"This guy is really unreliable..."

Li Hao listened to Zhu Bajie's reply, smiled bitterly and shook his head with a confused face.

They have become the strong ones of the double cultivation of immortals and Buddhas, but they still know to eat all day, and they also secretly eat in the imperial dining room of the Immortal Emperor. They are really bold.

"I have a request. My life is at stake. Please give me your advice."

Li Hao is not convenient to speak in the weak water. He can only type honestly.

Fortunately, he can fully operate the wood Qi Zhenyuan in his body. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have to breathe in a short time. Otherwise, he will be suffocated alive.

"What's up, Li Hao, just ask. I'm sure I can help if I can!"

Pig Bajie replied again.

"I know you are a natural water pulse. You are the only existence in the sky and underground that can cross the weak water river. Therefore, if you want to ask for the way to understand and absorb the smell of weak water, please Marshal Tianpeng!"

Li Hao began to type politely again.


After listening to Li Hao's request, Zhu Bajie's voice was extremely shocked and said kindly: "Li Hao, Taoist friend, if you don't die, you won't die. Isn't it good for us to live well? Why do you have to provoke weak water?"

Then he said, as if he was afraid that Li Hao could not understand the magic of the weak water, and said, "this thing can not only sink everything and contain strange poison, but also affect people's spiritual will. It can't be touched, can't be touched!"

"Well... You're late. I'm already in there."

Li Hao smiled bitterly, and then gave pig Bajie a show off expression.

"My mother!"

Pig Bajie smiled bitterly and said, "my little Taoist friend Li Hao, you said you couldn't play well. Why can't you think of jumping into the weak river?!"

"Marshal Tianpeng, you can't bear to see me die like this? Otherwise, I'll send sister Chang'e a three world wechat before I die to let her know that you didn't save me and killed me."

Li Hao tilted his mouth and threatened.

"No! No, no, no!"

Pig Bajie was in a hurry and quickly said, "sister Chang'e has finally forgiven my old pig's frivolous crime. Although I have no relationship with her, I don't want her to blame me. Don't tell her that!"

After Li Hao got the wechat of the three worlds, he didn't expect that there was a way in the world that he, a natural saint, couldn't practice - he wasn't born with water pulse!!

A careless move will lose everything!

Although Li Hao is anxious, he is not desperate. This is the benefit of being honed by the original demons and the improvement of his spiritual realm after experiencing the disaster of unjust prison.

In a desperate situation, never despair.

As long as you live, as long as you have one breath, you still have hope!

"By the way, I've practiced the power of mixing soil. Water and soil cover up. Mixing soil can restrain weak water. You teach me the method of controlling water, and I will be able to learn it!!"

Suddenly, Li Hao's mind flashed and remembered that the earthy Zhenyuan in his body also came from a unique divine object. Even the barefoot immortal couldn't refine the earth!!


Hearing Li Hao's words, Zhu Bajie was stunned again and asked incredulously, "what do you mean? You mean, you can call a breath of soil?!"

"Not a trace, but a lot."

Li Hao's heart, which hung to his throat, finally fell back into his stomach and smiled. While maintaining the wood Qi Zhenyuan in his body, he used two purposes as one, and also called the earth Qi Zhenyuan.


A broad sense of virtue and carrying things emerged from Li Hao, and a faint yellow halo emerged from him. Soon, the weak water around Li Hao began to agitate!!

"Wow! Freak, where the hell did you come from!!"

The warden's voice came again, and then a golden dragon shadow condensed out of thin water above Li Hao!

A mini five clawed Golden Dragon with white beard fluttered and stared at Li Hao. He was surprised and said, "my God! It's really frightening... Oh, no, it's frightening the dragon!"

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