Among the three thousand blessed areas of the Taoist gate, the highest ranking leaders gathered around the Taoist gate, and the atmosphere fell into silence for a time.

Obviously, this is a struggle between the Xiaoyao sect, the largest sect of Taoism, and the Wanling nest, which has great potential to compete for the first throne of Taoism.

Help who not help who?

This is a problem.

Although Li Hao did not understand many of the twists and turns and the secret, with his understanding and insight, he was able to figure it out quickly.

The protagonists in this farce today are actually Li Jiaqi and Wan Feng. The other eight leaders, frankly speaking, are just studying with the prince.

"Come here."

Wan Feng pointed to a trembling gold armor guard next to him and asked quietly, "Lord Li's return with his brother to test his identity and whether to recognize his ancestors is also a matter within their Xiaoyao sect. Why did you prevent them from entering the Taoist gate?"

Just a word, you can see his tact and tact.

Obviously, he instructed his subordinates to deliberately make things difficult, but now he put himself on the commanding height of morality, so that people can't find fault, and then he can use the Taoist rules as a weapon to attack Li Jiaqi.

Sure enough, hearing the leader's question, the golden armor guard quickly said in a respectful voice: "report to the leader, it's my turn to guard the Taoist door with my younger martial brother today. When I was on duty, Lord Li brought this man from the cloud ladder. We have to make a routine inspection. Lord Li didn't want to, so he said evil words to each other."

After that, he looked at Li Jiaqi with some fear, for fear that he would take his life in anger. However, when he thought that there were so many palm teachers present and that his own palm teacher was here, he should not be in danger, so he gritted his teeth and continued: "Now it's the time when the demon clan is ready to move. I argued with reason. Later, I finally used the spirit mirror to test this person's identity and found that although he is a human, he has an obvious smell of animals..."

Speaking of this, before he finished, Wan Feng said, "because this little brother has an obvious smell of animals, you are worried that he is a puppet controlled by the demon family, so you won't let them enter, right?"


The golden guard bowed his head as if he were moved to tears.

"It's reasonable. What are you doing, Lord Xiao Li?"

Wan Feng nodded, then turned his eyes to Li Jiaqi, who was silent, and slowly opened his mouth.

"I can explain that my brother has a strange smell. It has absolutely nothing to do with the demon clan."

Even though he was young and vigorous, Li Jiaqi calmly began to reason on important occasions where the top ten leaders were all present, and said, "my brother has been living outside for more than 20 years, and will be imprisoned when he first returned to daomen? This is inconsistent with cleaning up. I won't agree anyway!"

"The law does not allow for emotion. I would like to ask Lord Li, is it the rules and safety of Taoism important, or is your personal affair important?"

Wan Feng fought tit for tat and finally began to attack. He said, "Xiaoyao sect is the largest sect of Taoism. Leader Li, you are the leader of Xiaoyao sect. If you take the lead in bending the law for personal gain, how can you continue to be the leader of our Taoism?"

"If you want to take the seat of the head of Taoism, you might as well challenge me directly."

Li Jiaqi looked at Wan Feng with burning eyes. The thunder sword suspended above his head began to chirp again. It seemed that he felt the owner's war intention and anger, and began to scream!

"I'm talking about things. What are you talking about?"

Wan Feng was worried by Li Jiaqi and became angry.

"Hehe, come on, come on, Lord Xiao Li, Wan Feng's leader is a figure of your father's generation after all. Let's go."

At this time, a smiling middle-aged man stood up and said, "wanzhang sect, Lord Xiao Li is the leader of our Taoist cave after all. You also respect him. Take a step back and don't be so angry."

Standing aside, Li Hao has a clear heart. This kind of person is a typical peacemaker.

"What should I do according to the meaning of old yin?"

Wan Feng went down the slope and said.

"Why don't we just vote."

Old Yin smiled and said, "let's vote together with the top ten leaders. Those who support leader Li stand on his side and those who support Wanfeng leader's statement stand beside him."

"Have ulterior motives!"

Li Hao's heart was slightly shocked. At first he thought the old man was just a peacemaker fishing in troubled waters, but now he understood that this guy was not a straw bag at all.

His move now is clearly forcing the leaders of the top ten sects to make a statement!

Whether to support Xiaoyao sect or Wanling nest!

"No rules, no square."

A woman in Tsing Yi took the lead and said, "we qingxuanzong support the maintenance of Taoist rules."

"Qingluo palm sect is a woman, but her heart is harder than that of ordinary men. Hehe, our da Luo Jianzong still supports leader Li. Since he is brother Yunfei's parent-child, this young man must not be a demon. I prefer to believe Li's integrity in his bones and blood than spirit mirror!"

A middle-aged man also followed to make a statement. His appearance was strange, especially a pair of eyebrows, which were very eye-catching, like two sharp swords, which were really well deserved sword eyebrows!

"Just say it. Jianmei Gong, why do you mock sister Qingluo?"

A big man urn voice urn airway: "I Senluo Zong Zhang Baozhu also support Wanfeng palm teaching."

After that, the remaining leaders also expressed their attitudes one after another.

Among the other eight leaders, seven made a statement.

Among them, Wanfeng doesn't count him. There are four people standing on his side: Qingluo of qingxuanzong, Zhang Baozhu, the leader of Senluo hall, Zhang Wuxin of Wuji gate and Liu Zhiyin of Fengqin Pavilion.

The top ten masters, the Wanfeng side of the Wanling nest, which monopolizes five people, has long been firmly in an invincible position!

Although the only people who supported Li Jiaqi were Jianmei Gong of Dalao Jianzong, Zhuge Cong of xingmangzhai, and the Tibetans of Pingsha sect.

However, although there are few people on Li Jiaqi's side, it is not without any hope. As long as they can also have the support of five people, the two sides will be even. According to the rules, as the leader of the largest sect of Taoism, Li Jiaqi will have a veto in this case.

At this time, everyone's eyes focused on jiqianxun of Hengheng Valley, the peacemaker who proposed to vote before.

He is the most crucial vote. If he supports Li Jiaqi, Wan Feng's attack will fail today. If he supports Wan Feng or abstains, Li Hao will be in trouble, and Li Jiaqi and the Xiaoyao sect behind him will also be ashamed.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Ji Qianxun smiled as if he was flattered and said, "I have soft ears. What Wan Zhangjiao just said and Lord Xiao Li said, I think it's very reasonable. It's really difficult for me to vote for this vote!"

As soon as he said this, the people who supported Li Jiaqi immediately sank.

Obviously, the sleek old guy is going to abandon the ticket without help.

"The result is obvious. Five to four, the minority obeys the majority. Listen to the words of Wan Zhangjiao, and put the unknown man into the dark prison for a good review!"

Zhang Baozhu of senluozong seemed to be eager to stand up and announced: "this is the result of the joint vote of the top ten leaders. Even if you are the leader of the Taoist alliance, you can't break it!"

In a word, it is tantamount to announcing the result that Li Hao will be taken into prison.

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