In October and autumn, in xianchou gorge, where Wuji gate is located, a large number of Taoist monks, whether religious monks or casual monks, gathered in groups around here, looking forward to the arrival of Li Hao and his party.

The whole limitless gate is ready up and down.

Wuji sect is a very pure sect. It is rare to recruit disciples. Instead of focusing on talents and qualifications, it focuses on whether the will of those who come to worship the master is firm and whether they have perseverance in cultivation and martial arts.

Therefore, there is a saying in the Taoist door that if you want to convince the people of the limitless door, it is very simple. There is only one way to convince them.

In those days, the door of the limitless gate advocated unintentionally because it lost in the competition with Wanfeng and cultivated the limitless way of the limitless gate to a new level under the guidance of Wanfeng. Therefore, it has completely convinced Wanfeng and followed the lead of Wanling nest since then.

It is precisely because the whole sect is basically a Wu Chi who is bent on seeking the Tao. Therefore, the actual combat ability of the disciples of Wuji sect is outstanding among the monks of the same cultivation. Not to mention sweeping Tongbei invincible hand, it has also become a benchmark in the Taoist sect.

This benchmark is - if you can defeat the disciples of Wuji sect who are fellow practitioners, your combat effectiveness definitely belongs to the first-class level of this level. It contains enough gold and has always been talked about by people of other sects of Taoism.

The limitless gate is also happy to be the touchstone of others, because these martial arts enthusiasts also hope to have constant duels to sharpen themselves.

Xianchou gorge is a grand canyon with rich aura. It is located in the open green grassland outside the limitless gate. At the same time, it will not seem crowded to accommodate 30000 or 50000 people. However, recently, the green grassland has been crowded. Monks from south to north are coming here in an endless stream. All of them are attracted by the name and want to see Li Hao's peerless style.

Now Li Hao's name has been completely launched in the Taoism. In the first war, Hong Shan was convinced and repented. He was determined to sneak into the demon family territory to assassinate himself, which made the Qing Xuanzong divided into two factions.

In the Second World War, it was rumored that he exerted the power of the legendary holy Tao, killed the spirit of the evil tiger who made trouble, inherited the true spirit of master Miaoyin, and became the executor of Fengqin Pavilion.

In each war, Li Hao came to the world as an absolute king and won the victory with an absolute rolling attitude. It was amazing and had to be subdued!

Now it's the Wuji gate full of Wuchi. Everyone looks forward to what kind of storm Li Hao can set off under this sect called the touchstone of the praise gate!

"Li Hao, do you know that now the roulette about how long you can win in a row has been opened in daomen. Now the situation is in full swing. The people who bet that you can win nine games in a row and the people who bet that you can't reach the end are completely different. There is a quarrel between the two sides in daomen's public jade slips!"

Ao Xing checked the news in the Taoist door's public jade slips as he walked. To say what's the most eye-catching thing in the Taoist door, nothing can attract attention except Li Hao challenging the nine sects one by one.

Even Wan Feng was seriously injured and unconscious by Li Jiaqi some time ago. Now he has just woke up, and no one cares.

"Let them go."

Li Hao doesn't care. He won't bear invisible pressure because of whether someone will lose money because of his victory or failure. Now he is gradually realizing the state of spotless heart and no body. When he really enters this state, these rumors will never make waves in his heart again.

"Benlong also gives you a strong momentum. He bet you to win all the spirit stones accumulated by benlong for so many years. You must strive for success!"

Although Ao Xing looked like a little boy, he showed an obscene smile like a gambler and laughed to bet.

"You have a good eye."

Li Hao smiled and touched the little dragon horn on AO Xing's head.

"Many people have said that you will lose at the limitless gate, but Ben long is optimistic about you. He will directly kill all souls' nest and hit the ass of a dragon and a phoenix!"

Ao Xing waved his small fist as if he were excited to play in person.

Here comes Li Hao!!

When Li Hao, Li Jiaqi and AO Xing appeared near Qingqing grassland, all the monks who had been waiting here for a long time were boiling!

"Li Hao, come on!"

"Li Daoyou is invincible!"

"Today I can see the peerless style of Taoist friends. I have no regrets in this life!"


Of course, in addition to these admirers who are convinced by Li Hao's peerless demeanor, there are also many opponents who scold him.

"Li Hao, today is your time to lose your reputation!!"

"Li Hao, your luck is over!!"

"Li Hao, you will pay for your arrogance!"


"I went."

Looking at the tens of thousands of people on the Qingqing grassland shouting different words at themselves, Li Hao has no joy or sorrow in his heart. All sentient beings have their own joys and sorrows, and no one is right or wrong.

"Come on!"

Ao Xing and Li Jiaqi nodded and looked for a quiet place to watch from a distance.

Li Hao turned smartly and walked towards the Qingqing grassland like a stroll. It seemed that this was not the territory of the limitless gate, but the back garden of his family.

The originally crowded Qingqing grassland, when Li Hao stepped on this land, it was as if he had been cut into two parts by a knife from top to bottom, clearly separated on both sides.

Those who used to worship Li Hao or spray him angrily, but now when he really appears in front of everyone, it is like a high mountain, so that everyone can't help but dare not approach. They can look from a distance and don't play with him.

This is the holy weather. Li Hao has begun to take shape now. He is not angry!

"Xiaoyao Zong Li Hao, the Taoist priest of Fengqin Pavilion, came to visit the Taoist friends of Wuji gate and fulfill the appointment of door-to-door challenge on that day!"

Li Hao walked on the green grassland, and a clear howl came from his mouth.

Flowers are becoming more and more attractive. Only shallow grass can have no hooves.

"Infinite sect Shen Changtian, wait a long time!"

As soon as Li Hao's voice fell, there was a loud roar in the limitless door, followed by the sky!

The golden light burst, and a hurricane like beam burst out of the limitless gate and flew towards the green grassland!

A man with a fine bare upper body appeared in front of Li Hao. The fluctuating Zhenyuan breath showed a strong cultivation!

Moreover, looking at his peak state, he must have been practicing all the time. Indeed, he is worthy of being a martial fool like an ascetic monk!!

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