The moonlight was like water. Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu leaned against the car. While breathing, the faint fragrance from the girl's body curled into Li Hao's breath. At midnight, there was silence on the suburban road, not even many passing vehicles.

"Will you leave tomorrow morning?"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Li Hao and asked softly.

"Well, leave at dawn."

Li Hao nodded slightly and said.

"Have a nice trip."

Zhuo Yanyu straightened up from the seat, looked at Li Hao leaning against the co pilot, and suddenly put his hand under his seat.


With a slight noise, Li Hao's chair moved back, and the back of the seat was slowly put down and turned into a flat bed.

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao's breath was slightly rapid. Looking at Zhuo Yanyu whose eyes seemed to have water to overflow, his heart beat faster for several minutes.

"Before you leave, leave me some thoughts."

Zhuo Yanyu's figure is slim, and the cab is quite spacious for her. She only shrunk a little and moved the whole person from the driving seat to the co pilot Li Hao.

"Wait, wait."

Li Hao only felt a dry heat jumping up from his Dantian belly, but reason kept the last glimmer of clarity in his brain. He grabbed Zhuo Yanyu's hand that was loosening his belt and gasped: "no set, isn't it good?"

"It doesn't matter. You won me back. This is the highest reward for you."

Zhuo Yanyu exhaled like LAN and leaned over Li Hao's ear and whispered.

The warm air from the girl's mouth shouted in Li Hao's ear, and finally lit the flame completely.

Zhuo Yanyu also gasped slightly, completely released the beast under Li Hao, then lifted his mini skirt, opened his legs and sat down on Li Hao

Mandarin ducks are in pairs at night, and a tree of pear flowers presses begonias.

After the cloud and rain, Zhuo Yanyu lay on Li Hao's body. The aftertaste of the two people after the peak was breathless and merged together. It sounded like a person.

"If you have something to do, don't worry. Just don't forget the way back."

After the rest regained some strength, Zhuo Yanyu got up from Li Hao and wiped his body considerately.

Li Hao's face was full of emotion and nodded heavily.

Zhuo Yanyu sent Li Hao to Haotian industry. Although she wanted to see Li Hao leave, Li Hao insisted on letting her go back, so she had no choice but to drive home first.

Zhuo Yanyu drove her car back to Zhuo's home, not her own home, but Zhuo's old house at No. 99 Zhujiang Road.

As soon as she got off the bus, she found that the atmosphere was a little dignified. Her eyes turned. With her intelligence, she soon figured out what had happened. No matter how much, she went directly to the old man's study.

After the last family banquet meeting, Zhuo Erliang failed to compete for the owner of the family. They have all returned to their respective jobs, but the younger generation of the family stayed and said they wanted to spend more time in the Pearl and spend more time with the old man.

Approaching the master's study, Zhuo Yanyu heard Zhuo Linfeng's voice through the door before he went in.

"Grandpa, Zhuo Yanyu is too much. He has no sense of propriety!"

Zhuo Linfeng said in righteous words: "She gambled with Hong Qinghou and lost herself to others, which has disgraced our Zhuo family. Then Li Hao went to the hospital with Hong Qinghou seriously injured in order to make her strong. It seems that he hasn't woken up yet. If the Hong Gang moves to our Zhuo family at that time, isn't there another big enemy in vain?"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Zhuo Yanyu gently knocked on the open door, came in from the outside, smiled and said, "as soon as I entered the door, I heard someone saying my name. I want to see if someone is trying to discredit me while I'm not here with Grandpa. It seems it's not too late!"


Seeing Zhuo Yanyu, master Zhuo Taian raised his eyelids, snorted from his mouth and nodded to her.

"Well, you go on. If you have anything, just say it in front of me."

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Zhuo Linfeng in front of him and didn't get angry, but just looked at him calmly.

"Just say it. What I said is the truth and for the good of Zhuo family. What can't I say?"

Zhuo Linfeng stuck his neck and continued to say, "Grandpa, although our Zhuo family is a famous family and has a big family and great business, the Hong Gang has operated in the Pearl since the Republic of China. The Shanghai beach can be said to be their brand for generations. As the saying goes, a strong Dragon doesn't press the local snake. If we offend the Hong Gang, we will have all kinds of trouble!"

"What do you want?"

Zhuo laotaishan raised his head, glanced at his grandson and asked thoughtfully.

"It's a big matter. My grandson is just a junior. Naturally, he doesn't dare to make a judgment. Everything must be decided by grandpa."

Zhuo Lin turned his eyes and knew that although Zhuo Taishan was asking him what he wanted to do, he must not open his mouth indiscriminately. What the old man wanted most was his brothers and sisters. He hoped that there would be harmony at home. Zhuo Erliang told him that he could not fight in the open, but he must be measured. Once he passed that degree, he would lift a stone and hit his own foot.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Zhuo laotaishan's eyes projected on Zhuo Yanyu and spoke slowly again.

"Granddaughter, would you like to ask Grandpa, if you have been in the army all your life and fought in the East and West, is the blood in your bones cold even if we are the children of the Jiangmen family in peace and prosperity?"

Zhuo Yanyu looked up at Zhuo Laotai mountain and asked in a loud voice.

Zhuo Taian's eyes opened, and two essence like rays suddenly burst out of a pair of turbid old eyes. He looked directly at Zhuo Yanyu and said, "do you think your blood?"

"Integrity is still there, and the blood is still cold!"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at his most revered grandfather and said in a loud voice word by word.

After that, Zhuo Yanyu held his head high and said, "so when the Hong Gang provoked my Zhuo family again and again in the racing club, even if it was my daughter, even if I knew that the racing car was not Hong Qinghou's opponent, I still clenched my teeth and agreed to come down. The scholar can be killed and not humiliated!!"

Zhuo Laotai mountain's eyes became brighter and brighter. He looked at Zhuo Yanyu with some amazement and said, "OK! When we went to fight with the little devils with our own earth guns, we also knew that the gap between weapons and equipment between the two sides was like a natural moat, but we didn't want to be a subjugated slave. Yes, scholars can be killed and not humiliated! We knew we couldn't do it, and we were Zhuo Taian's good granddaughter!!"

"I tried my best, but I also lost."

Zhuo Yanyu took a deep breath and continued: "Li Hao stood up at this time and defeated Hong Qinghou regardless of the consequences of offending the Hong Gang. For his granddaughter, this kindness is equivalent to reconstruction. How can we blame him? Grandpa, he is a self-made teenager who has the courage to face the Hong Gang. Don't we Zhuo family?"

"Well said!"

Master zhuotaian sat up abruptly, half leaning on the recliner, like a waking tiger. He slapped the table and shouted loudly, "my Zhuo children, who are you afraid of?"


The loud drink directly made Zhuo Linfeng pale, his legs soft, and almost fell to the ground

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