"I'm disappointed in you."

Zhuo Taian looked at Zhuo Linfeng, who was pale and trembling all over, sighed and shook his head.

He joined the army when he was a teenager. He fought in the East and West. He was a hero all his life. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, XINHUAXIA also occupied the South and guarded the gate of the southern border for the motherland until he was old.

He has three sons. His eldest son, Zhuo Yishan, has the demeanor of his youth. Although he is not determined to join the army, he calls the wind and rain in the system. However, he has been the head of the police system of the municipality directly under the central government since he was less than 40 years old. This time, he also went to yundian and made great achievements on the edge of life and death. With a little operation of the Zhuo family, he will certainly have a place in the central government.

You know, it's a peaceful age. It's not as easy to make meritorious service as it was during the war. Promotion is very fast. If you want to climb up in the peaceful age, unless the backstage is very hard, because it's not as easy to make meritorious service in the peaceful age as it was during the war of resistance against Japan. It's really rare for people like Zhuo Yishan who have both political achievements and backstage achievements.

For his eldest son, Zhuo laotaishan is very satisfied, very satisfied.

Although his second son has more ambition and insufficient ability, and his third son is too mediocre and has no edge, master Zhuo will be satisfied to have such a promising son all his life.

But when the third generation of the Zhuo family grew up, Zhuo laotaishan began to worry again.

His next generation has Zhuo Yishan to take over his class, but later, among the third generation of Zhuo family, Zhuo Yanyu, Zhuo Yishan's daughter, Zhuo Linfeng, Zhuo Erliang's son, and Zhuo Yurou, Zhuo Sancai's daughter, are not very satisfied in the eyes of master Zhuo.

Zhuo Yanyu is very smart. She is so smart from head to toe, but she is unruly and loves freedom. To put it bluntly, if she wants to do it, she is indeed a plastic talent, but Zhuo can see that she is not a person with a strong desire for power. She doesn't want to join the army or politics.

Zhuo Linfeng is not stupid, but perhaps because he is the only man in the third generation of the Zhuo family, he thinks highly of himself since childhood, and like his father Zhuo Erliang, he also has strong ambition. Just because of excessive conceit and jealousy, it is enough to completely cover up his original little intelligence.

As for Zhuo Sancai's daughter Zhuo Yurou, she is a very weak girl. Like her father, she is independent of the world. She went abroad to study art early, and it is certainly impossible to inherit her family business in the future.

As for those people from the side of the Zhuo family, Zhuo laotaishan didn't find any outstanding seedlings.

This is also why after knowing Li Hao, Zhuo laotaishan often laments in his heart why he doesn't have a grandson like him, and even expects that even if Zhuo Lin wind energy makes progress, it can be half as good as Li Hao!

But now, after listening to Zhuo Yanyu's words today, the sadness in Zhuo laotaishan's heart rises a glimmer of hope again.

His favorite granddaughter seemed to awaken something. In her firmness, he seemed to see his own shadow.

"Grandpa, I'm going to join the army!"

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Zhuo Yanyu suddenly spoke again.

After listening to her words, everyone was stunned. Zhuo Linfeng, who trembled because of the old man's evaluation, gave a worthless "ah?" sound.

"You go out."

Zhuo laotaishan didn't immediately say his position, but waved to Zhuo Linfeng and them first.

"Bye, Grandpa."

Zhuo Linfeng and those collateral young people, if pardoned, were relieved and quickly withdrew from the study.

"What did you just say?"

When there were only Zhuo laotaishan and Zhuo Yanyu's grandparents and grandchildren left in the study, Zhuo asked again.

"Grandpa, I want to join the army. I want to develop the army!"

Zhuo Yanyu looked at Zhuo Laotai mountain without hesitation and repeated again.

"It's hard to be a soldier, you know?"

Zhuo laotaishan leaned back on the recliner again and murmured, "especially for women, it's more bitter."

"I'm prepared."

Zhuo Yanyu nodded and said, "but Grandpa, you have been a soldier all your life, and dad has been in the army for many years. I have no reason not to do it. I don't admit that our women are not as good as your men."

"Stubborn girl."

Zhuo laotaishan chuckled and continued, "why do you want to be a soldier?"

"From the perspective of the development of our Zhuo family, only by focusing on military and political affairs can our Zhuo family continue to prosper. Now Grandpa, you are still alive, and your influence in the army needless to say, and there is a father in the system, so the Zhuo family is at its peak."

Zhuo Yanyu obviously thought it over before he asked grandpa to do so. He opened his mouth and said: "Grandpa is now old. Although grandpa is still in good health, I also hope Grandpa you can live a long life, but it must be considered that once grandpa dies in the future, without you, our Zhuo family will have no successor in the army, and our influence will decline sharply. At that time, the strength of the Zhuo family will also decline, so I want to go to the army!"

"Well, you have a good eye."

Master Zhuo nodded slightly and said, "is there any other reason?"

"And I want to be able to match the real power of the Zhuo family."

Zhuo Yanyu pursed his lips and said word by word.

Hong Qinghou asked her like that last night, I can represent Hong Gang, and you? Can you represent the Zhuo family?

This sense of powerlessness deeply stimulated Zhuo Yanyu. She began to understand that no matter how the Zhuo family is a towering tree, if she only makes a leaf on it, no one will care about her too much when she goes out. Only when she becomes strong and becomes a thick trunk, no one will dare to despise her!

"Well, it's finally enlightened."

Master Zhuo nodded with satisfaction. A happy smile appeared on his face. He looked at his granddaughter and said, "is there another reason?"

"Also, I don't want him to save me all the time. I also want to be able to help him in the future."

Zhuo Yanyu's firm eyes suddenly softened down, but there was still no hesitation. He admitted frankly: "in order to meet things in the future, we can not only be afraid behind him, but can stand side by side with him and bear them together."

"Hehe, it's still related to that smelly boy..."

Zhuo laotaishan smiled bitterly, and Li Hao's beautiful face with a little childish came to mind.

"Well, I'll call and you can report to the military region tomorrow."

Master zhuotaian got up from his chair, walked out of the study with his negative hand and said, "no matter how hard it is to go to the army, I have to bear it. Don't lose the face of our old Zhuo family."

"Thank you, grandpa!"

Zhuo Yanyu was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhuo laotaishan walked out of the study with great comfort.

"There are women in the Zhuo family who have just grown up. They love red makeup and armed!"

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