Li Jiaqi's imperial sword and Li Hao left Ruyi building from the roof.

Liu Yuying died, but now they already know that the awakened primitive demon is the real owner of this place. Although he has dissipated temporarily, Li Jiaqi said that this time, it will not hibernate for a long time as last time, because it absorbs the uncontrollable negative emotion in his heart, so it will not be long before it can make a comeback.

Li Hao was in the air, looking at the familiar Ruyi building below, silent.

Although the Ruyi building is still the Ruyi building, it is no longer the place he is familiar with.

"I'll give you a day. You can arrange things here, and then we'll go to daomen."

Holding Liu Yuying's body, Li Jiaqi threw Li Hao down at Haotian industry and said, "I'll pick you up here early the day after tomorrow."

With that, he stepped on the flying sword and left again.

Qianye felt Li Hao's breath, flew out of Haotian industry, looked at Li Hao with concern and said, "are you okay? What happened? I felt that there had just erupted an extremely terrible breath, which made me feel trembling all over!"

"A lot has happened."

Li Hao waved his hand, then opened his mouth and slowly said what had happened in Ruyi building.

Listening to Li Hao's story, Qianye was stunned. When he heard the original heart demon, his feathers could not help but stand up. When he heard the white incarnation breaking through the realm of Hades, he was also amazed. When he heard that Li Jiaqi finally appeared, nailed Liu Yuying with a sword and scattered the original heart demon, even with Qianye's nerve, Not only sigh.

"They are more tortuous and moving than the people in that small box."

Qianye shook his small head, and his purple gem eyes were full of sadness.

Li Hao was stunned and immediately smiled bitterly.

Qianye said that the person in the small box is TV. Since the little guy watched Korean dramas with Zhuo Yanyu, he has become interested in all kinds of dramas. Therefore, he even learned Chinese characters and Korean characters with his strong spiritual sense.

Finally, Qianye also came to a conclusion that, well, Korean should be simplified from Chinese to change the past.

"The original mind devil just dissipated temporarily, and it won't be long before it will make a comeback."

Li Hao said in a deep voice: "I want to go back to the Taoist door with my brother to practice and become stronger. You can't stay here, otherwise once controlled by the original heart demon, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Well, I know."

Qianye nodded. Now it is better and better integrated with the blood of the early peacock, and the memory of inheritance is more and more comprehensive. He also knows the legend of the original heart devil. Now the world is about to change greatly, and even the original heart devil came into being. Naturally, it dare not hit the muzzle of the gun.

Primitive demons can only slowly erode people's hearts step by step, but if they find such a powerful spirit beast like Qianye, they will be desperate to take the lead in arousing its demons to control it. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Well, you go to yundian to find ling'er and Lin pangzi and protect the ecological base for them."

Li Hao took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and arranged: "Originally, it was intended to let Liuding and Liujia grow in the past, but now it seems that they can only continue to stay in the Pearl. After all, Liuding and Liujia are just immortal soldiers puppets. They will not have heart demons or be controlled by the original heart demons. They use the Liuhe lock spirit array to protect themselves, although they can't threaten the original heart demons."

"OK, I'll listen to you."

Qianye nodded. Although he was arrogant and had a temper at ordinary times, he was very sensible at this critical moment and said, "then I'll take the seeds of fairy fruit and fly to yundian all night."


Li Hao nodded and looked at the thousands of nights when the wings disappeared in the night sky. Li Hao thought a little, entered the basement of Haotian industry, and explained what he had just said to Liuding and Liujia again.

With Liuding and Liujia, at least the defense of Haotian industry doesn't have to worry too much.

After all this, Li Hao contacted Bai Qi, the murderer who had just broken through the realm of the underworld, with the three realms wechat. Bai Qi replied that he didn't hurt much, but he lost an avatar just after the breakthrough. The underworld had some losses and needed to close down again to stabilize the realm.

After hearing this, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

After confirming that Bai Qi was all right, Li Hao went to Huafei last night. The boy now officially began to take over the industries of Huarong group. However, the most important thing of Huarong group is not their company's independent R & D products, but the condensate and condensate operated in cooperation with Li Hao's Haotian real industry.

Women all over the world love beauty, especially in the pursuit of their own perfection. Therefore, the sales of condensate and condensate are rising day by day in both the high-end luxury market and the medium and low-end parity market. Especially after Huarong group joined in, there are more cities opening up channels, and they are basically sold out every day, such as If the shelf life of condensed truffle and condensed truffle is not short, if it's useless to buy more, I'm afraid the phenomenon of rush buying will be more popular!

Li Hao told Hua Fei yesterday that he was going to leave for a period of time to deal with personal affairs. For the time being, Haotian industry will be handed over to Chen Xi to take care of it and let Hua Fei help her a lot.

Hua Fei agreed without saying a word yesterday. His wife Xiaoxue was saved by Li Hao at the beginning. He can have today. It all depends on Li Hao to turn over from the oppression of Hua Lingtong at the beginning. Even his father woke up from a vegetative state. It is all Li Hao's credit. He will not refuse because of emotion and reason.

After leaving Huafei's house last night, Li Hao went to Chen's villa again. It's already late at night, so he didn't disturb Chen Yu's husband and wife. He directly entered Chen Xi's room and told her that he was leaving. He wanted to give Haotian industry to her for a while.

Chenxi was still a little confused at the beginning and shook her head again and again. However, under the persuasion of Li Hao, she nodded and agreed to try even if she had never done anything similar. After all, Li Hao said, now Chenxi around him is the person he trusts most. Except her, he can't rest assured and give Haotian industry to others.

After Chenxi promised herself, Li Hao finally put down most of the stone in his heart, and finally got through to Zhuo Yanyu.

As soon as the phone was connected, there were bursts of roaring sound of car engine, loud and harsh.

Li Hao was slightly stunned. He had never heard of Zhuo Yanyu's hobby of racing before.

"Li Hao?"

A strange man's voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"I'm looking for Zhuo Yanyu."

Li Hao is in a bad mood now. He directly opens the door to the mountain road.

"She? Hehe, she is gambling with the young Marquis of the Hong Gang!"

The man smiled and said, "I see, you may not even get through to this number later!"

"Where is she?"

Li Hao's voice suddenly became cold and asked.

"Starlight racetrack, are you coming?"

The man smiled.

"Doodle doodle..."

But there were bursts of busy tones from the microphone, and Li Hao had hung up.

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