
The front of the silver wolf's car was raised high, and then hit it heavily. It directly smashed the front windshield of the blue sky fortress, as if a real silver wolf opened his big mouth and swallowed the blue sky fortress driven by the little Marquis!

Although the blue sky fortress has been refitted by the little Marquis, in order to make it an invincible artifact in the death gambling car, the little Marquis's refitting only focuses on strengthening the front part of its car. No one would expect to strengthen the roof, windshield frame and other places!

Li Hao also took advantage of this psychology, so he took risks and showed the way to lift the car with Zhenyuan's internal interest.

Although the silver wolf is a light sports car, it also weighs a few tons. This weight, coupled with this speed and the strength instilled by Li Hao, it is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the blue sky fortress was directly smashed by the silver wolf from top to bottom!!

"Ah ah!!"

"Oh, my God!"

"God! What's the matter?"

"Little Marquis! Help little Marquis!"

"Is Li Hao human? He's going to kill, he's deliberately killing!!"

"What are you doing? Go over there! Save people, save people!"

Countless Hong Gang people roared in horror. The scene was panic and messy. Everyone felt like the sky had fallen!

Why did the young Marquis, who had never been disadvantageous before, fail to the same person twice in a row in his best field this time?!


Li Hao opened the door of the silver wolf and jumped out.

"Come on! Surround him!"

"Stop the murderer!!"

"Yes! You can't let him go!"

"Li Hao, stop!"

There are about a hundred people in the Hong Gang. Now they are divided into two groups. A group of people hurried to work together to lift the silver wolf and rescue the little marquis in the smashed blue sky fortress.

Another group of people angrily surrounded Li Hao and shouted one by one to stop Li Hao from leaving.

One of the leaders of the gang stood up, looked at the little Marquis who was framed by others from the blue sky fortress, pointed to Li Hao and said, "you're finished. You've done something. You've done something big. You dare to move the young leader of our Hong Gang. You're looking for death!"

Surrounded by these people, Li Hao didn't even look at them. He said faintly, "I told him before the beginning of this scene. I will bear the consequences regardless of life or death or serious injury."

"You fart, we didn't hear that!"

"Yes! Who can testify to you?"

"It's really hateful to argue against the young Marquis like this!"

"The holy way is boundless. I look up and am worthy of heaven and earth. The reason why I fulfill the gambling agreement is just for my sacred heart not to be covered with dust."

In the face of these people's accusations and reckless entanglement, Li Hao ignored them in the slightest, and only talked to himself to strengthen his faith in his heart.

He will abide by moral etiquette, laws and regulations, and even abide by vows, bets and other agreements more than ordinary people. It is because the saint is careful in his words and deeds. If he is unscrupulous, his sacred heart will be covered with dust, and it is impossible to step into the realm of a Saint all his life.

"Get out of here!"

Facing the people of Hong Gang who were bothering him, his cold breath leaked out. Zhenyuan's internal breath formed an invisible air mask, directly pushed away the people who wanted to block him and walked towards Zhuo Yanyu step by step.


Hundreds of people are aggressive, but they can't stop Li Hao alone!

Li Hao's footprints step by step, like a needle, pierced the crowd. As long as Li Hao approached, the people next to him would be frightened by his momentum and retreat towards both sides involuntarily. No one dared to block Li Hao's steps.

"Hong Qing and I are waiting to bet on the car. We won two of the three games. I've won two games. He lost!"

Li Hao walked out of the siege of the Hong Gang, took Zhuo Yanyu's hand, looked at her and said, "it's all right. I said I'll win you back."

"Brother Hao'er..."

Zhuo Yanyu's eyes were full of emotion. She held Li Hao's hand tightly. She could feel the depressed pain in Li Hao's heart. Although she didn't know what happened to Li Hao, she could feel that he was obviously wrong tonight.

"Let's go."

Li Hao took Zhuo Yanyu's hand and walked outside the starlight racing club. When passing by Zhuo Linfeng, he glanced at the dandy straw bag coldly. Zhuo Linfeng trembled with Li Hao's eyes. He swallowed several mouthfuls of spit nervously and dared not fart.

"Brother Hao'er, what happened?"

After leaving Xingguang racing club and sitting in Xiaoyan's car, Zhuo Yanyu couldn't help asking again.

"Sister Yuying has an accident."

Li Hao took a deep breath, his eyes turned a trace of blood red, and he tried his best to press down and said in a deep voice.

"What?! how is it possible?!"

Zhuo Yanyu's face changed greatly after hearing the speech and could not believe: "Ruyi building is an extremely special existence in the Pearl. He is not a big force, but he holds the lifeblood of many dignitaries and is very detached. Sister Yuying is Ruyi building owner. Who dares to touch her?!"

"There was a power struggle in Ruyi building. I didn't get there in time. I just watched sister Yuying die in front of me..."

Of course, Li Hao can't tell ordinary mortals like Zhuo Yanyu about the original demons. He can only simply say that it is a power dispute in Ruyi building.

"The dead are gone, brother Hao'er, don't be sad..."

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Li Hao's sad and angry appearance, painfully hugged his body and said softly, "you still have me. I will always be with you."

"I'm leaving the Pearl for a while. I don't know how long I'm going."

Calmed his emotions, Li Hao looked at Zhuo Yanyu, patted her on the back and said, "and he may not be able to contact me."


Zhuo Yanyu was slightly stunned. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask Li Hao where he was going. However, when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back.

If Li Hao could tell her where she was going, how could she not say it directly?

And she can also feel that where Li Hao is going must have something to do with revenge for Liu Yuying.

Zhuo Yanyu clenched her fist. She knew she couldn't help Li Hao in this regard, so after a pause, she didn't ask where Li Hao was going, but smiled and said, "I'll wait for you to come back."


Li Hao nodded, as if to Zhuo Yanyu, to himself, or to Ruyi building. "When I come back, everything will be different."

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