Li Hao won three battles and won the fourth without fighting. He has completed nearly half of the challenges of the nine sects!

In the public jade slips of the Taoist school, the heated discussion about this challenge is more and more in full swing, and Li Hao's invincible posture is more and more clear. Moreover, even if he failed to reach the end and lost a certain game halfway, he can look into the whole Taoist school only by virtue of the superposition of the three identities of the second young master of Xiaoyao sect, the executor of Fengqin Pavilion and the saint mentor of the limitless gate, I'm afraid I can't find another person more noble than Li Hao!

On the other hand, among the public jade slips, there are more and more participants in the bet on whether Li Hao can complete nine wins. However, a subtle change has taken place in the bet, that is, most people bet that Li Hao will lose, and it is impossible to complete the challenge from qingxuanzong to Wanling nest step by step, but now, those who later join the bet, But many people began to stand on Li Hao's side and bet that he could win!

Among them, most of them are Xiaoyao sect, Fengqin Pavilion and Wuji gate.

"Brother, you're making history."

On the way from the limitless gate to the next stop Senluo hall, Ao Xing looked at Li Hao and said with a smile: "if you can really win the nine major gates all the way, it is equivalent to rolling over an era with the power of one person!"

With that, he glanced at Li Jiaqi, who was silent in front of him, and said, "although your brother was really like this at the beginning, it's just what everyone thinks. Even he hasn't openly done anything like you."

"Everything has cause and effect. If they hadn't persecuted me, I wouldn't have done such a thing."

Li Hao smiled and said, "if they hadn't persecuted me at the beginning, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to touch the weak water and condense this almost invincible water vapor true yuan."

Ao Xing nodded with deep sympathy and said, "hey hey, the more invincible momentum you have, the more profound it is. Ben long is very happy. I believe that after the Dragon virtual Valley is opened, those evil cubs who are unkind to Ben long will not be your opponents!"

However, just as Li Hao and others were on their way to Senluo hall, a news released by Senluo hall in the public jade slips once again caused an uproar in the whole Taoist door!

Senluo hall advocates that Baozhu will personally come out to meet Li Hao, and claims that he will end Li Hao's absurd arrogance!!

One stone aroused thousands of waves. Suddenly, the whole daomen public jade slips forum was like a pot!

"Zhang Baozhu's old man is brazen and crazy!!"

The girls in Fengqin Pavilion scolded directly.

Li Hao is not a monk at the level of ten sect leaders. The challenge is only between the chief disciples, but now when he comes to Senluo hall, he has jumped out of a leader to fight himself, which is really bullying the small!

Although each of the chief disciples of the ten major sects has the strength of ordinary second rate sect leaders, there is still a big gap compared with the ten major sects that really stand at the peak of the Taoism.

This is not only the gap between Zhenyuan's internal breathing cultivation, but also the gap between actual combat experience. Each of the ten major sect's leaders is an experienced veteran and the existence of the top of the pyramid in the sect. It is an indisputable fact that any one of the ten major sect's leaders should not be underestimated!

"It was originally a confrontation between disciples based on their abilities. Why did they pull out the palm teaching?"

For a time, comments in support of Li Hao emerged like mountains and seas.

However, immediately after that, Senluo hall once again released words - it was Li Hao who put forward to challenge Zhang Baozhu, the Lord of Senluo hall. It was not Zhang Baozhu who wanted to bully the small with the big!

For Senluo Hall's remarks, Li Hao finally spoke in the forum for the first time through his public jade slips.

Very simple, only four words, but full of momentum!

"Put your horse here!!"

Although he is a younger generation, his accomplishments are not as good as Zhang Baozhu, and his experience is not as good as Zhang Baozhu. Except that the realm is the most human and the real person is a notch higher than Zhang Baozhu, Li Haotian is at a disadvantage in terms of geography and people!

But there seems to be an invincible momentum around Li Hao, no matter who he is, put his horse here!!

Zhang Baozhu was so angry that Li Hao ignored his remarks that he immediately followed him and said in person: "ignorant children, boast and have no eyes for Taoism. Don't cry your nose when you are injured!"

"Ignorance is an empty life, ambition is not high, and old age without death is a thief. I'll wait to see your Dharma in three days!"

When it comes to swearing, Li Haoke has never conceded defeat, whether in the secular world or in the Taoism. The title of poisonous tongue is not in vain.

Zhang Baozhu ridiculed his youth, so he immediately fought back. Zhang Baozhu was an old thief who lived in vain for a hundred years, and he didn't suffer at all.

The public opinion in the public jade slips forum has been pushed to a climax with the fierce verbal conflict between them. For the war between Li Hao and Zhang Baozhu, they have even made a separate bet. Independent of the nine consecutive wins, they only bet on the success or failure of this duel!!

One is the leader of the top ten sects of Taoism and a veteran strong man, while the other is a talented young man who just returned to Taoism and stirred up the wind and rain all over the world. The two are really fighting against each other. Who can be better is not only Li Hao and Zhang Baozhu, but also the battle between the new generation and the old generation of Taoism!

"The skill of Senluo hall is famous for its strangeness. Although Zhang Baozhu's name is rustic, his title is very loud. It's called the three links between gods and ghosts!"

Li Jiaqi didn't speak in the public jade slips forum, but he reminded Li Hao: "A person's name may be wrong, but his nickname will never be wrong. The skill of Senluo hall focuses on the Senluo Qi of killing and cutting. Zhang Baozhu has gone to the ancient battlefield to practice in seclusion, obtained the divine will of thousands of soldiers' souls and the ghost Qi of ghost soldiers' corpses."

Li Jiaqi did not underestimate Wanfeng, Zhang Baozhu, Liu Zhiyin and Qingluo, although he had resisted the joint attack of Wanfeng, Zhang Baozhu, Liu Zhiyin and Qingluo at the gate of Wanling's nest.

"Isn't he called the three links between gods and ghosts? There are gods and ghosts, but why the three links? What is the third link?"

Before Li Hao spoke, long Aoxing couldn't help asking.

"I don't know."

Li Jiaqi shook his head and said, "he has never played the third pass at the bottom of the box against me, but I think it must be more powerful than magic and ghost."

"Brother, be careful!"

Ao Xing smacked his mouth, looked at Li Hao with some worry, and said, "it doesn't matter if we lose. Anyway, we're still young. In a few years, we casually promise to beat the old thing all over the ground to find teeth."

Li Hao listened to them silently, said nothing, and calmly adjusted his state.

Challenging Zhang Baozhu will be the most difficult battle since he stepped into the Taoist door. However, the closer he is to the limit, the more he can feel that his heart, which firmly believes in my invincible truth, is honed and more tenacious and bright.

He can feel that this battle with Zhang Baozhu may be an opportunity for him to break through his state of mind to a spotless heart and a feather not to add himself!!

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