"Lord Li, do you want to kill the gatekeeper spirit guard wantonly at the Taoist gate?"

Looking at the murderous Li Jiaqi, the two gold armor guards holding the spirit mirror fell to the ground and said with a trembling: "we are not only guards, but also friars under the door of the all souls nest!!"

"What about the all souls nest?"

Li Jiaqi was not moved at all. The thunder sword behind him came out of its scabbard and hung directly over his head. The mighty thunder power began to condense.

Li Hao knows very well that if Li Jiaqi really wants to do it, it only takes a few breaths to kill the two guys!

After all, although these two guys are the shift gatekeepers of daomen and Dongtian, their accomplishments are eighteen thousand miles worse than that gluttonous snake. Even Li Hao can clean up easily.

"Who is running wild at the Taoist gate?"

However, just at this time, a loud drink was like the roar of the king of beasts. From the glittering door, it formed a series of visible sound waves, which spread out of thin air, directly acted on the thunder sword suspended above Li Jiaqi's head, and scattered the thunder light that was about to condense.

"Wanfeng, do you want to start a war between my xiaoyaozong and Wanling nest?"

Li Jiaqi looked up at the golden door and asked loudly.

"It's Lord Xiao Li. Hehe, why are you so angry?"

The glittering gate squirmed, and then a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe appeared out of thin air, suspended in the air and fell slowly.

Looking at this person, Li Hao's pupil shrinks slightly. He clearly feels that this person's cultivation is stronger than Li Jiaqi who has completed the five Qi true yuan in the five Qi Tianxin formula!

However, if the two really start, Li Jiaqi can rely on the cave and micro realm of human beings to anticipate the enemy's opportunities everywhere, and the odds of winning are better.

"The two of you in the all souls nest are going to take my long lost brother to the dark prison. Hehe, you don't know this, don't you?"

Li Hao looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with the tip of a needle and said angrily.

"I really don't know about it!"

Wan Feng's face remained unchanged and his heart didn't jump. He said, "but I believe there must be a reason for this. Otherwise, the two guys under my door would never dare to be presumptuous to you even if they ate the bear demon heart and the leopard essence?"

"I just want a word, whether to let our brother in or not?"

Li Jiaqi didn't bother to talk to Wanfeng, an old man who had lived for nearly a century, and said directly.

"I don't count this matter alone. Although you are the leader of the largest sect of Taoism, you don't count. You have to wait until all the leaders of the top ten sects in 3000 blessed areas arrive."

Wan Feng smiled at Li Hao and said, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, there was an unprecedented wake-up light sound in the spirit mirror. I was attracted by this light sound. I believe the leaders of the other ten major schools are coming soon."

"There is such an amazing sound of the spiritual mirror. I want to see which door sent a peerless genius!"

Sure enough, in a few seconds, another Taoist in blue flew out of the golden door.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

There are more and more shadows. Soon, before the door at the top of the ladder, the ten strongest sect leaders in the whole Taoist cave appear here!

"Eh? Lord Xiao Li, although their temperaments are quite different, if you look at their faces alone, this little brother looks like you!"

A man with heavy makeup tilted his orchid fingers, glanced back and forth at Li Hao and Li Jiaqi, covered his mouth and said with a smile: "it makes people like it more and more!"

Looking at his behavior and listening to what she said, no one would think he was a man, but Li Hao clearly saw the Adam's apple on his neck, rising and falling as he spoke.

Well, if ah Jian is there, Li Hao believes that they will be able to become bosom friends who talk about everything.

"Look so alike, is this man..."

An old man with white hair looked at Li Hao and Li Jiaqi and twisted the white beard under his jaw. Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Hearing this, all the leaders present except Li Jiaqi and Wan Feng changed their faces, and there were some unknown things in their eyes.

Everyone in the Taoist School of this era knows and knows about the Kirin Gemini. However, due to unknown reasons, the younger brother of the Kirin Gemini wandered out. Although the left Li Jiaqi is still gorgeous, after the fall of the original leader Li Yunfei, the throne of the largest sect of Xiaoyao sect is not so secure.

For example, now ranked second in the all souls' nest, their sect is famous for its animal soul. The current palm sect Wanfeng has the animal soul of a Saber Toothed winged tiger, which is an ancient fierce animal with great power. Recently, his daughter and adopted son have awakened the two kinds of divine animal souls of one dragon and one phoenix, and the growth potential is extremely terrible!

If they really grow up, one of them will be comparable to Li Jiaqi. Together, they can definitely help wanlingchao completely suppress the Xiaoyao sect and snatch the first sect throne that originally belonged to the Xiaoyao sect.

Where there are people, there is competition. Although the whole Taoist cave is a whole to fight against the restless demon clan, the first sect is still coveted, because the first sect can not only command all sects in the other 3000 blessed areas, but also sit in the spiritual spring with the strongest aura in the Taoist cave, so that the disciples can practice more smoothly.

Although Li Jiaqi was in the limelight and led the Taoist cave to defeat the demon clan in the last demon killing war, forcing the demon clan to sign a contract not to harm mortals, the leaders of all ten major sects knew that once the dragon and Phoenix in the Wanling nest grew up, Li Jiaqi would definitely be suppressed by them, The carefree sect will also lose the throne of the first sect.

This is also why the all souls nest is now more and more not taking Xiaoyao seriously, and even dare to provoke.

However, if Li Jiaqi finds his long lost brother back, the situation will be very different.

As everyone knows, when the Li Jiaqi brothers were born one after another, it was the most widely spread sentence in the Taoist door.

Unicorn Gemini, small and big.

The meaning is very simple. Among the unicorn twins of the Li family, the younger brother will have more powerful talent and power than his brother!!

The dragon and phoenix of Wanling nest can suppress Li Jiaqi in the future, but if there is another Li Hao who is more horizontal, are they still qualified to compete for the throne of the first sect?

Definitely not!

For a time, all the leaders' eyes turned to Wanfeng, with complex expressions and warm and cold feelings.

Everyone knows why Wan summit is so embarrassed with Li Jiaqi because of such a small matter.

Daomen rules are just an excuse. I'm afraid the real deep-seated reason is to suppress Li Hao and prevent the first gate throne that will be acquired in the future from disappearing again #### everyone, happy New Year!!! I wish you all a new year and prosperity! Hee hee, we should also recommend our three world purchasing king to our friends in the New Year! come on.

PS: two shifts will be resumed tomorrow.

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