The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency, so the deficiency is better than the reality, and the deficiency is better than the surplus.

Although this sentence is sharp in words and sentences, its meaning is also very simple. It is about heaven and earth to the Tao. It is not blindly greedy for perfection or the best. In fact, defects are often a higher realm. The virtual is better than the real, and there are no flaws.

Shen Changtian looked at Li Hao in front of him in a daze. With his talent, he could vaguely feel that this sentence was to deal with the flaw of his mixed yuan limitless, but he still couldn't grasp the key point. This feeling that he was about to see through but still separated by a layer of window paper made his heart itchy and uncomfortable all over!

"Brother Li, please teach me!"

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Changtian is worthy of being a martial arts maniac. He even bowed his hand to Li Hao and knelt on one knee in the duel: "please help me improve the way of Hunyuan limitless. I Shen Changtian can promise you on behalf of all the disciples of limitless gate and even the master. As long as you can give me your advice, all the people of limitless gate can serve you as a saint teacher!"

Shen Changtian's words were chiseled, and his voice was not covered up. Although he did not use Zhenyuan internal breathing to amplify his voice, this was heard by many close or highly trained observers!

This spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and immediately caused an uproar among the tens of thousands of people watching the battle on the green grassland below!!

Saint teacher!!

Nima is an honorary title similar to the preacher!!

Saint teacher, as the name suggests, is also a teacher, preacher, educator and dispeller.

In every sect, there are people who teach disciples. For example, the elders teach a group of inner disciples, some Dharma guardians teach ordinary outer disciples, and the head teacher will also accept several gifted and aspiring disciples. For these disciples, those who teach them are their teachers.

Even in a sect, although they are collectively referred to as elder martial brothers, elder martial sisters and younger martial sisters, they are also different according to different masters.

But the title of Saint mentor is not general. Generally, those who can have this title are great benefactors who have enlightened the whole sect!

EN Tongsheng Hui, a respected teacher of the whole family!

If you have this position, let alone those disciples, Dharma guardians and elders of the limitless gate, even Zhang Wuxin, the leader of the limitless gate, will have to bow his head respectfully and call "master" when he sees Li Hao in the future!

If a Taoist priest holds real power and can punish for the teachings of a sect, then the holy teacher is a manifestation of great kindness. If a sect dares not to respect its holy teacher, then the sect will be shamed by all sects of the sect, and may even join hands to punish!!

The reason why a man is a man is that in addition to his smart mind and infinite creativity, what is more different from evil beasts is that ethics should not be abolished!

Almost all ancient saints did not emphasize the importance of ceremony, which is why.

In those years, Zhang Wuxin realized the boundlessness of this realm and benefited a lot from his competition with Wanfeng, so he followed Wanfeng's lead and fully supported the decisions of Wanling nest, but did not regard Wanfeng as a saint mentor.

Because Wanfeng only gave him advice at best, not to mention instruction, not to mention enlightenment. It was Zhang Wuxin who was able to make a breakthrough.

But today is different, because before Li Hao spoke, everyone, whether up and down the limitless gate or other sects of the Taoist gate, thought that the mixed yuan limitless way of the limitless gate had reached a peak. As long as it was a battle with the same cultivation, the absolute defense of the mixed yuan limitless was invincible!

But Li Hao seems to point out another bright road to infinite possibility for the mixed yuan limitless road of the limitless gate!!

Shen Changtian can't see through this road, so he can only rely on Li Hao's advice!

"The saint teacher is no small matter. Can you be the Lord?"

Li Hao said faintly.

There was no surprise in his heart, because anyone with a clear eye could understand that if he taught the limitless gate how to improve its skills, it would be more than enough to be a saint teacher!!

"He can't be the master, can I?"

Just then, a voice came from the sky behind. Zhang Wuxin, who had been expressionless in Li Hao's impression, stepped out of the limitless door, but now his face was full of enthusiasm. He looked at Li Hao and said: "As long as you don't talk casually and can really point out the way for us, I will certainly regard you as a saint teacher. If you don't respect me, you should be punished!!"

Seeing that Zhang Wuxin stood up and spoke, tens of thousands of spectators on the green grassland below also burst into flames!

Are there two positions that haven't appeared in nearly a hundred years, the preacher and the holy teacher, going to appear one after another now?

And they are still sealed on the head of the same person!!

However, it's no wonder that for Wuji sect, which is a sect full of Wuchi from top to bottom, what is more important if someone can improve their core Taoism?

Give such people the title of Saint teacher, they are convinced!!

"You should be optimistic."

Li Hao smiled and saw his hands stroke in front of his chest, calling the water vapor Zhenyuan in his body. The transparent Zhenyuan breath came out through the body. Between his two palms, a Zhenyuan cyclone was formed with his traction.

"Oh, my God!"

"He learned his moves after playing with Shen Changtian for such a while!!"

"Isn't it just a cyclone? It's hard?"

Hearing the exclamation of the people nearby, some people questioned the evil.

"At first glance, you are a layman. It's not difficult for you to get a cyclone and try it?"

There was a sneer from the limitless door nearby.

Some people who don't believe in evil also began to condense Zhenyuan cyclone according to the gourd painting ladle on the spot, but their did not get to the point anyway. Zhenyuan cyclone either can't condense at all, or it spread out before rotating a few circles. It can't run like Shen Changtian or Li Hao.

"Attack me."

Li Hao Ran the real yuan cyclone in his hand and said faintly. He didn't know whether he was talking to Shen Changtian or Zhang Wuxin.

"Do it!"

Zhang Wuxin and Shen Changtian Shitu looked at each other and shot together. Almost instantaneously, they filled up the real yuan cyclone condensed by Li Hao!

At that time, when Li Hao filled Shen Changtian's Zhenyuan cyclone with a fire dragon, his Zhenyuan cyclone burst open. However, when Li Hao's Zhenyuan cyclone was filled by Zhang Wuxin and Shen Changtian, he shook his hands, leaving a small hole in the Zhenyuan cyclone between his hands!

Seeing such a small change of Li Hao, Shen Changtian and Zhang Wuxin were shocked at the same time!

After the small gap appeared in Li Hao's cyclone, the forces that were about to explode Li Hao's cyclone were immediately led out of the gap by Li Hao!

A loss is more than a loss, but a deficiency is made up.

A seemingly imperfect small gap actually opens the key to infinite possibilities!!

"Do you understand?"

Li Hao looked at Zhang Wuxin and Shen Changtian who were lost in meditation and waved away the real yuan cyclone in his hands.

After a cup of tea, Shen Changtian took the lead in waking up from enlightenment, and soon after, Zhang Wuxin also opened his eyes.

The two masters and disciples looked at each other, and then they suddenly worshipped Li Hao in front of them.

"The limitless door is open and careless!"

"Limitless gate Shen Changtian!"

"See your saint teacher!!"

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