"In the secular world, there is a saying that is very popular among countries. It is called Lady first, Miss Hongshan, please!"

Li Hao, dressed in a white robe, stood two meters away from Hongshan with a smile and said faintly.

Around him and Hongshan, hundreds of other disciples of qingxuanzong surrounded them.

It has to be said that Li Hao's challenge is actually a loss, because Hongshan, who plays at home, has too many advantages over him in terms of geography and people. In this case, if Li Hao can continue to challenge, it will continue.

Just because these thousands of people are around and eyeing themselves, many people who are not determined are enough to be shaken and stressed by this huge pressure.

However, for Li Hao, who has vaguely touched the realm of being spotless and not adding a feather, this is not too much interference.


Hongshan shook her sleeve robe. In an instant, all the colorful flowers embroidered on her sleeve floated out of Hongshan's clothes and became real flowers one after another, suspended around Hongshan's body, setting off her wonderful posture like a flower fairy.

More than ten times richer than before, the fragrance erupts again!

Even Li Hao's body, which has taken many herbs and elixirs, can't help fainting under such an intensity of soul taking fragrance.

"Yes, if you fight against demons, although this level of soul taking fragrance is useless for the great demons with profound Taoism, it is enough to make those little demons turn around and lose their combat effectiveness on a large scale."

Li Hao happily looked at the red Shan like a flower fairy in front of him and commented.

"Hey, Li Hao, we qingxuanzong and Xiaoyao Zong had no grievances. Why do you want to start this incident and burn the Qin and cook the crane, which is detrimental to elegance?"

Hong Shan, standing in front of Li Hao, sighed softly, such as complaining, such as admiring and weeping. At first glance, it sounded as if her wife was complaining about her husband's delay in returning, as if her lover in love was playing coquettish gently.

Under this sound, it seems that the hardest stones will be ground into fine sand, and the most refined steel will become soft.

This sound made the listener feel that the bones were crisp. Even if most of the surrounding were female disciples of qingxuanzong, and Hongshan didn't say this to them, many people still showed an obsessed expression to her after listening to Hongshan's words.

"What you resent is my decision that qingxuanzong supports Wanling nest and imprisons you in a weak water dark prison. But have you ever thought that the reason why we qingxuanzong supports Wanling nest is not necessarily to participate in their struggle with you Xiaoyao sect, but simply to feel that your identity is suspicious in order to maintain the peace and harmony of the Taoism?"

Red Shan Su's hand was slightly raised, and the petals shrouded around her immediately spread and danced around, enveloping Li Hao and her in the sea of flowers!

"Wow! This little girl in red is playing very cool!"

Ao Xing watched with interest, but he didn't worry about Li Hao at all.

He looked only seven or eight years old after he turned into a human, but it was really strange and interesting to shout at Hongshan, who was nearly thirty.

"The flower ripples are bound."

Li Jiaqi said calmly, "this is not the Taoist art of Qing Xuanzong. It should be created and gradually improved by Hong Shan himself. It's a little interesting."

"It's more than interesting."

Qingluo proudly propped up her full chest and said, "the flower border of Hongshan is now composed of more than 500 different kinds of flowers. After the mixing and improvement of more than 500 kinds of flowers, the effect and degree of difficulty to prevent will be greatly improved. Even I will be subdued by her accidentally."

"So sick?"

Ao Xing blinked and said, "I heard that there was a girl in daomen who once subdued two big demons with strength close to the demon king level through decadent sound and soul taking incense. Is it this little girl?"

"Yes, it's Hongshan!"

A look of pride appeared in Qingluo's eyes.

The demon king is equivalent to the master of the leader level in the Taoist school. Although the ordinary demon king is equivalent to the leader of the small sect of the Taoist school compared with the top ten demon kings, the strength gap is not small, but it is also quite powerful. Moreover, several years ago, Hong Shan's cultivation was not as superb as it is now.

At that time, we can capture two big demons whose strength is close to the demon king. It is really a proud record!

"My brother is not a stupid monster."

Li Jiaqi took another sip from his tea cup and said faintly.

"Oh, that's right!"

Ao Xing deliberately nodded his head as if he had suddenly realized it. Then he looked at Qingluo, who was angry with Li Jiaqi's words, grinned and kept smiling.

"If you want to maintain the peace of the gate, you can support detaining me and allowing the investigation team to investigate me, but it's just suspicious. Why do you insist on locking me in a weak water dark prison?"

The decadent voice has the effect of confusing other people's minds, but Li Hao stood where he was, but he was not affected at all. Lang said, "at that time, I lost my power and forbeared, and you fell into the well. Now I challenge the door, and you begin to argue again. Such a hypocrite's behavior is not as magnanimous as a real villain!"

"Hey... It seems that my wish to turn fighting into friendship will fail?"

Hongshan floated not far from Li Hao, bowed her head and sighed. She seemed to have great regret and said, "I didn't expect you to be so stubborn and want to make a mistake to the end. It's a pity."

"What you have done is just for me. If you talk too much, it can't shake my heart."

Li Hao opened his mouth and said, "you're good at fooling stupid demons. It's ridiculous to me!"

With that, Li Hao suddenly turned around and took an oblique step. The whole person instantly turned into a remnant, moved several meters to the side, and then explored his hand in the opposite direction behind him!!

"Yay yay!!"

The countless flying flowers around seemed to turn into terrible blades and cut fiercely towards Li Hao's wrist. However, when they were a few inches away from his skin, all these flying flowers were blocked by his external Zhenyuan force, as if they were swimming fish in the mud, which was difficult to move, and there was no way to cause any harm to Li Hao.

From the flying flowers in front of him, Li Hao's hand didn't catch empty. He recovered his arm and pulled it in hard. Unexpectedly, he pulled a person out of the flying flowers!!


A scream came from the flying flowers. Li Hao's big hand like pliers was pinching a snow-white jade neck. It was Hongshan who had been talking to him before!

On the contrary, the "Hongshan", which had stayed in place before, began to dissipate slowly and became floating petals... ###### today it's even more. I'm sorry

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