"What's this move? It's so powerful!"

Ao Xing looked at Shen Changtian, who cracked Li Hao's divine sword thunder formula on the top of xianchou gorge. He couldn't help but exclaim: "even the divine sword thunder formula can be dissolved. It's too long!"

"The profound mental method of the Wuji sect is the mixed yuan Wuji evolved from the way of Taiji. Shen Changtian is worthy of being a genius. He has a much deeper understanding than their leader Zhang Wuxin."

Li Jiaqi looked solemn and said to one side.

Zhang Wuxin cultivates the way of mixing yuan and limitless, but Li Jiaqi has competed with him. Although Zhang Wuxin has great ability to use it, he can only lead away the magic sword and thunder formula. It's the first time for Li Jiaqi to see Shen Changtian's method of eliminating divine thunder in minutes.

"Interesting, interesting!!"

Li Hao roared up to the sky and saw that Shen Changtian could easily resolve his most fierce attack. His face was not angry but happy. It was like a child who found a funny toy. The essence in his eyes flashed.


Li Hao pushed his palms forward, and the fire in his body surged out, turned into a lifelike fire dragon, roared and circled in the air, and then opened his mouth to bite Shen Changtian!!

Since Lei qizhenyuan's divine sword guiding Lei Jue didn't flow out to Shen Changtian, Li Hao simply changed his mind and changed the attack to Huoqi Zhenyuan.

"What's the power of the Dragon trapped in the shoal?!"

Shen changtiansi was not flustered. He rowed his hands on his chest again, and a huge Zhenyuan vortex formed in an instant. When facing the Zhenyuan vortex, the fire dragon, which was still fierce and powerful before, even sent out bursts of weak roars, twisted and struggled for a moment, and was uncontrollably sucked into the Zhenyuan vortex.

The Zhenyuan vortex is like a huge roller. After the fire dragon is involved in it, with the rapid rotation of the vortex, it soon turns into a fuzzy red shadow and is extinguished invisible.

"Come again!"

Without being discouraged, Li HAOSI waved her hands again, and the breath of Zhenyuan's internal breathing turned again, and soon became wooden Zhenyuan. At the same time, the grass trampled by Shen Changtian grew crazily, became thicker, longer and stronger, and took the initiative to wrap around Shen Changtian's ankles and legs.

"It's useless!"

Shen Changtian burst into a drink, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly changed. There were countless small cyclones composed of Zhenyuan internal breathing. Each of them rotated at high speed, like a lawn mower, strangling all the grass and vines to be wound around him into debris!

"Absolute defense?"

Li Hao stopped the offensive, frowned at Shen Changtian in front of him and spoke approvingly.


Shen Changtian said proudly, "I don't practice any other Taoist and physical skills. I've been studying the mixed yuan limitless way for decades. Finally, I have accumulated a lot and learned the key points that Wanfeng palm taught us to sect leader Zhang. I've practiced this absolute defense!!"

Shen Changtian's arrogance is not without reason. Anyway, with this absolute defense ability, he has been invincible first.

"Shen Changtian is so strong!"

"My God, I didn't expect that someone could understand the way of Hunyuan limitless. Look at the real yuan cyclones, my eyes are spent!"

"That's great! How do you fight?"

"The limitless gate is worthy of being the touchstone of the famous gate. You see how divine Li Hao was before. Now? He hasn't been eaten!"

"But it's wrong. Look at Li Hao. He doesn't have a discouraged expression. It seems that there should be a big move!"

"Big move? Hum, I think he's just putting on airs for the face of Xiaoyao sect!"


After looking at Shen Changtian's amazing skills, the lower part immediately chattered and opened. Many people who bet that Li Hao would lose were happy.

"Senior brother Ziyun, look at this. You shouldn't have to run away."

Zhang Ziyun's younger martial brother looked at the elder martial brother next to him and said.

"Shut up, it's not over yet. You can't easily make a conclusion if you don't see Li Hao admit defeat with your own eyes."

Zhang Ziyun angrily choked his younger martial brother with worrying IQ, and then still looked up at the battle above.

"Absolute defense?"

At the top of xianchou gorge, looking at the proud Shen Changtian, who knows that Li Hao smiled coldly, shook his head and said, "there is no absolute defense in the world. If it's not for giving you a chance to show your strengths, I can break your mixed infinite skill."

"Who can't talk big?"

Shen Changtian didn't believe it at all. He sneered, straightened his waist and said, "I'm standing here. What can you do to me?"

"I don't know heaven and earth!"

Li Hao snorted coldly. The smell of soil in his body and the smell of weak water both appeared, which suddenly changed Shen Changtian's face. A startled look appeared on his face, and he could hardly maintain the rotation of real Qi!!

Xirang has the breath of tude earth, and skills breed vitality. At the same time, they can suppress all things. Under the pressure of xirang's breath, Shen Changtian feels that he becomes extremely small in an instant, let alone Zhenyuan cyclone. Even himself may be crushed at any time!

The breath of weak water made him extremely frustrated, and even gave birth to the idea of taking the initiative to disperse the Zhenyuan cyclone!!

"You! How could it be?!"

Shen Chang stepped back three steps and stared at Li Hao, like a little white rabbit seeing a big gray wolf.

Until now, he believed that Li Hao's sentence that snapping his fingers could break his true yuan cyclone was not a fluff.

"Even without this soil and weak water, your Zhenyuan cyclone is not a perfect absolute defense!"

Li Hao took back the breath of Xi soil and weak water, calmly looked at Shen Changtian and said.

"Can you see my shortcomings?!"

Shen Chang asked in a startled voice.


Li Hao waved confidently and said, "look!"

As like as two peas, he called out a dragon like the same before and flew to Shen Long sky.

Shen Changtian's response strategy as like as two peas, and once again summoned a true yuan cyclone, the dragon will be absorbed into it!

But this time, Li Hao did not give up after the fire dragon was absorbed, but summoned a fire dragon again!

One, two, three, four

After absorbing the whole ten fire dragons, Shen Changtian's face finally changed!

At the moment, his Zhenyuan cyclone has been full of fire dragons and become red. The power belonging to Li Hao in the cyclone has been too much more than his power to maintain the cyclone, which makes it very difficult for him to even rotate the air!!

"Isn't it running?"

Li Hao seemed to have expected this scene and smiled and released a fire dragon again.


When the loud noise came, Shen Changtian's Zhenyuan cyclone was finally overwhelmed and exploded, blowing his whole person out!!


Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people on the green grassland below, Shen Changtian got up in embarrassment, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, showed a crazy color in his eyes, and asked Li Hao, "do you have a way to solve it?"


Li Hao smiled, nodded, and then opened his mouth and said, "the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency, so the deficiency is better than the reality, and the deficiency is better than the surplus."

With one word, Shen Changtian suddenly seemed to be struck by a lightning bolt, and the whole person stood on the spot!!

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