In the cycle of five elements restraining each other, water can restrain fire, but when facing the variant attribute of fire, thunder, water not only has no restraint, but also has a strong increase.

With the blessing and increase of the weak water power, Li Hao's thunder power suddenly soared more than ten times, just like shaking from a python to a dragon!


Zhang Baozhu's face suddenly changed, and he snorted coldly. His armor suddenly burst out a mass of rich blood. He opened his mouth and roared: "God's soldiers fall from heaven!!"

With his roar, the earth in the whole bloody wasteland seemed to tremble slightly!

"What's this move?!"

"Can you even stir the whole bloody wasteland? Zhang Baozhu is really a top expert at the level of ten sect leaders!!"

"I didn't even know this move. At first glance, I didn't observe the little doll of the last human demon war."

An elderly friar sighed: "Zhang Baozhu is known as the three links between gods and ghosts. The divine soldiers falling from heaven are the so-called gods. He can summon the military souls of those heroes and martyrs in those years to form the divine soldiers to defend or attack for him. His power is infinite!!"

"What is that ghost?"

Hearing what the old man seemed to understand, another spectator couldn't help asking.

"Ghosts, call all ghosts to walk at night. Once they are displayed, the Yin wind will howl, and the day will turn into night. All the spirits of demons who died here will revive and turn into fierce ghosts to choose people to eat!!"

The old man said, and his face turned white. It seemed that he remembered something terrible, and his whole body could not help shaking.

"True or false, isn't it terrible?"

"Oh, my God! The souls of the martyrs turned into divine soldiers and the evil spirits turned into fierce ghosts. With the help of these ghosts, who can defeat the combat power of Zhang Baozhu's sect?"

"It's terrible!"

"Not necessarily."

The old man shook his head. Then he looked at Li Jiaqi standing proudly on a nearby hill with some envy and some fear. He said in awe: "in front of Lord Xiao Li, who was born with thunder pulse, all the things condensed by the Yin and cold power of these ghosts and gods can't be close to his body three feet!"

As soon as he said this, the spectators nearby also showed a trace of awe. Looking at the tall and straight figure standing not far away, they were both admiration and fear.

This is the first person of Taoism in the year of weak crown. At the age when ordinary people should study and practice hard, he has entered the land of the demon family alone and forced the top ten demon kings to sign a five-year armistice contract!

Although it seems that the scenery is infinite on the surface, in fact, who can resemble the weight of his burden?

"Li Hao is the younger brother of Lord Xiao Li. It must not be easy to fall down."

I don't know who said it.

In a word, it was like a cluster of sparks splashing into the withered grass, which immediately ignited the hope in the hearts of those who were originally not optimistic about Li Hao.

Along the way, Li Jiaqi was invincible.

Li Hao is his brother. He comes down in one continuous line. How can he lag behind others?!


Li Hao's thunder, which had been blessed by the weak water, bombarded Zhang Baozhu severely, but after the loud noise, Zhang Baozhu was not hurt at all.

Because in front of him, countless soldiers raised their shields and set up a solid defense formation to block Li Hao's attack!!

"The souls of Martyrs..."

Li Hao can naturally feel what the virtual shadows of these soldiers are. He frowns. Looking at the virtual shadows with sad, calm or angry faces, his anger rises in his heart!!

"Zhang Baozhu, are you still human?!"

Li Hao glared at him angrily and shouted, "these martyrs delivered their dead souls to you. Is it for you to fight internally for your own selfish desires and deal with our own people?"

"Are you afraid?"

In the face of Li Haoyi's righteous words, Zhang Baozhu not only didn't have any shame, but also waved his hand with a straight face and said, "fellow robes, help me destroy evil spirits!!"

The souls of 100000 soldiers of the three armed forces hesitated slightly. Although they were dead, they did not have any consciousness. Their will was not willing to deal with Li Hao.

"Do it!"

Zhang Baozhu found that the soldiers' souls didn't move at the first time. He immediately took out a military flag from his waist, waved it with a big hand, and shouted at 100000 military souls again: "charge!!!"

Facing the military order, these soldiers finally had no way. One by one, they raised their weapons and rushed towards Li Hao!

Li Hao's expression was full of sadness. Looking at the 100000 heroic souls who had to charge against him, he didn't dodge at all, but stretched out his hand and said sadly, "100000 heroic souls shed all their blood. Poor souls entrusted to non-human beings. Sad, sad!"

Then, facing the charge of 100000 soldiers' souls, Li Hao's body rose up with an iron blood and warm-hearted holy way, and roared up to the sky: "the righteousness is not in you but in me. You are not qualified to control the heroes of the dead. You are not qualified to command them, and you are not qualified to be the commander of the three services!!"

Under the rendering of the common grief and indignation of 100000 soldiers, Li Haoxin felt the same. Unexpectedly, he sensed a magnificent radiance of the holy way in the dark. A huge golden handsome seal fell from heaven and condensed in front of Li Hao.

A golden figure appeared before the handsome seal. He seemed to be disabled and unable to stand in a wheelchair, but the glory of a mighty strategist was clear!

Soldier Saint - Sun Bin!!

This scene, the unwilling grief and anger of 100000 heroes, coupled with their attack on the once-in-a-million-year natural Saint Li Hao, has provoked the will of the ancient soldier Saint Sun Bin to appear and come again!!

"Take handsome!"

Sun Bin's light and shadow nodded at Li Hao, then turned and faced Zhang Baozhu, who was stunned. The golden light and shadow stretched out a hand and soared towards him!


The military flag in Zhang Baozhu's hand is instantly fragmented, the soldiers win the handsome, and the holy power is irreversible!!


Zhang Baozhu himself also opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood under the influence of Qi machine, and the momentum of the whole person instantly faded down!

Originally, he thought that in the bloody wasteland, his home, he could give full play to the power of the three links between gods and ghosts and easily destroy Li Hao!

But I didn't expect that Li Hao invited Bing Sheng for his unjust move!

Even the will after the saint meteorite, but it is also a soldier saint!!

"The soul of the army listens to the order, leaving it to the real people with lofty ideals, and then lead you to fight in the battlefield!!"

Holding the handsome seal condensed by Sun Bin, Li Hao gave orders.


The faces of these soldiers' souls showed a color of liberation, and then all their bodies faded and disappeared in place.

The virtual shadow of Bing Sheng Sun Bin also nodded to Li Hao again, and then slowly dissipated, but a trace of the glory of the holy way also turned into streamer and fell into Li Hao's eyebrows.

"Smelly boy, you made me lose my soul!"

Zhang Baozhu's hair was scattered and his whole body looked like a crazy devil. He roared and roared: "even if you can call troops to take my handsome position, I still have the soul of demons and evil, I don't believe you can invite the leader of the demon clan!"

With that, a breath of evil spirit suddenly burst out from him!

"Ghosts at night!!"

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