"Everyone, good autumn!"

Li Hao took a deep breath, calmed down his excited mood, and then bowed his hand towards the bottom, carried Zhenyuan's internal breathing, and answered the way towards the bottom.

Hearing his response, the disciples of xiaoyaozong below smiled kindly, got up one after another, and then looked up curiously at Li Hao.

"The real dragon comes and the blessing follows. It seems that the return of the second young master is a great blessing of my Xiaoyao sect!"

A garrison master of Xiaoyao sect smiled, looked up and down at Li Hao, and then said with concern: "second young master, you have just come out of the weak water dark prison. Your body is important. Let's take you back to the sect first. Don't worry. Even if we don't fight for this sound, we will definitely try our best to eliminate the influence of the weak water breath on you and don't delay your cultivation."

"All souls nest wolf is ambitious. His actions are despicable and his heart should be killed!"

Another old cabinet member of Xiaoyao sect snorted coldly, quite angry.

"It doesn't matter. Thank you for your worry. I'm fine."

Li haoqian humbly nodded to several old cabinet members and opened his mouth to comfort them.

As soon as he said this, the carefree elders who met him for the first time looked at him more and more cordially.

In fact, Li Hao is very modest as long as he calls their predecessors, but he calls them elders. Although the elders look only one word different from their predecessors, the meaning is very different.

The elders may only have high accomplishments or old age, while the elders are family members, their own people and relatives.

Most of these cabinet leaders fought for the rise of Xiaoyao sect together with Li Hao and Li Jiaqi's father and old patriarch Li Yunfei when they were young.

They have devoted their whole life to Xiaoyao sect, and they are brothers and sisters with Li Yunfei. Naturally, they treat Li Jiaqi and Li Hao as their own children. Hearing Li Hao's warm elders, several old cabinet members' eyes can't help but turn red.

"Second young master, the poison of weak water is no small matter. Although it may feel harmless when the poison is not deep, it is very deep. There will be great hidden dangers in the future, so we have to check it!"

The big garret, who ranked first in the garret, stood up and said earnestly, "you may not understand very well. If you can't completely eliminate the poison of weak water, it will do great harm to your future cultivation!"

"Yes, second young master!"

After the big cabinet elder said this, all the cabinet elders began to advise: "my little ancestor, you must not take the weak water poison seriously! If the weak water poison is so useless, Wanfeng's old thief won't plan to get you in!"

Feeling the heartfelt concern of these cabinet elders, Li Hao was warm, but he also smiled bitterly.

He always wanted to explain to them that he was really okay, but these elders said a word to you and me and didn't give him a chance to get in.


Li Hao has been unwilling to interrupt the care of the elders, but the real dragon Aoxing under him was impatient. He opened his mouth and gave a deafening dragon chant, interrupting the words of the elders.

"Are you old men bothered? Didn't Li Hao say he's okay? He's still talking and talking here. Ben Long's ears are going to explode!"

Ao Xing snorted angrily and said, "Ben long promises you that even if Li Hao takes a bath in weak water, he will be fine! You don't have to worry! He doesn't need weak water poison to deal with others. If weak water poison can hurt him, Ben long Ao Xing's name will be written down!!"



After hearing Ao Xing's anger, all the elders were stunned and looked at each other one by one. They didn't know whether the immature real dragon was reliable or not.

"Please rest assured that I'm really all right."

Li Hao smiled, stretched out his hand, spread out his palm, and moved his mind. Under the traction of water vapor Zhenyuan in his body, Li Hao condensed a ball of water out of thin air and handed it to the elders in front of the attic.


Seeing the water polo handed over by Li Hao, the elders of xiaoyaozong curiously put their heads together. At first glance, it didn't matter, but when they concentrated and felt for a while, all of them suddenly changed their faces!

"There's a smell of weak water in here?!"

"My God!"

"Although it's not as strong and obvious as real weak water, it's not wrong. It's really the smell of weak water!!"

A crowd of cabinet elders looked at Li Hao like monsters, with incredible words in their eyes.

"Second young master, you... Have really been recognized by weak water?"

After a long time, the old man swallowed his spit and asked Li Hao carefully.


Li Haoda nodded generously and admitted.

"Hahaha, heaven's dependents are my carefree sect, and heaven's dependents are my Terran!!!"

A group of cabinet elders suddenly became happy and laughed from their original worries, and even several people laughed and left tears.

"Since then, there are two young masters here. How dare the demon family be presumptuous?"

The second cabinet old man waved his sleeve robe and said, "if you dare to invade, direct the weak water and let them all have no return!!"

"I'm Xiaoyao sect. Since then, the position of the largest sect of this sect in a hundred years, no one can move!"

The old man in the third cabinet said with a loud smile: "Wanfeng, the old thief, tried every means to entrap the second young master, but he didn't expect to make a fool of himself. Instead, he achieved the second young master. Yes, the Kirin and Gemini are destiny. Can he rewrite the destiny!!"

"Second young master, the auspicious hour is almost here. Let's take you to the ancestral hall of Xiaoyao sect and recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors!"

The four garrisons in charge of etiquette leaned slightly towards Li Hao and said respectfully, "if the spirit in heaven of the old patriarch Yunfei can see this day, it will be smiling."


Li Hao nodded back.

"Play music!!"

The old tongues of the four garrisons burst with spring thunder. Suddenly, from the main hall of Xiaoyao sect below, a stirring bell sounded leisurely. Li Hao rode down by the dragon, cleaned his hands and wore a crown surrounded by a group of Xiaoyao sect disciples, and then walked side by side with Li Jiaqi into the main hall of the ancestral hall dedicated to the ancestors of Xiaoyao sect.

"Today, Li's blood recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestors. He visits his ancestors and returns to my Xiaoyao sect wall!"

As the leader of the clan, Li Jiaqi took the lead in saluting. Li Hao stood behind him, followed by three kowtows and nine obeisances.

When it was all over, the ceremony had been going on all night.

A beam of spiritual light flew out of the ancestral hall of Xiaoyao sect and went straight into the sky. Almost all the senior leaders of Xiaoyao sect could feel it. Since Li Hao recognized his ancestors and returned to his family, the school's prosperity of Xiaoyao sect soared again, brilliant, dignified and unshakable!

"Everyone, today I want to fulfill the challenge agreement, starting from qingxuanzong, who ranks 10th among the ten major doors, and challenge upward one by one!"

Facing the rising sun, Li Hao looked up to the sky and roared, "raise the power of my Xiaoyao school!!"

Looking at the proud figure under the sunrise, for a time, thousands of disciples of Xiaoyao sect were infected, waved their fists vigorously, and shouted excitedly after them!!




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