Because he has not mastered the art of flying, although Ao Xing is no longer willing, he has to temporarily act as Li Hao's "flying tool" and fly in the sky with him.

"Brother Rui, you are not only the son of the big cabinet old man, but also the adopted son recognized by the patriarch in those years. Originally, you were the second young master of our Xiaoyao sect. Now this Li Hao suddenly returns, will you be unhappy?"

Among the free and unfettered crowd below, a young man in white smiled and asked a tall and straight young man beside him.

"It's not too big for you to watch the excitement here."

Li Rui glanced at him unhappily, glanced away and said, "Li Hao must be the parent-child of his adoptive father. No doubt, it's natural for him to come back to recognize his ancestors and return home. I'm not happy yet. Why are you unhappy?"

"Brother Rui, that's what you say, but dare you say you don't feel a little uncomfortable?"

The young man in white looked at Li Rui and said with a smile: "ha ha, it seems that I have spent the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart. Unexpectedly, brother Rui, you can reach the state of spoiling, humiliating and forgetting. Tut Tut, is it the legendary spotless heart and a feather without body?"

"Roll the calf!"

Li Rui heard his younger martial brother's ridicule and pushed him with a smile.

A spotless heart and a feather do not add body, but the profound realm of human beings is still in the realm of cave and micro. Even Li Jiaqi and Li Hao have not reached it. How can he enter?

Then, Li Hao raised his head and looked at the white robe of the dragon flying in the air. Li Hao's eyes twinkled slightly. The fist in the sleeve robe clenched unconsciously and murmured: "however, if he doesn't have enough strength, I won't recognize him as a second brother..."

"Second young master, you are going to challenge the nine sects one by one. This is not a children's play. Do you need to go to the treasure house of our Xiaoyao sect and choose some magic weapons?"

The big attic old man stood beside Li Hao and suggested, "even if it's the magic weapon of some of our old guys, you can take it as long as you like it, second young master."


Li Hao shook his head and said, "I have reached the peak of the cave micro realm and have the highest grasp of myself. I am the most satisfactory magic weapon. If other magic weapons are available, even if they are powerful, they can't be familiar with the use, which is in vain and even drag me down."

"The second young master's high opinion is that the old man's concern is chaotic."

After listening to Li Hao's words, the old man in the big cabinet bowed his hands and retreated to the side.

Li Jiaqi smiles. He is also the first realm of human beings. He knows that Li Hao's words are very reasonable. The cave realm has extremely high control over his body. It can be said that any magic weapon is not necessary for them.

The reason why he still uses Lei Shenjian is that he has been using this magic tool since he was a child. He has already reached the realm of the unity of man and sword. People are connected with the spirit of the sword. Lei Shenjian is not so much a powerful magic tool as Li Jiaqi's right arm.

"Should the second young master learn some of the Taoism of our Xiaoyao sect?"

The second cabinet old man couldn't help but suggest: "although Taoism needs a long time to practice, now the time is in a hurry, but he can sharpen his gun at the moment. He's not happy!"

"Er Ge Lao, I have mastered the thunder drawing skill of divine sword."

Li Hao smiled.

The divine sword thunder guiding technique is the most powerful Taoist formula of Xiaoyao sect, and it can even be said to be the top Dharma formula in the whole Taoism! No one!!

"Since the second young master is ready for everything, we can only wish the second young master a victory first, press the leaders of the Qing Xuanzong, and let the three thousand blessed land of the Taoist gate know the power of my Xiaoyao sect again!!"

The older he looked at Li Hao, the more satisfied he felt. The more he looked at Li Hao, the more gratified he felt. He had been smiling on his old face.

"I went."

Li Hao nodded slightly, then hugged the disciples of Xiaoyao sect at a distance, and said in a loud voice, "wait for me to return!"

"I wish the second young master a triumphant return!"

The disciples of Xiaoyao sect below also bent down and bowed their hands to salute.

"Let's go!"

With a roar, Li haolang carried his real dragon Ao Xing to the sky, and sent out a sky shaking dragon chant. The wind and clouds took him to break through the air!

"I'll fight for him with my second brother."

Li Jiaqi turns around calmly and chases Li Hao with his sword.

"What a young hero..."

Looking at the two brothers who have disappeared one after another, the old man couldn't help sighing and sighing: "looking at them makes me miss the extraordinary years when I followed brother Yunfei to walk through the three thousand blessed areas of the Taoism, drink blood and kill demons when I was young."

"Hehe, now we old guys can't compare with them!"

The face of Er Ge Lao also showed a color of remembrance, shook his head and smiled.

"I hope the second young master can win."

The third cabinet old man took a deep breath, but his expression was a little serious, and said, "although the second young master challenged the nine sects this time, I'll take the momentum of Xiaoyao sect to a higher level, if he loses in the process of challenge, what will bring us Xiaoyao sect will not be glory but shame."

With that, he looked at a group of elders and said: "I think everyone is too blindly optimistic. The second young master has just returned to the Taoist school. Although he has mastered a trace of weak water breath from the weak water dark prison, it can be called a miracle. Although such a young human is unprecedented, after all, he has not had systematic and formal cultivation, and may not be able to defeat the young experts of the nine major schools!"

"I don't mean to deny the second young master. I dare say that it's not impossible for him to surpass the patriarch and become the first master of Taoism as long as he is given five or ten years, but now..."

The third cabinet old man took a deep breath and said slowly: "although the light of the geniuses of this era has been covered by the patriarch, you think carefully, among the other nine sects, they are not all fish bellied and weak chickens?"

"Really not..."

All the cabinet elders who were originally in high spirits were silent when they heard the speech. The five cabinet elders were thoughtful and recalled: "the flower fairy Hongshan of qingxuanzong, the childe Changqin of Fengqin Pavilion, Shen Changtian of Wuji gate, and the dragon and phoenix of Wanling nest are not easy to provoke."

"Well, if it weren't for the birth of the patriarch, these people would certainly be the favored children of Taoism in any previous era. It's really hard to say who wins and who loses if the second young master is against them."

The old man pondered for a moment and said, "but I don't know why. I just have great confidence in the second young master."

"To tell you the truth, so am I."

After the old man's voice fell, the other old men looked at each other, and unexpectedly nodded at the same time: "the second young master really has a convincing temperament."

"Whether there is a good start depends on this one!"

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