The golden five clawed little golden dragon hovered above the weak water, and his big eyes stared curiously at Li Hao sinking at the bottom of the water.

Dragon is the supreme of aquarium. As long as all dragon families are pure real dragon blood, not subspecies such as Jiaolong and pseudo dragon, they are all natural water blood, without exception!

This is the hegemony of the real dragon's blood. It's so strong and unreasonable!

But even the real dragon, Ao Xing only dared to stay in the weak water for a short time. He didn't dare to make waves at all. He was afraid of being eaten by the weak water and losing his life!

This is a sacred thing born from the beginning of heaven and earth when the ancestral Saint Pangu opened up the human world. Even the great saint Pangu only dared to take a ladle from three thousand weak waters!

Of course, his ladle is not much compared with Pangu's great sage and weak water, but it is also large. Weak water branches have been left in the human world and the fairy world that established faith in the human world in ancient times.

Jinlong Aoxing and his family are the guardians of the weak water branch of the human world, and Aoxing is lazy, so he doesn't leave the weak water side much on weekdays, so he mixes a warden Dangdang of the weak water dark prison in the Taoist gate.

Although few people know its identity, the leaders of the ten major schools have already jointly issued a ban. No one can offend the warden of the weak water and dark prison, otherwise he will be punished for the crime of opposing the family and passing demons, which will give Ao Xing face.

This is also the reason why just after Ao Xing was angry, the gold armor guards of the two Wanling nests were silent and scared to kneel down and beg for mercy.

The adopted son of Wanfeng of Wanling nest has awakened the dragon soul, and has been forced by the cow. He has infinite potential. However, in front of Aoxing, a serious real dragon, he is still inferior. It can be seen that the five clawed Golden Dragon is noble and powerful.

But it is such a noble and rare five clawed Golden Dragon. At the moment, it looks at Li Hao like a curious baby, smacks his mouth from time to time, and mutters to himself: "strange thing, strange thing, this human actually has the smell of soil, and dares to release it in the weak water. Are you not afraid to arouse the counterattack of the weak water and turn him into a pool of pus and blood?"

"What? You have the smell of soil?"

In the chat box of wechat in the three realms, after listening to Li Hao's words, Zhu Bajie was also stunned and said strangely, "I'm a good boy. It's something that even the barefoot immortal can't refine! Li Hao, are you amusing my old pig?"

"Do I still have time to joke about my life?"

Li Hao hurriedly urged, "first teach me the secret method, and then I promise I can give you enough benefits. I swear with the holy heart of humanity."

"Well, well, I believe you, I certainly believe you."

Zhu Bajie also heard the urgency in Li Hao's words. The light in the wechat of the three circles flashed, indicating that he sent Li Hao a red envelope.

Li Hao stretched out his hand a little, and the light flashed. Li Hao immediately felt a stream of information pouring into his mind again.

"Do the pithy tricks!"

Li Hao's heart was trembling and he was soon immersed in the secret method of water control passed to him by pig Bajie.

This set of secret Dharma was originally perfected by Marshal Peng on the same day. Later, he was demoted to the world. As a pig Bajie, he experienced the difficulty of ninety-nine and eighty-one again, and had a deeper understanding. After becoming a clean altar messenger in the Buddhist world, he also created this pithy Dharma more deeply, all of which are first-class water system Dharma Dharma Dharma!

The cave micro realm is fully open. Under the protection of Xi soil breath, the erosion of weak water is temporarily isolated by Li Hao, so that he can wholeheartedly understand the pithy formula taught to him by Zhu Bajie.

One, two, three

"Gollum, Gollum, Gollum!"

The weak water isolated by Li Hao gradually began to roll and give off gas bubbles, just like boiled boiling water, and began to impact frantically towards Li Hao.

"Sure enough, I knew, I knew."

The five clawed Golden Dragon Ao star stayed above the weak water and looked at Li Hao below. His eyes showed a touch of worry with great humanization and murmured: "If Xi soil can suppress one side here, it's just the smell of Xi soil. After briefly restraining the weak water, the weak water will fight back with all its strength. If you don't get him out again, I'm afraid the boy will be in danger."

Ao Xing tangled and pondered for a moment, then suddenly explored his claw in the void, held it in the air, and grabbed it in the weak water below. A dragon force gushed out and extended towards the weak water below, trying to catch Li Hao.


However, an unspeakable breath suddenly burst out of the weak water, and unexpectedly bounced all the dragon power released by AO Xing!

"How is that possible?!"

Ao Xing's face changed greatly. He looked at the weak water in front of him incredulously and exclaimed, "the anger of the weak water?! my God! The earth breathing released by this boy completely angered the weak water?!"

The anger of weak water is extremely terrible, and like weak water, which has no emotional thinking and only instinctive likes and dislikes, it is basically impossible to be angered. Tens of thousands of years later, the vicissitudes and changes of flood and famine seem to have triggered the anger of weak water only when Pangu Da Sheng took a ladle out of 3000 weak water.

However, the Holy One did not add to the disaster. Even though the mighty 3000 weak water could devour and drown everything, it was strongly suppressed by Pangu Da Sheng without causing any storm.

But they are the great sage of Pangu!

Now Li Hao has also aroused the anger of weak water, which is simply looking for death!

"Ben long is a good dragon. We shouldn't die."

Ao Xing hovered over the weak water. His face was full of tangles. After hesitating for a moment, he still clenched his teeth and said, "whatever, Ben long accidentally threw you into the weak water. Now we can't stand idly by."

With that, Ao Xing stretched out his dragon claw and no longer wasted his dragon power, but explored into the weak water with his own flesh and blood.


The sound of the oil pan entering the water suddenly sounded, and AO Xing directly bounced back into the air with pain, sending out a inhuman roar!

"It's killing the dragon! Lying trough! Has all the venom of the weak water gathered here?!"

Ao Xing's Dragon Beard flew over, trembling and covering his dragon claws. The Dragon scales on the Dragon claws that he just tried to reach into the weak water have been corroded and broken, and the blood on them is DC, flashing bright fluorescence!

Real dragon blood, priceless treasure!!

"What a strong poison of weak water Yin and cold!"

Li Hao, who was at the bottom of the weak water, finally opened his eyes again. A trace of fine light flashed through his eyes and murmured, "come on, I'm afraid you won't come!"

With that, he even thought and took the initiative to spread the real yuan protection around him#### Happy new year, today's seventh day, well, update will never be lazy again!!!

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