"Xiao Li Zongzhu, Li Hao Xiaoyou, I deeply apologize for my previous behavior."

Liu Zhiyin, the patriarch of Fengqin Pavilion, came to Li Hao and Li Jiaqi, bowed down and bowed his noble head at them.

Fengqin pavilion was once the largest sect of Taoism in the era of master Miaoyin, and the glorious orthodoxy has continued. If the spirit of evil tiger had not broken away from the suppression of master Miaoyin's true spirit and began to make trouble quietly recently, Liu Zhiyin and they would never have been lobbied by Wan Feng to stand on their side.

Now the spirit of the evil tiger was destroyed by Li Hao. They also recovered from the subtle control. Thinking of what they had done before, Liu Zhiyin's heart was full of shame.

"Li Hao, little friend, I want you to become the honorary preacher of our Fengqin Pavilion. I hope you will promise and don't dislike it."

Liu Zhiyin raised her head, looked at Li Hao in front of her and said in a sincere voice.

"Lord Liu doesn't need to."

Li Hao waved his hand and declined.

The status of a Taoist priest is not trivial. For a sect, in a sense, he is even higher than the leader.

The Taoist priest is similar to the guardian of the orthodoxy of a sect. If you find that there are people or things in the sect that are contrary to the tenet of the sect, you can directly perform the Taoism, expel the person from the sect or put an end to certain events!

If Li Haocheng is the executor of Fengqin Pavilion, even if Liu Zhiyin, the leader of Fengqin Pavilion, has done anything wrong in the future, Li Hao has the right to directly stop her. In serious cases, he can even take away her identity as the leader and expel her from Fengqin Pavilion!!

Of course, although the power of the executor is very powerful, it can not be used indiscriminately. The executor must act in accordance with the Tao. If he indiscriminately uses the power of the executor to those who have not done anything wrong, the executor will also be rewarded by the invisible Fate of the sect.

"Please don't refuse!"

Seeing that Li Hao refused, Liu Zhiyin bowed down again and begged.

"Please don't refuse, Mr. Li Hao, and keep the integrity of my Fengqin Pavilion!"

Seeing that Liu Zhiyin bowed down again, all the Fengqin Pavilion disciples who came out behind her asked in unison. Thousands of people knelt down on one knee and bowed down. This dark scene shocked people!

Li Hao didn't answer immediately, but looked at Li Jiaqi in the distance.

Li Jiaqi nodded slightly and motioned Li Hao to agree.

Although becoming a Taoist priest of the sect has been connected with the sect, it does not mean that he will be bound by the sect. Even if one day the Fengqin Pavilion is destroyed and the Taoism of the Fengqin Pavilion is annihilated, Li Hao will only lose the luck and power of the Fengqin Pavilion at most, which will not hurt him.

This is a great good thing to benefit without harm!

Moreover, becoming the executor of Fengqin Pavilion will not conflict with the identity of Li Hao Xiaoyao sect. On the contrary, it can strengthen the cooperation and exchange between the two major sects and complement each other.

"Since Lord Liu Ge and you are so sincere, I can't be taught by master Miaoyin in vain. Then I'll be the Taoist priest."

Li Hao nodded and finally answered.

"Thank you for your success."

Liu Zhiyin was relieved to hear that Li Hao finally agreed.

This also means that Fengqin Pavilion and Xiaoyao sect completely dispel their past grievances, and all kinds of past met with a smile to eliminate gratitude and hatred.

"Congratulations, the Taoist priest should have prepared a full week's flowing banquet to entertain the guests and friends of the two sects and celebrate the grand event in the whole Taoist sect. However, Taoist priest, you are still busy to continue to complete the challenge about the nine sects. We can't delay your trip. We can only lead all the disciples to burn incense, fast and pray for you in the Fengqin Pavilion. I wish you victory in a row and end the war Become a feat that no one has ever completed in the history of this door!! "

Liu Zhiyin looked at Li Hao and said apologetically, "of course, if the Taoist priest feels that the ceremony can not be abolished, I'll go back and arrange to seal the Taoist priest's ceremony."

"Let's avoid red tape."

Li Hao has felt that there is an invisible fetter between himself and these disciples of Fengqin Pavilion. This is the effect of connecting Qi and number, but the dominant power of this connection is entirely on his side. As long as he is not happy, he can take the initiative to resign at any time and cut off this cause and effect.

"Taoist priest, in fact, after you accept the inheritance of Miaoyin Shizu, you are already the Taoist priest of our Fengqin Pavilion."

Liu Zhiyin seemed very happy. Indeed, Li Hao not only killed the spirit of the evil tiger, but also had a great kindness to them. If he could have a good relationship with the Taoist priest, Fengqin pavilion would be a powerful ally of Xiaoyao sect, which is a good thing for both sides.

"Childe Changqin overdrawn Zhenyuan's internal breathing in this war, and even lost a lot of vitality. We should take him back to good health and recuperation. He is still young and still has a chance to recover."

Li Hao took a look at the unconscious childe Changqin in the pavilion not far away. He might as well take his attack on himself in mind.

After all, vision determines thinking. He is now the executor of Fengqin Pavilion. When you see him, you have to salute respectfully. He has become the elder of Childe Changqin. What do you care about with the younger generation?

Moreover, childe Changqin was magnified by the power of evil tiger, and the evil thoughts of jealousy in his heart were like this. It was not entirely his original intention.

"Alas... Changqin is a good seedling of zither. I didn't expect that he would suffer such a disaster this time. I hope he can cheer up."

Liu Zhiyin also looked at the comatose childe Changqin. His beautiful big eyes were full of regret.

You know, that's one of the few heroes in daomen's generation who are expected to compete with Li Jiaqi in those years!

His accomplishments are actually not weaker than those of some second rate sects. Liu Zhiyin even plans to retire in a few years and let him take charge of the Fengqin Pavilion, but he didn't expect this change.

Although many people in the whole Fengqin Pavilion were infiltrated by the power of the spirit of evil tiger, even Liu Zhiyin himself, but only the childe Changqin was really fatally injured.

"Not necessarily. It's a blessing in disguise. This time, of course, he suffered a great loss of vitality and may even regress his cultivation, but he also indirectly realized the mystery of using silence over sound through the spirit of evil tiger."

Li Hao looked at the comatose childe Changqin and said, "as long as he can cheer up again, the situation will be better. He must understand the silence of Toufeng Qin pavilion that has been lost since the fall of master Miaoyin!"

"That's right!"

Liu Zhiyin's spirit was refreshed. Looking at the childe Changqin carried down by his disciples, a look of hope also appeared in his eyes.

"Come on, next stop, limitless gate!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Hao was heroic and dry.

The dragon, tiger and green mountains on both sides of the Strait are opposite. The surging river flows eastward. The whole world is his stage

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