primitive mind devil can't be destroyed."

Li Jiaqi shook his head.


Li Hao looked around in some doubt.

"It's broken up again. It should take some time to recover."

Instead of looking up, Li Jiaqi looked deeply at Liu Yuying lying on the ground, and a touch of pain appeared in his eyes.

"Brother Qi, are you back?"

Liu Yuying blinked and opened her eyes again, revealing her eyes as gentle as water.


Li Jiaqi took a deep breath. Although he was trying to control it, his shoulders still trembled slightly.

"No, don't say that..."

Liu Yuying smiled, but tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, looking both happy and sad.

Li Hao's heart was sour and turned his head too far. He couldn't bear to look at the scene in front of him.

It's like what Zixia fairy said when she died in the arms of the monkey king during the journey to the West. I guessed the beginning, but I didn't guess the end.

Liu Yuying has been waiting hard for 16 years. She still doesn't regret the passing of her youth. She has always believed that Li Jiaqi will come back, but she guessed that Li Jiaqi will come back, but she didn't expect such an ending and scene when he came back.

Wei Sheng embraces Zhu, which was once Li Hao's favorite sad and beautiful love story, and Liu Yuying, like the Wei Sheng in the story, held the oath tightly with her life.

"Sister! Stop talking. I can save you. My wooden needle can save you!"

Li Hao wiped his tears, pulled out two silver needles in his hand, plunged them into Liu Yuying's body, encouraged all the wood Qi Zhenyuan in his body, and madly instilled them into Liu Yuying's body. He wanted to help Liu Yuying continue his life with wood acupuncture.

However, Liu Yuying was hurt too badly. The divine sword pierced her heart directly, and her internal organs were destroyed by thunder. No matter how Li Hao's wood Qi Zhenyuan was instilled, she couldn't catch up with the passage of vitality in her body.

Unless Li Hao becomes a saint, he is really powerless to return to heaven.

"Xiao Hao, don't waste your energy."

Liu Yuying gently shook her head, but her eyes did not leave Li Jiaqi's face for a moment, and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

"I'm really not reconciled. It's not easy for you to come back, but I have to go..."

Liu Yuying's eyes were full of boundless attachment. She struggled to raise her hand and wanted to touch Li Jiaqi's face. She said with difficulty: "don't, don't be sad, don't blame yourself? Finally, I can die in your arms, I, I'll be very happy, very happy, really..."

Li Jiaqi's body trembled and watched Liu Yuying's hand fall feebly in front of him, as if his steel teeth were going to bite!


Li Hao finally burst into tears. Liu Yuying's breath has all disappeared. Now, even Da Luo Jinxian can't save her.

Silence, in the mess on the fifth floor of Ruyi building, is a dead silence.

After a while, Li Jiaqi stood up from the ground with Liu Yuying's body in his arms.

"Come with me."

He didn't look at Li Hao beside him and said.

Li Hao raised his head and looked at his brother. He didn't speak.

"Go to Taoism and practice."

Li Jiaqi's words had not been much, but now they have become even less.

Looking back, he looked at his brother with firm eyes and said, "although I don't know how powerful it will be to bring the original heart demon to the future, now our brothers have a common enemy, don't they?"

Common enemy!

Li Hao's face changed slightly, nodded heavily and said, "well, go to the Taoist gate and practice!!"

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