"Where's the swallow?"

Li Hao looked around and found that there was no Zhuo Yanyu. He couldn't help frowning and asked.

"You really love me. I didn't expect you to come here when I called!"

Zhuo Linfeng stood in the stands, looked down at Li Hao, hugged his arms and sneered.

"You talk slowly, and I'll be busy first."

Manager Qian seemed to smell the gunpowder in the air, nodded knowingly at Li Hao and Zhuo Linfeng, and then turned and left.

As a small manager, she doesn't want to be involved in such things between young and old masters.

"Let me ask you again, where is the little swallow?"

Li Hao spoke impatiently.

He has fully opened the cave, but there is no little swallow on the nearby stand, and her mobile phone has been connected by Zhuo Linfeng before, which is enough to prove that she is not here.

"Hehe, do you have such a hurry?"

Zhuo Linfeng sneered. At the Zhuo family banquet that day, Li Hao not only took Zhuo Yanyu to the main table, but also forced his father to make three cups of apology in public. Zhuo Linfeng has regarded it as a great humiliation. Now he can see that Li Hao is worried. Don't mention how happy he is!

"She should be racing below."

Li Hao ignored him, jumped into the grandstand and looked at the racetrack below.


Zhuo Linfeng found that Li Hao didn't pay any attention to him. He was even more angry. He couldn't help walking to Li Hao and said in a strange way: "Hehe, I'm not afraid to tell you that Zhuo Yanyu, a stupid girl, dares to gamble with the little Marquis of the Hong Gang. She simply doesn't know the heaven and earth. She has lost one game. This game is also hanging. She is sure to lose the game of two wins in three games!"

"You are also the Zhuo family. Do you want to see your cousin lose?"

Li Hao glanced at him coldly and said, "your father has a different heart. At least he knows to hide in his heart and secretly make some small moves. You, ah, are so obvious that you are far worse than your father."


Zhuo Linfeng's face changed when Li Hao said it. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word. He waved his hand and said, "hum! I won't show off my tongue with you. Zhuo Yanyu lost the bet later and lost himself to the little marquis. I think what you can do!"

"Brain damage..."

Li Haobai glanced at him, ignored him, and then turned his eyes to the two speeding cars below.

It's almost early morning, but the lights in the starlight racing club are still bright, and the roar of the engine echoes in the night sky like the roar of wild animals.

On the lawn below, there are only two sports cars competing at the moment. One silver white streamlined sports car is ahead of the line, while the other fluorescent red sports car is biting hard and ready to overtake.


Round and round, the white sports car accelerated in a straight line, elegant and sideslip. He played very skillfully in any skills. Li Hao could clearly feel that he had completely reached the degree of integration of people and vehicles, and soared the speed of the car to the extreme within the range of no mistakes, even taking into account various environmental factors such as air flow and site.

Come on!!

Invincible fast!!

"Little Marquis has been playing with cars since he touched them. He is known as the God of cars on the boundary of the Pearl of Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Zhuo Linfeng said, "Zhuo Yanyu dares to gamble with him. What is blind self-confidence? This is blind self-confidence!"

Li Hao ignored Zhuo Linfeng's sarcasm and stared at everything below.

Although he can not drive, but as a natural sage, his learning ability is very strong. For example, before his white skills, the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, the first needle of the five elements, he learned it directly.

He just didn't have time to learn to drive, and someone always drove for him, so he didn't pay attention to learning.

It's only a matter of minutes to learn now.

Seeing that Li Hao didn't answer, Zhuo Linfeng and their cynicism became more vigorous. They looked at each other and laughed back and forth.

After watching for a while, Li Hao has almost understood what the venue is like through the magical induction of Dongwei. Although he is not very familiar with the car, he is very confident. He is a natural saint and has an invincible learning ability. With the help of Dongwei, he feels it's absolutely nothing to race a car!

"Last lap!!"

A very provocative cry suddenly rang out in the broadcast!

"The last lap. The last lap of the little marquis is always the fastest!"

The people nearby waved their hands passionately. This little marquis is the prince of the Hong Gang. The Hong Gang is a big gang that has operated in Shanghai since the Republic of China and the war of resistance against Japan. Although it has been gradually washed white after entering the new China period, it is also powerful.

When Xiao Hou went out to race cars, he was always surrounded by admirers and Hong Gang's younger brothers. At this time, everyone stood up from their seats with great support and began to cheer wantonly.

The little Marquis likes to win, and he prefers the warm atmosphere of cheering and cheering for him after winning. He is very intoxicated with the appearance of attention.

"Hahaha, I knew Zhuo Yanyu, a wild woman, could not win the young Marquis!!"

Zhuo Linfeng looked at the result of the dust settled, waved his fist excitedly, looked at Li Hao next to him provocatively and said, "hahaha, I see what you should do now!"


Li Hao looked up at the excited Zhuo Linfeng and said, "I was wrong before."


Zhuo Linfeng was stunned by Li Hao's suddenly changed attitude. However, before he could speak, Li Hao's next words made him angry and couldn't find a seam to drill in!

"I said you said you were mentally disabled. I'm sorry. I think highly of you."

Li Hao said with a serious face: "the Zhuo family has been provoked. You, the old man who wants to inherit the position of leader in the future, shrink behind and let a woman stand out for you. Now you are still very happy when your family loses. I don't know whether you are the young master of the Zhuo family or a dog of the Hong Gang."

With that, Li Hao walked down without looking back and said faintly, "fortunately, master Zhuo doesn't know what happened tonight, otherwise he may be angry to death."

Zhuo Linfeng's face changed, and there were bursts of fear in his heart.

If Zhuo laotaishan knew that he was such a worthless eater, he would break his leg!


When the door opened, the little Marquis came out with a confident smile on his face and looked at the fluorescent red sports car slowly passing through the finish line behind him.

"You're the best driving woman I've seen in years."

The little Marquis went to Zhuo Yanyu and opened the door for her: "but it's a pity that I won in the end."


Zhuo Yanyu got out of the car and was just about to talk to him, but his eyes suddenly lit up and said in surprise, "brother Hao!"

With that, she left the handsome little marquis in front of her and ran towards the rear.


Seeing that he, the victorious king, was naked ignored, the little Marquis's face changed greatly, his anger surged up, and he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhuo Yanyu's arm.

"You lost, I didn't let you go, you can't go!"

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