"Let go of me!!"

Zhuo Yanyu's arm was pulled by Hong Qinghou, and his body was blocked when he walked to Li Hao. He immediately turned back angrily and said angrily to Hong Qinghou, a cold little marquis.

"As I said, you lost. Now if I don't let you go, you can't leave."

Hong Qinghou was cold, and a morbid overbearing appeared on his cold face.

"This BMW trot is for you!"

Zhuo Yanyu tried hard to break away from the little Marquis's hand and said angrily.


Who knows, the little Marquis shook his head and said, "do you think I will care about how many cars I want?"

"What do you want?"

Zhuo Yanyu's eyes are not good enough. Although Miss Zhuo's identity can make her respected outside, she knows that this empty title has little deterrent in the eyes of a mixed river dragon like Hong Qinghou.

Unless Zhuo Yanyu makes use of the power of the Zhuo family to make herself an official in the system or an officer in the military, only if she really has the power in her hand will these Jianghu people pay attention to you.

"Did we just gamble and win two of the three games? The winning party can put forward any requirements at will, as long as it is within the ability of the other party?"

Hong Qinghou, the young Marquis, loosened Zhuo Yanyu's arm and said with a smile, "I'm ready now. I want you to be my woman!"

"Are you crazy?"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Hong Qinghou in front of him incredulously and said angrily, "my Zhuo family hasn't been bullied like this!"

"I bully you?"

Hong Qinghou pretended to be at a loss and said, "what point have I bullied you? I like you and appreciate you, and you have to admit defeat. Am I asking too much?"

"How can I bet on myself?!"

Zhuo Yanyu took two steps back and said angrily, "are you forcing the Zhuo family to fight against your Hong Gang?"

"Take or not take yourself as a bet. We didn't say it in detail before!"

Hong Qinghou is a Jianghu man. Naturally, he has the means in the Jianghu. Where is Zhuo Yanyu's opponent when he plays with this word picking thing?

Looking at Zhuo Yanyu's pretty face flushed with anger, Hong Qinghou flashed a trace of desire in his eyes and said with a smile: "moreover, of course, our Hong Gang dare not tear his face with the Zhuo family, but I have to remind you that I can represent the Hong Gang, but little swallow, do you... Think I can represent the Zhuo family?"

The last sentence, like a thunder hammer, hit Zhuo Yanyu's heart and made her delicate body tremble!

Although she had been able to call people from the police system and other related brother systems to help Li Hao fight a business war, it was all in the face of her father Zhuo Yishan.

Zhuo Yanyu asked them to do some things within their responsibilities, which would be harmless, but it would be different from Hong Gang's confrontation with the deep-rooted forces that have operated the Pearl for many years.

In the final analysis, as Hong Qinghou said, he has now begun to take over Hong Gang's business, docks and some lower halls. He is a really powerful young gang leader.

And Zhuo Yanyu, she said plainly now, is just a legitimate junior in such a big Zhuo family.

As Hong Qinghou said, if he really tears his face, he can fully represent the Hong Gang. What about Zhuo Yanyu? How much strength will the Zhuo family be willing to give for her?

"She can't represent the Zhuo family, but I can represent me and the Haotian industry behind me."

Li Hao came over and listened to the dialogue between the two clearly with his sensing ability in the cave and micro realm.

"The swallow lost the bet with you. Do you have the courage to bet with me again?"

Li Hao stood in front of Hong Qinghou and Zhuo Yanyu with a smile and spoke confidently.


Hong Qinghou's eyes turned to Li Hao. His eyes narrowed slightly and said, "hehe, Li Hao, the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine recently, has fallen the boss of Haotian industry in hualingtong. Hehe, no wonder he has so much confidence!"

"Confidence comes not from how loud the name is, but from strength."

Li Hao lifted his mouth slightly and said faintly.

An invisible spark seemed to collide between them!

"Actually, I'm very interested in you."

Hong Qinghou looked up and down at Li Hao and said with a smile: "although Haotian industry is not a giant yet, his growth speed is quite terrible. The potential of condensate and condensate can be said to be endless. As long as the women in the world are not extinct one day, you will not lack customers."

"Are you interested in me?"

Li Hao ignored his evaluation of himself and Haotian industry and said coldly, "I'm sorry, I don't do foundation."


Hong Qinghou's eyes flashed coldly and said, "what do you want to bet with me?"

"I take the ownership of Haotian industry and ningzhenlu and ningzhenye, and bet you cancel the bet you just made with the swallow."

Li Hao's voice is resounding!

"Not enough."

Hong Qinghou shook his head and said, "Haotian industry, ningzhenlu and ningzhenye have infinite potential. I won Zhuo Yanyu. If I marry her, I will have a chance to share the power of the Zhuo family. I'll lose your bet."

"You dream!"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Hong Qinghou angrily and spat: "hooligan, shameless!"

Hong Qinghou didn't care at all, but just looked at Li Hao and said, "unless your bet is in addition to Haotian industry and yourself."


Li Hao was slightly stunned. He looked at Hong Qinghou in a strange way and said, "I have said everything. I don't make a foundation!"

"You think too much, and I only like women."

Hong Qinghou glanced and said, "but I value the value that you have become the spokesman of traditional Chinese medicine. If you lose, you can still carry forward traditional Chinese medicine, but you have to follow the requirements of our Hong Gang. Of course, the benefits brought by this naturally belong to our Hong Gang!"

"Hehe, then I'm your money printer?"

Li Hao sneered and secretly said that the little Marquis was really a good idea.

"Why? If you want to gamble, be bold. Don't you dare?"

Hong Qinghou looked at Li Hao and said, "reality is not a novel story. If you want to learn from the protagonist to save beauty, you should have the consciousness to catch yourself after you can't save it!"

"OK, since you want to play, I'll play with you."

Li Hao nodded.

"Brother Hao'er, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing that Li Hao agreed, Zhuo Yanyu was moved but very worried.

She knows that Li Hao can't even drive. How can she compare with the rival of Xiao Hou, who has dominated the title of car king around the Pearl for several years?

"Don't worry."

Li Hao patted Zhuo Yanyu on the shoulder and gave her a consoled look. He said, "I'll win you back." second, more recently, awesome, ah, brothers!

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