"Cough, don't look at Ben long with such an expression. We are brothers. Ben long is a civilized and polite dragon. How can he pit you?"

Looking at Li Hao, Ao Xing coughed again with a guilty conscience and smiled.

"When you say that, I feel more and more trapped."

Li Hao looked at Ao Xing angrily and said.

"It's really not. Ben long wants to tell you. It's a great good thing. Many people can't go if they want to!"

Ao Xing was worried when he saw whether Li Hao believed it or not. He turned around Li Hao and said, "I just want you to go in with me when Longxu Valley is opened. If you don't believe it, when the news of the birth of Longxu Valley comes out, these guys in daomen must have broken their heads like crazy and want to get in!"

"Longxu Valley?"

Li Hao frowned slightly, looked at the real dragon Aoxing and said, "this place sounds like the chassis of your dragon family. Do you want me to accompany you back to your hometown?"

"Wrong wrong wrong!!"

Ao Xing raised a dragon claw, waved his hand in a human manner and said: "The Dragon virtual Valley is not the chassis of the dragon family, but a place set up by Lord ZuLong to train and sharpen the real dragons of future generations. In other words, when our dragon family flourished in ancient times, this dragon virtual Valley could not be entered by any dragon family. Only the real dragon with the purest blood and the most noble status like me is qualified to enter!!"

With that, Ao Xing proudly held up his small faucet, and the dragon beard flew between his nose and breath, like a big star after the performance, waiting for the crowd's cheers and applause.

After a few breaths, Ao Xing opened his eyes and found that Li Hao didn't mean to applaud and cheer at all. He scratched his head with his little claw in embarrassment, and then walked around to Li Hao's side and said, "anyway, brother, you can trust me. There are treasures in there, and there is a dragon's gate in the deepest place. Once you can jump over the dragon's gate, there will be a unique fortune!!"

"There is no free lunch."

After hearing the many benefits of Longxu Valley, Li Hao's eyes suddenly became hot, but he was not dazzled by the huge temptation. Instead, he opened his mouth carefully and asked, "since there are so many benefits here, how can you want me to go in with you and have more share?"

"Cough, how on earth does your boy's brain grow so cautious?"

Ao Xing rolled his eyes. He seemed to be completely defeated by Li Hao. He hung in front of him dejectedly and said honestly, "I want you to go in because you have a good character and want you to protect me."

"I protect you?"

Li Hao looked at Ao Xing with some surprise, and his eyes were full of doubt.

Although he has condensed the water vapor true yuan of weak water, his cultivation has increased greatly, and the true yuan of other attributes have also been improved, he has not lost his head because of his soaring strength.

In the cave micro realm, he could clearly feel that although he could take advantage if he played in weak water, the strength of the little dragon in front of him was not as harmless as it seemed.

This is a real dragon!!

It is really abnormal that it should say that it needs Li Hao to protect it.

"Well, you protect me."

Ao Xing also put away his cynicism and said solemnly: "There is a dragon's gate in the deepest part of Longxu valley. Real dragons of all dynasties will go there to experience. The road to the dragon's gate is full of honing for real dragons. I will naturally become extremely weak after dealing with those trials. In fact, I will only suffer more than you in Longxu valley. I won't have any privilege if I don't jump over the dragon's gate."

"Those trials will kill you?"

Li Hao's face showed a trace of surprise, and he secretly smacked his tongue in his heart: "the dragon family is really cruel enough to take the initiative to set such a cruel life and death temper for his best offspring!"

"As long as you don't rush forward with an egg, you may not be killed by the trial, but it's easy to be half dead."

Ao Xing played the dragon claw with love and hate and said, "what I really want you to protect is that you can help me repel those greedy bad guys and demon families when I am extremely weak after trial."

"Will Terrans and demons go in?"

Li Hao was really surprised.

Since Longxu Valley is a place set up by ZuLong to sharpen the real dragon, why would humans and demons who are not dragon people be allowed to enter?

"Cough, in ancient times, when the dragon clan prospered, naturally there was no share of the human clan and the demon clan."

Ao Xing coughed awkwardly and said, "at that time, every time Longxu valley was born, it was the powerful elders of the dragon family who helped instill energy to open it, but now there is only a real dragon left in heaven and earth. No one loves it. How can you get the energy to open Longxu Valley alone? You can only borrow from the Terrans and demons!"

"I see."

Li Hao nodded and finally understood the reason.

After every birth opportunity of the Dragon virtual Valley comes, if you want to really open it, you must pour in huge energy. Ao Xing dragon alone can't output so huge energy, so you have to help with the power of daomen and demon clan.

The Terrans and demons will not make efforts in vain. There are trials and treasures in the Dragon virtual valley. Naturally, they also want to go in and take a share.

"If you go to the level of the top ten demon kings, I can't stop it."

Li Hao pondered.

"No, no, don't worry."

Ao Xing shook his head again and again and said, "there is a boundary in the Dragon virtual valley. As long as the strength is stronger than my real dragon, there is no way to enter. My cultivation is now a line lower than the experts at the level of the top ten masters of the Taoist school and the top ten demon kings of the demon family. We are almost the same, so the people who can enter and the demon cultivation will not be higher than us."

With that, Ao Xing winked at Li Hao with a cheap smile and said, "Hey, brother! What's your strength? I don't know? Even Ben Long's hard work may not be able to stabilize you. It's not easy to catch several bad guys and demons?"

"I'll think about it."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and mused.

"Don't think about it!"

Ao Xing sadly floated in front of Li Hao, shook his head and tail and said, "benlong promised you that in Longxu Valley, benlong will try his best to guide you to find useful treasures for you. If our brothers can fight to the deepest part of Longxu Valley at one breath, benlong will take you to jump the dragon gate!! how about it?"

"It's a deal?"

Li Hao's eyes brightened again.

"As long as the real dragon says, forty horses are hard to catch!"

Ao Xing nodded heavily.


Li Hao nodded and promised, "then I'll accompany you to Longxu Valley!"

"Hey, hey, good brother!"

Seeing Li Hao's promise, Ao Xing immediately smiled, and then seemed to suddenly think of something. He opened his mouth to Li Hao and said, "Oh, by the way, you'd better go to the gate of Wanling nest quickly. Later, your brother is afraid to fight with the four masters!"


After listening to it, Li Hao's face changed again, and the weak water in the pool below also set off a storm!

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