
Hongshan's snow-white pretty face turned red bit by bit, but it was not because of the shyness of the first intimate contact with the opposite sex, but Li Hao's hand tightly pinched her neck, which made her feel suffocating.

Hongshan's pupils widened, and she stared at Li Hao close in front of her. Her eyes were full of incredible, as if everything in front of her was just a nightmare.

She really doesn't understand.

Qing Xuanzong did not have any powerful Taoism, nor was he proficient in the six arts of gentlemen set by Confucius when he taught the world, but more importantly, he mastered some means suitable for women.

Their unique means are soul taking incense and decadent music.

Although in the eyes of most people, these things are only minor skills and heresy, it must be admitted that if they can be very proficient and used properly, their power is also quite good.

The best proof is that qingxuanzong can stand in the top ten gates. Although it is only the last tenth gate, it is the top ten of the three thousand blessed areas of the whole gate!

Moreover, Hongshan was able to use this way to confuse two big demons at almost the demon king level in the demon world a few years ago. The power of the combination of Dementor fragrance and decadent sound can also be seen.

In fact, ordinary soul taking incense can only be useful for small demons. For large demons, the effect has been greatly reduced, and it is completely immune to the demon family associated with the demon king. However, Hongshan is blessed with a very special body fragrance since she was a child. She also has talent and experience in improving soul taking incense, and the progress in cultivating decadent voice is also very rapid.

Combined with her own original flower border, the fragrance of hundreds of flowers is mixed together, which greatly enhances the power of Dementor fragrance, and the flying petals will confuse people's vision.

In fact, people's senses are interlinked. When a person's vision is confused by chaos, his sense of smell and auditory vigilance will often relax, and he is more likely to be captured by Dementors and decadent sounds.

Moreover, Hongshan's flower border is not only effective in enhancing the soul capturing fragrance and decadent sound, but also has a killing move herself, that is, Flower Shadow sneaking!

In the boundary of Huayang, after hard cultivation, Hongshan can control the petals to condense her own split. Although the split has no attack power, it can well confuse the enemy, so that her own master can make room for her. Through the secret method and the cover of petals all over the sky, she can quietly lurk around her opponent and deliver a fatal blow!

Hong Shan usually uses this move to kill an opponent who is determined and hard to capture!

It can be said that Hongshan has really studied the word "Xuan" in the purpose of qingxuanzong to the extreme, and her ability to confuse others has reached the peak.

Among the young generation of daomen, very, very few people can survive in her flower border!

No wonder Qingluo said before that if she was not careful, she might be subdued by Hongshan.

So Hongshan is very confident that as long as her flower border is set, Li Hao will be defeated.


Now the result is much beyond her expectation

Li Hao's mind is as iron as iron. Rao is that she can't confuse Li Hao to give up the challenge no matter how clever she is, combined with the evocative fragrance and decadent sound.

However, she was not discouraged. After all, the long speeches she had said before were not all useless nonsense. At least she successfully attracted Li Hao's attention and created excellent conditions and preconditions for her stealth.

In fact, as early as a few minutes later, she knew in her heart that she could not handle Li Hao only by the decadent sound, so she soon began to slowly arrange the flower shadow to sneak.

Just when her verbal argument with Li Hao collapsed and the atmosphere was tense, her true self finally sneaked around and lurked near Li Hao.

Such a smooth let her ecstatic, but also very proud in her heart.

She can feel that Li Hao's cultivation is even higher than her, but so what?

Aren't you going to be defeated by your sneaking assassination?

Hongshan is an extremely sophisticated assassin, so the closer she is to success, the more quietly she converges her breath and steps. In addition, she is confused by her separation and interfered by petals all over the sky. She doesn't believe that her assassination will fail.


The reality gave her a hard slap in the face and ruthlessly smashed her fantasy of victory!

Li Hao took a step like this, and then stretched out his hand and stuck her neck with great accuracy. It felt like she took the initiative to send it to Li Hao!!

Because he has taken many kinds of fairy grass and the refining of Shennong Ding, the soul taking fragrance is invalid for Li Hao!

Because we are gradually realizing the truth and sacred heart, and the purple rhyme of the East pole has quenched our mind, so the decadent voice is also invalid for Li Hao!!

And because the peak of the cave and micro realm of human beings is like watching fire and seeing a little, the shadow of flowers sneaks, which is still invalid for Li Hao!!

Hongshan's three most proud means are all restrained in front of Li Hao, so Li Hao really doesn't need to spend any effort to deal with her.

"Kill him!"

Hongshan, who was strangled by Li Hao, turned red and shouted hysterically.


As soon as her voice fell, two wolf demons suddenly jumped out of the flower sea bounded by flowers. The power of Qi and blood mountain roared out of their bodies and tore the air fiercely. One opened his big mouth and the other waved sharp claws and attacked Li Hao's chest and neck fiercely!!

From the perspective of Qi and blood, the two wolf demons really have the climate of the demon king. If there is no accident, they will be able to go further from the big demon level and be promoted to the demon king in time.

But since they were confused and enslaved by Hongshan, there was no possibility of promotion.

Because they are not really convinced and obedient, but are confused by Hongshan's decadent voice. A goblin who doesn't even have a normal mind naturally can't have the hope of breakthrough.

"This seat today, send you free!"

Li Hao pinched Hongshan's neck with one hand and drank coldly. He looked at the two wolf demons who rushed towards him. His feet touched the ground and his body whirled in mid air. At the same time, the empty left hand fanned out. Two dark red flames and blue thunder condensed out of his palm at the same time and swept away at the two wolf demons!!


With a dull sound, the powerful force scattered everywhere, directly shaking the boundary of Hongshan's flower ripples to pieces, which could no longer be maintained, and the petals scattered all over the ground.


There was a small hole in the center of the eyebrows of the two wolf demons at the same time. The huge wolf fell to the ground and twitched slightly. It seemed that his life was not long.

But the people present could not see their resentment against Li Hao from their eyes. On the contrary, it was a relief

The first challenge is Qing Xuanzong, Li Hao, complete victory!!

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