Li Hao can't describe what he feels at the moment.


Unprecedented strength!

Beside the essence of the essence of wood, the essence of fire, the essence of the essence of life and the essence of the essence of thunder, the essence of a new essence of water is thoroughly condensed and glittering and translucent. Actually, it looks like a gentle VAILLANT.

Since then, in addition to the extra thunder Qi Zhenyuan, Li Hao's five Qi Tianxin formula has also condensed enough four Qi!!

And the essence of the four Qi Zhenyuan condensed by Li Hao is unprecedented!

Wood Qi is condensed from the aura of fairy celestial herbs. The fire is condensed by the fire property of the snake and the dragon's blood, while the earth's spirit is condensed by the essence and breath of the earth. Water vapor is also the essence and breath of heaven and earth, the essence of the weak water and the water properties of the dragon's blood.

This unique cultivation foundation is something that everyone can't even think of!

It can be said that in the future, all monks and monsters who practice wood attribute, fire attribute, earth attribute, water attribute and thunder attribute skill will be comprehensively suppressed in the face of Li Hao. It is estimated that it will be good to give full play to half of their original strength!

This kind of suppression is absolute. Even if the other party's cultivation is stronger than Li Hao, it can't be avoided.

It can be said that even if Li Jiaqi uses wood, fire, earth and water, he will also be suppressed by Li Hao. As for Lei Qi, he is born with Lei pulse after all. Even if Li Hao's Lei Qi is strengthened by the thunder attribute in the blood of the real dragon, he can only be on an equal footing with him and can't beat him in Lei attribute.

At the moment, Li Hao, who left the customs in the weak water, can be said to be truly reborn and become a butterfly.

He not only succeeded in condensing the essence of the essence of water and Qi, but also made his true yuan and interest to rise. Moreover, he obtained the blood of the true dragon by chance and coincidence, and promoted the original essence of the relatively weak fire and the essence of Lei Qi Zhen Yuan.

It can be said that today's Li Hao is not a problem even to deal with ten Li Hao before closing at the same time!

Now, originally full of hostility to him, he is attacking and eroding his weak water with malice all the time, and he is very close to Li Hao.

Li Hao felt his soaring Zhenyuan cultivation and gradually became familiar with the power in his body.

"It's dangerous..."

Li Hao closed his eyes and, under the internal vision of the cave, carefully examined his body from inside to outside. He was relieved until everything was settled and found that there was no problem.

This time, it's too dangerous to enter the weak water directly.

Zhu Bajie's taojue, Li Hao's own soil breathing, and AO Xing's unintentional contribution of real dragon blood.

If these three lack any of them, Li Hao will certainly drink hatred here and be eroded by the anger of weak water into a pool of pus and blood!

However, although the process is extremely dangerous, the harvest after success is also quite gratifying!

Now, Li Hao really has the powerful strength that can dominate one side even in Taoism. In terms of cultivation, he is only a line weaker than Li Jiaqi, a super master at the level of ten sect leaders. In terms of actual combat effectiveness, Li Hao even surpasses some masters at the level of ten sect leaders!

"Is this your excellency Zhenlong?"

Looking at his five clawed Golden Dragon close at hand, Li Hao smiled and arched his hand at Ao Xing: "I would also like to thank you for your help."

"Cough, yes, yes."

Ao Xing coughed slightly, then walked around Li Hao and said, "I'm a good boy. I didn't expect someone to be able to refine the smell of weak water. Ben long is really knowledgeable. He's blind my golden dragon eyes!"


Li Hao humbly shook his head, and then his heart moved. All the weak water on his body was evaporated and fell back into the weak water pool.

"But you're such a psycho. I've never seen anyone or any race dare to play weak water!"

Ao Xing hovered around Li Hao. Because he deliberately reduced his body shape, he looked like a golden ribbon. He was dignified and said with emotion: "your boy doesn't want to die in order to become stronger. This dragon suit alone."

"It's not good to be strong..."

Li Hao sighed with emotion, suddenly flashed a trace of blood red in his eyes, clenched his fist and said, "I'm here to practice in order to become stronger at the fastest speed!"

With his words, the weak water below surged violently again, as if Li Hao's emotion represented the emotion of weak water.

In ancient times, there was a legend that saints were angry and thousands of miles away. Today, Li Hao has a faint taste of this.


Ao Xing's dragon body couldn't help shivering and sucked a cold airway: "I drop a dragon mother ah, what a terrible murderous spirit!"

"I have a man who must be killed, or... Something that must be killed."

Li Hao took a deep breath, the blood red in his eyes slowly receded, and his expression was calm, as if he were talking about an ordinary thing.

Ao Xing could feel that Li Hao's insipidity was not because he didn't care, but a kind of indifference with strong killing intention. After reaching the extreme, things will turn against each other.

You can guess without asking it. Li Hao must have thought about how to become stronger in his mind countless times, and then went to find the person he had to kill, or... Things, to revenge!

This hatred has been engraved into the bone and blood and deep into the soul. At the moment, Li Hao is like the tranquility before the storm, hiding his power and biding his time, brewing the most terrible revenge!

There was no reason. Ao Xing suddenly began to sympathize with the man Li Hao was going to kill.

It's a tragedy to be remembered by such a terrible genius who doesn't want to die

"Anyway, even if it's a coincidence, since you got my real dragon's blood, it's half of our real dragon. In the future, you'll be my brother. I'll help you with revenge!"

Ao Xing came close to Li Hao and gently rubbed Li Hao with the Dragon horn on his head, showing great intimacy.

"Thank you."

Li Hao smiled and nodded.

Only a few drops of real blood of the real dragon family can help him so much. It can be seen that it is powerful. If you can take the real dragon to help at that time, the grasp of killing the original demons will be able to go to another level!

"Cough, since we are brothers, you are always embarrassed not to help if the brother wants to see you?"

Ao Xing leaned in front of Li Hao with a shy face and smiled like "you promised to be my brother, but you can't go back".


Li Hao was slightly sluggish and looked at Ao Xing. He suddenly felt that he had been trapped.

Oh, no!

Not by people, but by Longkeng

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