On the third day of September, daomen Dongtian, qingxuanzong.

Li Hao rode on AO Xing and stepped on the clouds. The streamer of Li Jiaqi followed him with a roaring momentum!

Qing Xuanzong ranks last among the top ten sects of Taoism. At the same time, it is also a sect with the overwhelming majority of female disciples.

The location and layout of the religious gate, which is dominated by women, will also be more gentle and elegant.

In front of the Mountain Gate of qingxuanzong, there is a beautiful bamboo forest. Among the emerald bamboos, there are occasionally a few light pink peach flowers.

In front of the Mountain Gate of qingxuanzong, Li Hao and his party had fallen from the air and walked through this section of the road.

Li Hao is a challenge this time. Unlike Li Jiaqi, who was seeking revenge before, he can directly kill the door. The challenge is different. Regardless of strength, mentality and attitude, it will become the decisive factor determining the outcome of the challenge.

This section of the road must be taken. It is not only the road under your feet, but also the mental road. It is the necessary process to adjust your physical state and mentality to the peak.

"There are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river is warm."

Touching the scenery, Li Hao couldn't help singing.

"The first sentence of this poem is good, but the last two sentences are not suitable in this late summer season."

Ao Xing, who turned into a human, opened his mouth on the earth.

At the moment, walking beside Li Hao, he has become a little boy who looks seven or eight years old, with two lovely golden horns on his head.

"That's right."

Li Hao smiled and played the little dragon horn on his forehead. He smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to know the ancient poems of our human race."

"That's right. Ben long is a learned dragon, okay?"

After Li Hao's praise, Ao Xing held his head up triumphantly and didn't care about Li Hao playing his noble dragon horn.

"Since you are a learned dragon, why don't you change the last sentence of these two poems according to the current situation?"

Li Hao said with a light smile.


After Ao Xing turned into a human, his little pink face looked stiff and some were in trouble.

Changing poetry is not an easy thing, especially changing famous sentences. It is even more difficult than making another capital. If it is not as good as the original work, it will be a dog's tail and ask for no fun.

After thinking for a moment, Ao Xing puffed up his cheeks angrily, looked at Li Hao angrily and said, "you are really a man. You have to challenge. How can you tease me? Others will converge their character before the war. What about you? Don't you have to adjust your mentality?"

"The state of mind is my own. I'm different. I have my own adjustment method. Why should I be the same as others?"

Li Hao smiled and shook his head. He was very relaxed, just like walking in autumn.

"It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar!"

Approaching the Mountain Gate of qingxuanzong, a leisurely chant suddenly came from a distance.

"I'm not a friend, green rose palm."

Li Hao's voice was laughing, but everyone could feel that in the small world around Li Hao, the hot tail in late summer was instantly extinguished, and a sense of killing in autumn rose abruptly. Many thin leaves of green bamboo and light pink peach blossoms fell silently from the branches, scattered into mud and ground into dust.


The gate of qingxuanzong slowly opened, and two teams of women in green shirts rushed out of qingxuanzong.

It has to be said that the female disciples of the Taoist school are quite charming one by one, but at the moment, they are all cold with a face and staring at Li Hao with apricot eyes.

"No matter what your thoughts are, I, qingxuanzong, as the host, can't lose my master's identity."

Qingluo's long sleeves are floating and falling from the sky. Her expression is flat, which is very different from yesterday's hysteria.

"Why are you wearing trousers in your skirt? Ben long looked up and stared for a long time. As a result, he didn't see anything good."

Ao Xing brushed his lips unhappily and looked disgusted.

"How old are you and what are you thinking as a whole?"

Li Hao played his dragon horn angrily and scolded.

"Cut! Don't look at the young age of benlong. It's according to our dragon family. In fact, benlong has lived for hundreds of years, okay? I know everything I should know!"

Ao Xing covered his dragon horn and muttered discontentedly.

"Lord Li."

Qingluo's eyes jumped slightly, as if she hadn't heard Ao Xing's words, and then nodded to Li Jiaqi.

"I'll accompany my younger brother to fulfill the challenge appointment I made earlier and just watch the ceremony. Qingluo palm sect will taste tea with me and see the performance of the disciples."

Li Jiaqi also nodded back. If Li Hao hadn't seen them beaten and killed yesterday, he would have thought they had a good relationship.

"Hong Shan, just come out and have a few moves with Childe Li Hao!"

Qingluo glances at Li Hao. No matter what she thinks now, she has no way at all.

She dared not refuse the challenge to stop Li Hao and Hongshan from fighting. Li Jiaqi said that the ceremony was actually a battle, and she dared not play anything unfair.

Yes, Li Jiaqi followed Li Hao, just to ensure the two words - fairness!!


As soon as Qingluo's voice fell, a red shadow flew out of qingxuanzong like a cluster of flame, and stopped in front of Li Hao.

"If you look at it from a distance, it will be as bright as the sun and the morning glow; if you force it and observe it, it will burn like a green wave."

Li Hao gave a light praise, stood with a negative hand, calmly looked at Hongshan in front of him and said, "there is a little red in the ten thousand green clusters. Today, Hongshan girl is really full of protagonist style. It seems that she attaches great importance to the challenge with me today."

"Childe Li is polite."

The corner of Hongshan's mouth gently lifted, the long sleeve waved, and a faint fragrance of flowers escaped from all around.

"If you want to be rude later, you should be polite in advance."

Li Hao smiled and took a deep breath. He seemed very intoxicated. He said to Hongshan, "Miss Hongshan still doesn't take out the dirty trick of Dementor incense. If you think it can make Li fall, you can't help but look down on yourself."

As soon as he said this, the anger on the faces of those green Xuanzong disciples around him became stronger.

Li Hao's means of publicly mocking Hongshan is not in the stream. That's not saying that she is alone, but mocking the whole qingxuanzong!

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

Qingluo, who was watching the war, snorted coldly from her nose. Li Hao was so sarcastic and provocative that she was naturally ashamed as a leader.

"Qingluo palm teaches you to be calm and not impatient."

On one side, Li Jiaqi took a sip of the tea in front of him and said faintly, "my brother is not wrong. The soul taking fragrance is indeed a dirty trick. If Qingluo palm sect can take the lead in letting its disciples abandon this way, it must be possible to move forward from the position of sage."


Qingluo was so angry at Li Jiaqi's serious words that she almost spewed out the tea in her mouth, but Li Jiaqi didn't look at her.

Because below, the duel between Li Hao and Hong Shan has officially begun!

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