Li Jiaqi is alone and stands proudly in front of the Mountain Gate of the Wanling nest with his sword, but he alone frightens all the animal souls left by the experts of the Wanling nest for hundreds of years!!

Because in addition to cultivating the five Qi Tianxin formula, he is also an extremely rare natural thunder pulse. The noble positive Qi and Zhiyang attribute contained in the Tianlei are the energy that most restrains the Yin attribute of the soul.

"Li Jiaqi!!"

Wan Feng's face also showed a startled look. He was fierce but weak and roared: "do you have to force me to release the animal soul of the sages? Even if you are in charge of Tianlei, you will be seriously injured by the impact of 10000 souls. If you mess around like this, my Wanling nest will really live with you!!"

"My brother has a life. It's not enough to kill you. We're already immortal!!"

Li Jiaqi's tone was cold and fierce. At the moment, his eyes were filled with a tyrannical blue light. The whole person seemed to have no feelings. He opened his mouth and announced the fate of thousands of disciples from the Wanling nest.

"Lord Li, what are you doing?"

A burst of drink came. The hall of Senluo hall advocated that Baozhu should come in the air. Standing on Wanfeng's side, he glared at Li Hao and asked, "do you know what you're doing?! you're setting off civil strife in the Taoist sect. Now it's an extraordinary period when the demon clan is ready to move. You're really ignorant!"

"Get out of the way!"

Li Jiaqi's long hair flew fiercely behind his head. His eyes without emotion looked at Zhang Baozhu in front of him and said faintly, "no matter how much things happen, even you will kill together!"


Zhang Baozhu's face changed because of Li Jiaqi's anger, but Li Jiaqi felt like a sharp sword!

"Lord Xiao Li is possessed?"

A sound like the tinkling sound of a zither sounded. Liu Zhiyin, the leader of Fengqin Pavilion, also appeared around Wanfeng. There was a cold light in Feng's eyes and said, "what's the difference between opening your mouth and threatening to kill the leader of ten major Taoist schools?"

"For your surname Liu's sake, I'll spare you and get out!"

Li Jiaqi's eyes flickered a little, and then the thunder sword in his hand was mercilessly waved and cut off at Wan Feng and Zhang Baozhu!

The divine sword leads thunder, and the gods avoid easy!

"Back first!!"

Zhang Baozhu was so frightened by Li Jiaqi's sword that his hair stood upright. He quickly dodged to the side of Wanfeng. The sound of thousands of animals in Wanling's nest suddenly exploded, forming a light picture printed with all kinds of birds and animals. He flew out of Wanling's nest and turned into a light curtain in front of Wanling's nest!


The sword Qi with thunder light was fiercely cut on the light curtain. Suddenly, the door of the all souls nest seemed to tremble three times, and countless birds and animals on the light curtain immediately burst into sobs!

"So strong!!"

"NIMA, his cultivation is obviously similar to ours. Why is his attack so strong?!"

Liu Zhiyin and Zhang Baozhu were stunned and deeply shocked by the power of Li Jiaqi's sword!

At the beginning of the last human demon war, Li Jiaqi alone defeated the top ten demon kings. Although he was shocked, it was killed by Li Jiaqi alone in the demon family territory. Many Taoist monks have not witnessed and felt his strength. Until today's sword, they understand the gap between themselves and Li Jiaqi!

They are also Zhenyuan accomplishments of famous sect leaders, but their combat effectiveness was dumped by Li Jiaqi!!

"Although he has the same cultivation accomplishments, he is the most real person. He can call the power of every true yuan breath in his body to the extreme. There is no waste in the process of exercising Kung Fu. The natural power is terrible."

Wan Feng looked dignified and said, "and he was born with thunder pulse. This divine sword thunder formula was originally the first-class strong attack method in the world. It's reasonable to have this power."

"What should we do?"

Zhang Baozhu looked at Wanfeng and asked in a hurry.


Wan Feng said, "although his magic sword is strong, it's not so easy to break through the beast map defense accumulated by the hundred years of our all souls nest. Although the three of us are not his opponents, we can jointly suppress this guy as long as they arrive!"

"Can we do it?"

Zhang Baozhu swallowed his saliva, his face was full of worry, and said, "a few years ago, this boy went deep into the demon family alone and pressed the top ten demon kings alone!"

"Hum, I know something about it."

Wan Feng's eyes flashed and snorted coldly: "those fools of the demon family only knew to fight their own battles, and they would be defeated by Li Jiaqi one by one. If one of their ten demon kings was a cunning fox or mouse family, Li Jiaqi would never have dared to do that at the beginning, otherwise they would have been ambushed and killed by them!"

"It was after that war that he established his invincible confidence and broke through to the realm of human beings."

Liu Zhiyin sighed and said, "in this way, the stupidity of the demon family really made him."

"Wait, I've summoned sister Qingluo. Although she is practicing now, she will come as soon as possible. We just have to hold on."

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Wanfeng once again injected his true yuan internal breathing cultivation into the beast map covering the Wanling nest.

Looking at Li Jiaqi, who was frantically attacking from a short distance away, his eyes were so gloomy that it seemed as if water was about to drip!

Although he has not suffered any damage now, and the disciples of Wanling nest have not suffered any damage under the protection of the beast map, as the second largest sect of Taoism, this kind of thing that thousands of people are surrounded and beaten at the door by one person not only humiliates Wanfeng, Even the faces of all ancestors and ancestors of the all souls nest are completely lost today!!

Since the founding of Wanling nest, no one has ever been bullied like this even when it was weak!!

"When sister Qingluo comes, the four of us work together and must kill him by force with the force of thunder. It's a shame before the snow!!"

Wan Feng clenched his fists and thought of it in his heart.

At this moment, when the angry Li Jiaqi was alone roaring at the Mountain Gate of the Wanling nest, Li Hao, who had persisted for a week under the package of the anger of the weak water in the remote weak water dark prison, finally had some reaction.

The anger of weak water, which was originally boiling, has become calm again because Li Hao absorbs and discharges it again and again. However, the violent energy and weak water breath of the original anger of weak water have been stripped out bit by bit by Li Haoli with the magic formula. Based on the water attribute of the blood of the real dragon, he began to melt and condense his own water vapor true yuan.


Suddenly, Li Hao's eyes, which had been closed for a week, opened again. There seemed to be two whirlpools running in his deep and empty eyes!


His arms vibrated, and the weak water that had calmed down all over his body suddenly ran away and boiled again!!

At this moment, he even urged the weak water again with his own will!!

Ao Xing, who had been suspended in mid air, was startled by the sudden surge of the weak water below. The whole dragon bounced up and stared in horror at Li Hao, who was slowly lifted out of the water by the water from the weak bottom.

"Wow! Even my real dragon can't do such a thing!"

Ao Xing's eyes were almost falling out of his eyes. When he grew up, his mouth roared, "Mom! People are really more angry than dragons!!" ###### second, please give us more support!

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