The air billowed, but Li Hao's hand was as steady as Mount Tai. She pinched Hongshan's neck accurately. She couldn't get rid of how her hands and legs struggled in mid air!

Two big demons close to the demon king level were killed by Li Hao, and Li Haoqiang's strength completely deterred Hongshan!

Although she can easily deal with two half step demon king level demons by means of Huayang border, she can only deal with them. It takes a lot of time to subdue them. The success rate of assassination is even lower than that of subduing them, because although the demon clan is not as intelligent as human beings, it is more sensitive to danger, even if it is disturbed, But in the critical moment of life and death, we can often rely on instinctive reaction.

As simple and direct as Li Hao, he killed the two banbu demon kings by thunder with his hard power. Not only Hong Shan can't do it, but she believes that even many palm teachers in the blessed land of 3000 gates can't do it. I'm afraid only ten palm teachers can have such strength!

"How could this be?"

Sitting on the side, Qingluo completely lost her manners. Seeing that the best disciple under her door was pinched and held in the air like a chicken by Li Hao, she shouted incredulously: "why is the flower border that even I can't see broken invalid for him?"

She really can't accept the result like this.

Originally, she had great expectations for Hongshan, but also wanted to give Li Hao a heavy blow from the first step and break Li Hao's momentum into the bottom!

But unexpectedly, Hongshan, who has great expectations, has become a stepping stone for Li Hao's reputation!!

"Because my brother is also a human being and has the realm of cave and micro."

Li Jiaqi didn't seem surprised by the result. His face didn't change at all, and he said faintly.

"How possible, how possible..."

The green Luo palm teacher trembled all over, fell back to the chair, and muttered to himself with a lost face.

On the other side, although the competition has been divided, Li Hao has not let go of Hongshan.

"I can tolerate your cunning and sophistry. After all, your ass determines thinking. As a disciple of qingxuanzong, I would be surprised if you could really stand in a fair and objective position to speak for me."

Li Hao pinched Hongshan's neck, raised his arm slowly, and raised Hongshan to a position above his head. Looking at her frightened face, he said coldly, "but we just challenge each other, but you have moved your heart to kill me. If you spare me, where is the majesty of Li Hao? Where is the majesty of Xiaoyao sect?"

"Li Hao, what are you doing?!"

"Li Hao!! let go of elder martial sister Hongshan!"

"She just slipped her tongue and said the wrong thing. She didn't really want to kill you!"

Those qingxuanzong disciples around Li Hao and Hongshan began to scold Li Hao and wanted him to let Hongshan go.

"Li Hao!!"

"Your competition is over. If you don't let go of senior sister Hongshan, don't blame us for being rude!!"

Several female disciples of Qing Xuanzong rushed out of the crowd and scolded angrily.


Li Hao glanced back at them coldly and said mercilessly, "take another step forward and fall to the ground. These two wolf demons are your end!!"


The female disciples of Qing Xuanzong who stood out were stared and drunk by Li Hao. The steps they had taken suddenly froze in place. It was neither stepping down nor taking back.

At the moment when Li Hao's eyes swept towards them, these qingxuanzong women felt as if they were split by thunder, burned by fire, submerged by angry waves, and dead without any vitality!

At one glance, it seemed to freeze their souls!

"The duel belongs to the duel. I let you show your strengths, but everyone is a Taoist friar of the human race, but you kill me and kill each other for no reason. No matter how much you talk, you can't argue!"

Li Hao pinched Hongshan's hand and tightened it bit by bit. His eyes were cold.

"Zhang Jiao... Help, help me..."

Hongshan has been completely desperate.

Her own flower border was easily broken by Li Hao, and the two half step demon Wang slaves she was confused by were directly killed by Li Hao. All her cards have been lifted at the moment, but there is still no way to take Li Hao. At the moment, her only sustenance is her master, Qingluo, the leader of qingxuanzong.

"Master, please save elder martial sister Hongshan!"

"Master leader, how can you sit back and ignore the bullying? Please hurry up!"

"Master leader, please take down the mob and let him kneel in front of our qingxuanzong to repent!!"

Hearing Hongshan's cry for help, the disciples of qingxuanzong also began to shout at Qingluo.

"Li Hao, let Hongshan go!"

Qingluo took a deep breath and got up slowly from the chair again, but at the moment, she had restrained the panic color on her face and restored the grace of the leader of the school.

But Li Hao ignored him.

"Qing Luo Zhang teaches us. Why don't we just sit here, drink tea and chat?"

Li Jiaqi laid down his tea cup leisurely, sighed, looked at Qingluo, shook his head and said, "you should also know that you can't go with me."

Looking at Li Jiaqi who took his hand away from the tea cup and gently grasped the handle of Lei Shenjian, Qingluo's eyes changed again.

This young man, just the sword in his hand, has not been out of the scabbard, but he has shown his sharpness, which makes people shudder!

Yesterday, the scene of the four of them jointly besieging Li Jiaqi was still vivid. Qingluo knew that if Li Jiaqi did it, he would never be his opponent alone!

"Hong Shan, a disciple of our sect, has been defeated, so it's reasonable that the challenge is over now. Li Hao, you still bully others. Why? Do your brothers want to bully me qingxuanzong together?!"

Qingluo knows that hitting hard is not Li Jiaqi's opponent, so she turns the topic to the issue of righteousness.

"Our brother is not bullying people, but punishing civil strife as the largest sect of Taoism!!"

Li Hao turned his head to look at Qingluo, then stretched out his hand and shouted, "please look at the mirror!"

When Li Hao just entered the Taoist gate, the two gold armor guards of the all souls nest once asked Lingjing to convict Li Hao, but Li Hao didn't have any charges, so Lingjing didn't convict him. At the moment, Li Hao treated him with his own way, and also recruited Lingjing to convict Hong Shan!

"Zi Youqing Xuanzong's chief disciple Hong Shan, when the demon clan is ready to move, harbors evil intentions and hurts killers in the competition. His actions are despicable and his heart should be killed! Please judge by the spirit mirror!!"

Li haolang shouted, and a rapid sound of breaking the wind came from the sky. Soon, the spirit mirror appeared over qingxuanzong. With Li Hao's cry, the light on the mirror suddenly flourished, shone on Hongshan, and then turned into a sharp blade chain to lock Hongshan's delicate body!!


Hongshan uttered a painful roar, but no one dared to speak again. Even Qingluo dared not open her mouth to argue for her.

The conviction of spirit mirror is a situation that will not be questioned in the whole Taoist school. The crime is determined by heaven, and the spirit mirror will punish on behalf of heaven. Whoever questions is questioning heaven, questioning the Tao!!

"Li Hao, I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong."

Under the bondage of the spirit mirror light, Hongshan knelt to the ground and finally couldn't hold on any longer. She cried and admitted her mistake to Li Hao: "I really know I'm wrong. Forgive me, I beg you. You have a lot of adults. Forgive me!"

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