Marshal Tianpeng, the messenger of the clean altar, is famous for talking about Zhu Bajie. Although it is not a good name, it is also the No. 1 figure in the fairy world.

This guy's experience is still popular in the world. It must be familiar to all Chinese people. Yes, that's one of the four famous works, journey to the West!

The experience of Zhu Bajie is the same as that described in the journey to the West. Marshal Tianpeng, who was originally the heaven's commander of 100000 heavenly soldiers in Tianhe, was beaten off the earth by the Immortal Emperor because he was drunk and flirted with Chang'e. he was cast into the wrong fetus and became a pig. Then he was enlightened by master Guanyin, escorted Tang monks to the west to learn scriptures, and became a double practitioner of immortals and Buddhas.

Therefore, his identity is very special. He is not only Marshal Tianpeng, but also an envoy of the altar of purification.

Moreover, this guy was indeed a genius before he mistakenly threw himself into a pig fetus. He was a natural water pulse. If anyone in the three worlds could cross the weak water without dying, there would be no second person except him.

Even Sun Wukong, his powerful senior brother who once made trouble in heaven, can't do it in front of the weak water!

Li Hao opened the chat record with Zhu Bajie, and then sent a message: "Marshal Tianpeng, in the lower world, Li Hao, I have one thing to ask. I don't know if I'm free?"

But Zhu Bajie didn't reply to Li Hao immediately.

"The dark prison is here!"

Suddenly, it was dark in front of him. The gold armor guard Lang drank and said, "I've seen the warden. I've been ordered by my Wanling nest leader to escort prisoner Li Hao here. Please open the door!"


At the dark stone gate, there was a brittle sound of metal machinery bouncing open, and then with a roar, the stone gate opened slowly.

"Get in!"

The golden armor guard snorted angrily and said, "near the dark prison, the real yuan internal breathing of anyone convicted will be blocked. Li Hao, you'd better not have any crooked thoughts!"

"When did your all souls nest say that others are guilty and others are guilty?"

A lazy voice came from the stone gate. It was like a breeze blowing on your face, but it was as heavy as thunder. You were unhappy and said, "don't you know whose territory this weak water dark prison is?"


As soon as the words fell, the two gold armor guards were blown upside down by a strong wind and fell to the ground, but they didn't dare to lose their temper at all. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed and said, "the villain was in a panic for a moment and didn't choose his words. Please forgive me, warden!"

"Get out!"

The cynical voice came again, but the two golden guards turned their heads and ran away like Amnesty.

"Boy, come in."

In the stone gate, the voice of the two gold armor guards came again: "although I can't change the result of the decision of the top ten leaders of the Taoist school, I can't see the face of the old guy of Wanling nest Wanfeng. Damn, I don't know if the Dragon ancestor is blind and will let the adoptive son of that kind of person get the dragon soul."

"Thank you, warden."

Li Hao nodded slightly towards the cave and felt the inner breathing of Zhenyuan in his body. He found that although Wanfeng tangled with a group of palm teachers to convict himself, Lingjing did not judge himself as a sinner. The Taoist prohibition near the dark prison did not seal his cultivation, so he could still call the inner breathing Zhenyuan in his body.

Walking closer to the cave, a cold force rushed into his body, which made Li Hao tremble.

However, immediately, the fire Qi Zhenyuan and Lei Qi Zhenyuan in his body worked on their own, and instantly resisted the cold.

"Not bad, eh?"

The warden's voice sounded from the void again. With the sensitivity of the cave, Li Hao clearly felt that there was an idea looking at himself in the dark. He only heard the warden's light Yi, and couldn't help but say, "what a powerful man, I can't even see through. Strange things, really strange things!"

"Is this the weak water prison?"

Li Hao stood still in the cave, looked around curiously and said, "it's dark enough here, but why don't you even see the shadow of weak water?"

"Shit! You must be crazy?"

Hearing Li Hao's words, the warden's voice was not calm and exclaimed, and said, "I had intended to take care of you. If you don't mention it, I won't let you go into the weak water. Just stand here. Although the weak water will still insidiously erode your body over a long time, it's not deep enough, but are you crazy and take the initiative to go into the weak water?"

"Since I came here, I naturally want to see the natural wonders of weak water since the founding of the world. Please help me."

Li Hao imitated Li Jiaqi's appearance and bowed his hand to the void.

"Psycho, it's a psycho!"

The warden muttered in a low voice. Then Li Hao only felt an invisible force rising from the soles of his feet, and then lifted his body up and threw it out heavily!


The strong wind filled his ears. Li Hao only felt a flower in front of him, and he "poof!" fell into a slender river!

Fortunately, he was ready to fall into the weak water, so he closed his breath in advance. Otherwise, such a falling water method will choke.

As soon as he fell into the water, Li Hao instinctively wanted to paddle his arms and legs to swim, but he found that his original skillful wateriness seemed to be completely ineffective at the moment. No matter how he swam his body, he couldn't float upward!

In the weak water, everything does not float!

Even the lightest feather, a fallen leaf, falling on the surface of the weak water will undoubtedly sink into the water, and there is no way to float!

"Pig Bajie, you pig head should come back to me quickly, otherwise, I will drown!"

Li Hao took out his mobile phone. Sanjie wechat emitted a faint fluorescence in the weak water, wrapped the mobile phone and would not be eroded by the weak water.

"This boy is really a talent, but he seems to have a bad brain. He even takes the initiative to enter the weak water. I'll sober him up. It shouldn't be too much."

In the inexplicable void, the warden's voice murmured to himself: "but I have to keep an eye on it. When the boy is about to drown or can't bear the insidious weak water, it's really troublesome..."

"Dao you Li Hao, an old pig just ate secretly in the imperial dining room of Xiandi... Ah, no! Cough, I was just sleeping, so I didn't see wechat. What's the matter?"

Thank God, when Li Hao was very anxious, his mobile phone finally vibrated slightly and received a reply from Zhu Bajie among the three wechat!

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