Declare war!!

In mid air, Li Hao's white robe flew over, the imperial dragon patrolled the sky, and fiercely stretched out his hand and pointed at Qingluo.

This is a naked declaration of war!!

The whole space seemed to freeze at this moment. Looking at Li Hao on the back of five clawed Golden Dragon Ao star, everyone inexplicably felt an extremely repressive power.

For a time, all monks who have reached a certain level of cultivation can feel it. When Li Hao mentioned this sentence, there was an invisible line connecting him with the nine sects of qingxuanzong, Fengqin Pavilion, Wuji gate, Zongheng Valley, Senluo hall, Daluo sword sect, xingmangzhai, Pingsha sect and wanlingchao.

In particular, the five sects, qingxuanzong, Fengqin Pavilion, Senluo hall, Wuji gate and Wanling nest, which have had grievances with Li Hao, have very close invisible clues. Even their disciples can feel something coming on them.

This is the power of cause and effect, also known as karma.

On that day, they framed Li Hao. Li Hao accepted it calmly and made an agreement that he must come to the door to challenge after he was released from prison in the future.

For the cause of the day, there will be fruit in the future.

This is the cycle of heaven, drink and peck.

When selling the secret script of the five element divine needle to Li Hao, the medical immortal Bian que once said that if he could, he didn't want to receive Li Hao's incense vow and wanted to give this set of secret script to Li Hao for practice, but that would be contaminated with cause and effect, which is not good for him and Li Hao.

The power of cause and effect can't even be dissolved by immortals, let alone Taoist monks?

Feeling the invisible influence, Zhang Baozhu and Qingluo both look iron blue.

Obviously, if the strongest disciple of their sect is defeated, all the disciples, including their own minds, will be covered with dust, which will greatly hinder the improvement of cultivation in the future. If they dare to tear up the agreement and avoid the war, the counterattack of the invisible causal force will damage their Taoism. If it is serious, It's not impossible to let them die!

On the contrary, those who did not harm Li Hao, such as Da Luo Jianzong, Pingsha sect and other sects, will not be affected by the force of causality as long as they fight, whether they win or lose, because they did not owe Li Hao before, and there is no major causality between the two sides.

Since ancient times, only saints can avoid disaster and cause and effect. In addition, no one can get rid of the bondage of karma.

"What's the fear of fighting?"

Qingluo has a strong waist. Even if she is wearing a loose Luo skirt and thin shirt, she still can't hide her moving Miaoman figure.

"Yes! Even though we have never been afraid of ferocious demons, how can we be frightened by a wild species wandering outside?"

Zhang Baozhu snorted coldly.

"If you want to die, I can help you!"

In Li Jiaqi's eyes, there seemed to be two substantive lightning flashes. The thunder sword in his hand came out of its scabbard. Zhang Baozhu suddenly felt numb!

"Brother, No."

Just when Li Jiaqi was about to take action, Li Hao suddenly opened his mouth and stopped him.

As soon as he patted Ao Xing's Dragon horn, Li Hao slowly approached Zhang Baozhu by taking the five clawed Golden Dragon. His clear eyes looked at him without blinking. Although there was no anger in his eyes, it seemed that there were 3000 weak water ups and downs in his eyes, which made people cold.

"I grew up in an orphanage, so in the past, ah, I actually felt inferior."

Li Hao sighed, as if he was lamenting the difficulty of his life experience and wanted to win the sympathy of others.

But before Zhang Baozhu could react, he then said angrily, "so, from childhood to childhood, I hate people calling me a wild seed!!"

In a word, there are many dark clouds in the sky!!

Say change!!

"Zhang Baozhu, when I challenge to Senluo hall, don't send out the best disciples of your sect."

Li Hao looked at Zhang Baozhu and said word by word, "I'll beat you all over the ground to find your teeth!"


Zhang Baozhu gave a "click" in his heart and suddenly felt that the invisible line entangled him and Li Hao deeper and tighter. If he didn't agree, he would leave a flaw in his heart and cause great disaster in the future!

"The Lord of this temple is waiting for you!"

Zhang Baozhu shook his head, recovered his mind, and cursed Li Hao: "first pray that you can challenge my Senluo hall alive!!"

"It won't bother you."

Li Haogen didn't argue with him. Now he has become a climate. Some things can be solved by hands. He is really too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Come on, let's go home."

Li Jiaqi also ignored them. As the only expert in the realm of human beings in the Taoist school, he can naturally feel that Li Hao is not simple now. Now the momentum of his brother is that even he faintly feels a hint of danger!


Li Hao nodded. A trace of excitement appeared in his deep eyes.

Although he is already a rich man in the secular world, although he can buy several hundreds of square meters of villas and luxury houses in a place like the Pearl where many people can't afford half a house all their life with an inch of land and gold, but those are just houses, not homes.

Home is where there are close relatives whose blood is thicker than water.

"Li Hao is also Ben Long's brother. He returns to Xiaoyao sect. Of course, Ben long has to join the fun!"

Seeing the reunion of Li Hao and Li Jiaqi brothers, naughty broken mouth long Aoxing also wanted to join the fun and refused to go.

Li Hao and Li Jiaqi flew back to the location of Xiaoyao sect from the all souls nest together. At this time, the whole Xiaoyao sect had been decorated up and down, and all the large doors with thousands of disciples were immersed in a festive atmosphere, just like the Spring Festival in the secular world.

"Look, the Lord is back!"

"Wow! Who is the man riding the Dragon next to the patriarch? Is it the second young master who has been wandering away for so many years?"

"Nonsense! You see, he looks like the patriarch. He must be his own brother!"

"Wow! The second young master can ride a dragon back, my God! Isn't that awesome?!"

"One, two, three, four, five claws! Full five claws! This is the real dragon!!"

After seeing Ao Xing's figure, some knowledgeable disciples of Xiaoyao sect shouted excitedly, "it's not a three legged tianmang, nor a four legged Jiaolong, it's a five clawed golden dragon, the blood of a real dragon!!"

"Hum, see? Ben rondora?"

On the high sky, Ao Xing proudly raised his head and looked at Li haodao.


Li Hao nodded.

However, before Ao Xing continued to boast about his real dragon's identity, the disciples of Xiaoyao sect who recognized his identity roared again.

"The second young master caught a real dragon as a pet. It's so awesome!"

"The second young master is invincible! Real dragon! I can't imagine that such a divine beast can be subdued!"

"Look at its clever appearance. It must have been taught by the second young master!"


After hearing these words, Ao Xing's dragon face covered with golden dragon scales was almost green and almost didn't cry.

It can't count how many times it has been treated as a pet today

"Welcome the second young master back to the mountain gate!"

When Li Hao and his family approached the sky above Xiaoyao sect, eight old men in blue took off and bowed down to Li Hao.

"Welcome the second young master back to the mountain gate!!"

Immediately behind them, thousands of disciples of the whole Xiaoyao sect bowed down and shouted in unison.

"Brother, welcome home."

Li Jiaqi stood in the air, looked at Li Hao deeply and said sincerely.

In this situation, Li Hao only felt a heat flow surging fiercely in his chest and choking in his throat. For a time, he couldn't control the moisture in his eyes

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