Xingguang racetrack is the favorite place for the racing people of Mingzhu.

Because it is far away from the outskirts of the Pearl, it has wrapped up a large grassland like land and built a racing track with F1 racing level, which can fully satisfy the wild people who pursue speed.

Because after the vicious incidents of rich children's racing luxury cars such as the Third Ring Road and the 12th Shao in Yanjing were exposed one by one, the above authorities are also strict with these things. Once they are found, they are dealt with severely and strictly. Even if they are big and big, they will not be tolerated.

So during this period of time, all young masters and young ladies who like racing for excitement have also converged, at least they will not act like this on the main roads of the city.

But they transferred their love of racing to this professional racing club with well planned buildings.

Starlight racing club is such a club, which is often visited by those childe friends who like racing in the Pearl.

Li Hao has heard of this place before, but he hasn't even learned how to drive a car. Naturally, he hasn't been to the starlight racing club.

When Li Hao took a taxi to the gate of starlight racing club, a security guard stopped him at the gate.

"Sorry, we have a membership system here. If you are not our member, you can't enter."

The security guard looked at Li Hao and said faintly.

"I'll go in and find someone."

Li Hao said.

"There's no one you're looking for here."

The security guard frowned in disgust and said angrily.

"You didn't even ask who I wanted to recruit. You knew there was no one I was looking for!"

Li Hao's originally repressed anger also surged up, glanced at him and said coldly.

"Here are all places where big people come. Look at you. You look very personalized in this robe, but you don't even have a famous brand, and you're still taking a taxi, ha ha!"

Another security guard came over and said, "young man, do you know where this is? This is a racing club! You still take a taxi. I don't think you just don't have a car. I'm afraid you can't even drive a car?"

After that, the two security guards looked at each other and laughed.

"You don't care whether I have a car or whether I can drive."

Li Hao took a deep breath, took out a card from his pocket and said, "if you want members to go in, be quick. Go to your people to help me get the most advanced membership card here. Don't talk so much nonsense!"

"Our most advanced membership card here?"

After listening to Li Hao's words, the two security guards were slightly stunned and looked at Li Hao carefully. They thought they might be rich or young from other places. They tentatively asked, "we can't call people for you casually? In case you call people, you don't have enough money to cause us trouble? Tell us how much money you can have in your card first?"

"I don't know."

Li Hao shook his head and told the truth.

This card is the savings card he left to Zuo's pharmaceutical makeup and Huarong group to receive the dividend profits of condensate and condensate. When the monthly dividend comes out, the money will be hit into his card on time.

Although all the expenses of Haotian industry are deducted from it, and Li Hao spent a lot of money on building Xianguo ecological base in yundian and helping the village build houses and roads this time, condensate and condensate have always been in short supply. After selling for so long, Li Hao doesn't know how much money there is in this card, I think it's more than enough to apply for a membership card.

"Ha ha ha!"

After listening to Li Hao's words, the two security guards were stunned. Then they began to laugh recklessly, pointed to Li Hao and said, "are you talking about crosstalk? Hahaha, I don't know how much money Cary has, so I'm ashamed to ask for the most advanced membership card of our company!"

"What happened?"

At this time, a woman in a suit passing by came over, held the glasses on the bridge of her nose and asked.

"Manager Qian, it's all right. A boy who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth can make trouble. Our brothers can deal with it. Don't bother you."

One of the security guards turned his head, looked at the woman coming and asked with a flattering smile.

Although this woman is only a duty manager of the club, her status is much higher than their small security guard who looks at the gate. In a word, she can decide their future.

"Are you the manager?"

Li Hao's eyes turned to the woman and asked.

"Li Hao?!"

Manager Qian glanced at Li Hao, then his big eyes suddenly lit up and excitedly walked over and said, "ah! I'm sorry I lost my temper. Are you Li Hao, the master of traditional Chinese medicine on TV and the boss of Haotian industry?"

"It's me."

Li Hao nodded. Unexpectedly, he met his fans here. He handed over his card and said, "I heard that it's not a member here. Then you can help me get a membership card here."

"You two have eyes that don't know Taishan. How dare you stop Li Dashao?!"

Manager Qian stared at the two security guards next to him angrily and said, "you two don't have to come to work tomorrow. Our starlight racing club can't afford things like you with eyes higher than the top!"

"Manager Qian, you..."

After hearing this, the two security guards were silly. They looked at Li Hao and manager Qian. At last, they looked at each other. Then they fell down on their knees and begged: "manager Qian, please be kind! Our brothers look down on people. We are not human. This young man, you don't remember villains. Please beg for mercy for us!"

"May I go in?"

Li Hao didn't even look at the two guys.

If you beat them, Li Hao feels dirty!

"Of course, please follow me."

Manager Qian nodded repeatedly, leaned over and stretched out his hand and said, "please follow me."

"Take me to the farm where the Zhuo family lives."

Li Hao stepped over from the two security guards kneeling in front of him and followed manager Qian towards the starlight racing club without looking back.

The two despicable security guards still knelt on the ground and begged to kowtow, hoping that Li Hao or manager Qian could be soft hearted and let them go.

Li Hao didn't speak. He suddenly felt that power is also an invisible force, huge and strong!

Even if he doesn't do it himself, just relying on his identity is enough to crush them into slag!

"Hehe, Li Hao is really coming!"

After following manager Qian around several corridors, the vision in front of him suddenly widened, and the voice in the phone rang in Li Hao's ear again.

Li Hao's eyes coagulated and saw a young boy he had seen at the Zhuo family banquet that day.

If Li Hao remembers correctly, he should be Zhuo Erliang's son, Zhuo Linfeng!!

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