The head of the door is kneeling!

The chief disciple of the first school also knelt down!

The title of Saint teacher is self-evident!

"My God, this is really great!"

"Yes! Not only three battles and three victories, but also each battle brings great changes to the challenged sects.

Hongshan, the chief disciple of qingxuanzong, almost transferred from qingxuanzong to Li Hao's door and sneaked into the demon family to assassinate alone.

Fengqin Pavilion regards Li Hao as a Taoist. The true spirit of master Miaoyin also teaches Li Hao the inheritance of all the skills of the whole Fengqin Pavilion. It can be said that Li Hao has become a walking Fengqin Pavilion Scripture library. He will not be able to learn any skills of the organ Pavilion without him.

Now to the limitless gate, which is called the touchstone of the Tao gate, Li Hao not only won Shen Changtian, but also learned the most quintessential mixed yuan limitless Taoism of the limitless gate in the hands of Shen Changtian, and improved it on the original basis!

This breakthrough improvement is simply helping a sect to broaden their sect road!!

Not only Zhang Wuxin and Shen Changtian were convinced by this sound, but also none of the tens of thousands of monks watching the war on the green grassland below felt that there was anything inappropriate.

"Make up for the loss, make up for the deficiency, make up for the deficiency, every word is an Abas, every word is an Abas!!"

Zhang Wuxin blushed with excitement and nodded.

Although he can't immediately understand Li Hao's mixed infinite skill, he saw the infinite possibility with his own eyes from Li Hao's technique.

He saw a correct bright road, heard the road in the morning and died without regret in the evening!

"How many percent have you realized?"

Zhang inadvertently glanced at Shen Changtian, who was silent next to him, and asked softly.

He knew very well that his disciple's talent was higher than himself. Although he had only realized 30% or 40%, he believed that Shen Changtian should understand more than himself.

"Sixty or seventy percent."

Shen Changtian closed his eyes for a moment and said.

"It's good."

Li Hao gave a light praise. This is not a forced irony, because ordinary genius can't compare with him at all.

He is one of the unicorn Gemini stars. He is a natural Saint once in a thousand years. Those so-called geniuses may need to be looked up to in the eyes of ordinary people, but those geniuses are hard to catch up with in front of Li Hao.

To hit people, talents like Shen Changtian and childe Changqin have a gap with Li Hao in talent, which is countless times larger than that between ordinary people and themselves!!

Their talent can't even compare with that of Li Jiaqi. Li Jiaqi is also a Kirin Gemini, and his talent is weaker than that of Li Hao. Therefore, Li Hao can see through and think through things, but it's very difficult for Shen Changtian to understand them.

"I persecuted the holy master before. Although I knew that what I did was unfair, I was a Wu Chi. Wan Feng once instructed me. I vowed in my heart that I would always support Wan Feng before I sent you to the weak water dark prison when I was in charge of the teaching vote. Please forgive me."

Zhang Wuxin still knelt down. His voice was full of remorse. He said, "I am no longer worthy to be the leader of the limitless gate if I harm the holy master. Please give the holy master a decree to abolish my position as the leader of the limitless gate and let me go to the place of the demon family to plead guilty!"

"The cause and effect of that day has been eliminated since I challenged today. The limitless gate cannot be leaderless. As a saint teacher, I order you not to blame yourself."

Li Hao shook his head and refused Zhang Wuxin's request.

The demon clan is coming. He can't let everyone destroy the demon clan like Hongshan.

He let Hongshan lurk in. First, Hongshan is good at assassination and deception. Second, Hongshan is only a young generation and is not like the pillar of the ten sect leaders. Even if something happens to Hongshan in the demon family, it will not have a great impact on the morale of the sect.

However, if Zhang Wuxin goes, in case of an accident, the death or capture of the famous ten sect leaders will be an unparalleled blow to the monks of the whole sect. Li Hao can't let him go.

"I... I would like to follow the instructions of the holy teacher."

Zhang Wuxin opened his mouth and seemed to want to ask again, but seeing Li Hao's indisputable eyes, he still lowered his head and obeyed Li Hao's orders.

"Teacher, I'll go down and arrange the canonization ceremony today. You didn't make a big deal when you were canonized in Fengqin Pavilion, but you won't be wronged here in Wuji gate."

Shen Changtian stood up from the ground and saluted Li Hao respectfully.

"Don't be polite. I have to finish the challenge as soon as possible. Don't care about the red tape."

Li Hao waved his hand. He has only completed three challenges now. According to Ao Xing, there is not much time left for the re opening of Longxu valley. If he can't complete the challenge as soon as possible, he will inevitably have some fetters in his heart when entering Longxu Valley, and it is difficult to maintain his best state when facing the strong enemies of the demon family.

Li Hao didn't want to be polite, but under the repeated insistence of the limitless gate, Li Hao stayed one more night. That night, the limitless gate put on a running water banquet and gave a wide banquet to the war watching monks who were still on the green grassland.

Although Li Hao didn't know most of the people present, as the protagonist of the night, he still took the initiative to climb the mountain to make fu and drink with all his relatives and friends.

However, it's funny that after Fengqin Pavilion learned about the sealing ceremony held by Wuji gate for Li Hao, Liu Zhiyin was jealous and said that Li Hao didn't want them to hold the priest sealing ceremony, but he participated in the sealing ceremony of the saint benefactor of Wuji gate and said no. after Li Hao's challenge, he must come to Fengqin pavilion to make up the last one!

On the second day of November, Li Hao and his party came to the next stop, Hengheng valley.

However, an amazing thing happened. Li Hao arrived, but Zongheng valley should have met his chief disciple Zhang Ziyun, but it had already fled, which led to the embarrassing situation that Zongheng valley was in an empty battle.

After watching the battle between Li Hao and Shen Changtian, Zhang Ziyun has made up his mind to run away and fight with such a bull like Li Hao. In his mind, there is no difference between stretching his face and beating him. He won't do such a stupid thing.

What surprised people was that Chihiro, the leader of Hengheng Valley, did not get angry or blame Zhang Ziyun. He confessed to Li Hao, prepared thin tea and sake, and freely took the initiative to admit defeat.

Zhang Ziyun's choice was not unexpected. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He knew he couldn't do it. He was a righteous man, but not a strategist.

The fourth game directly won without a fight, but it also disappointed some people who rushed to Hengheng valley from thousands of miles to watch the war. Since Li Hao's challenge, Zhang Ziyun, who didn't show up, is one of the most unreliable opponents, none!!

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