The wind howled, the sun and the moon were dark, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed up by something at this moment, falling into terrible darkness!

Zhang Baozhu, who was taken away by the soldier Saint Sun Bin invited by Li Hao, opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood. Although the whole person's breath was depressed, his face showed a neurotic ferocious smile. He clenched his teeth and said, "I lost 100000 military souls. Li Hao, I'm sorry you died today!"


Li Jiaqi, who was standing below, raised his head. After the thunder sword behind him sensed the resentment, even if he didn't urge him, he still rang, emitting a brilliant power!

"It's a night trip of ghosts. It's another unique skill of Zhang Baozhu. A night trip of ghosts!!"

Many people who have seen this move are panicked and want to escape from the scope of the bloody wasteland, because Zhang Baozhu is obviously crazy now. At that time, once the fierce ghost transformed by the ghost of the demon family is summoned, they will not care about the difference between relatives and strangers. They will not only attack Li Hao, but also those watching the war below will become the target of attack!


Li Hao's eyes were full of anger and shouted: "as one of the top ten sect leaders of the Taoist school, he colluded with the demon soul to perform such a skill that destroys human relations and conscience among our people. His crime should be punished!!"


In the dark sky, with Li Hao's words, a burst of thunder suddenly broke out. A lightning flashed across the sky and lit up a piece of heaven and earth in the endless darkness.

God's word!

Since ancient times, saints can act on behalf of heaven. In a specific aspect, they sublimate their own saint's way to the point of heaven's way and punish on behalf of heaven.

Although the word of heaven in mouth is not as good as following the law and acting on behalf of heaven, it is also a power that can be played by quasi saints, that is, small words and great righteousness. The words spoken in mouth are infinitely close to the words of saints, so it will arouse the resonance of heaven and earth, which is called the word of heaven in mouth.

Li Hao has just felt the will of Sun Bin, the soldier saint, and under the extreme anger at the moment, he even sent out a vision with heaven's words!

This is a field that can only be touched by quasi saints and sub saints who have reached the peak of human beings and realized the realm of "emptiness"!


As soon as the vision with the words of heaven appeared, a terrible roar suddenly appeared!!

With this roar, the whole bloody wasteland seemed to vibrate. All those who heard this sound felt that their soul was hard scratched by something with a sharp knife. Immediately, their mouth and nose were bleeding, and their headache seemed to crack!

Although the roar was just a sound, it seemed as if thousands of angry ghosts were roaring together, full of soul-taking and soul-stirring terrorist power!


The thunder sword behind Li Jiaqi came out of the scabbard with a clang, and the whole person was full of power. The terrible momentum was like an ancient dragon waking up from a deep sleep.

"You can't step in!!"

Zhang Baozhu looked at the angry Li Jiaqi, and his outrageous resentment could not help but restrain a little because of fear. He shouted fiercely and inwardly: "this is the cause and effect between Li Hao and me. If you intervene, your heart and your brother's heart will never be perfect. Hehe, Kirin twins? Born saints? They will be cut by the power of cause and effect at that time!"

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Baozhu's words, Li Jiaqi's hand gave a slight pause, and the steps he was supposed to take were frozen in place.

Ordinary people don't have to look ahead, but at their cultivation level, the power of restraint will become stronger and stronger. Once they are contaminated with cause and effect, it will be very, very troublesome.

This is why Bian que, the medical immortal, knows that only Li Hao can learn the whole five elements divine needle, but he still needs to charge him incense wish points for each volume, because if they are given to Li Hao free of charge, they will be infected with cause and effect for himself and Li Hao.

The reincarnation of heaven, drink and peck. The small bargain found here today will be repaid elsewhere in the future!

Whether monks, immortals or gods, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, they will begin to carefully pay attention to the impact of the force of cause and effect on themselves. If they are too unscrupulous, there will be results in the future. At least, they will be seriously injured and their qualifications will be cut, or they will die, and it is difficult to end well.

Zhang Baozhu's threat is not groundless. The challenges between Li Hao and the nine sects have a causal fetter, especially with the major sects that targeted him at the beginning. Li Jiaqi can go with him to ensure the fairness of each challenge for Li Hao, but if he intervenes in the challenge, it is tantamount to interfering with the cause and effect, Will have extremely bad consequences.

"Brother, don't interfere."

Li Hao stood still and looked at the evil spirits everywhere in the dark. He looked very serious and turned to drink back Li Jiaqi who was ready to take action.

"Demon spirits! This is the most outstanding talent of the Terran for thousands of years. Go and devour his flesh and blood god. It's the most delicious tonic in the world!!"

Zhang Baozhu looked ferocious. At the moment, he seemed to have completely ignored it. He turned into a demon rebel and bewitched these demon spirits to bite Li Hao.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Jiaqi finally obeyed Li Hao's advice and didn't intervene in the fight between them. However, he raised his hand. The thunder sword in his palm was shining, and the blue thunder directly pierced the darkness, forming a huge light curtain to protect the four weeks, so that the ordinary friars would not be injured by the evil spirits.

"The heart of truth!!"

Li Hao suddenly raised his hand and patted himself heavily on the chest. He opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of pale golden blood!

The golden blood coagulated in the air and turned into a beating small heart!

"When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!"

Li Hao took a deep breath and suddenly roared!


Words are like knives!

Every time Li Hao said a word, the golden heart would beat violently, and next to the small heart, two larger golden hearts emerged, and the smell of the holy way was stronger!

Medicine Saint nongdi's truth Saint heart and soldier Saint Sun Bin's truth Saint heart!!

However, although these two sacred hearts are more powerful, they are more illusory, far less solid than Li Hao's small sacred heart of truth.

When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!

When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!!

Li Hao's voice echoed over and over again, and finally formed a magnificent voice of heaven and earth!

"When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!"

"When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!"

I don't know when, the monks on the bloody wasteland who fled hastily under the chase of evil spirits and fierce ghosts also stopped, stared at the three small hearts wrapped by the holy light in front of Li Hao in the air, and involuntarily began to recite what Li haogang had just said.

Li Hao could feel an incomparable great power transmitted along these spectators. Everyone was reciting the holy words he had just issued. Everyone's ideas were highly condensed at this moment. Li Hao's words were cast like gold and iron and branded in the eternal holy way in time and space!

Yes, Li Hao said his first immortal words today, at this moment, when countless demons and ghosts block out the sky and the sun!

"Poop! Poop! Poop!"

In mid air, the little golden heart made a strong beating sound!


An extremely subtle sound of breaking sounded in Li Hao's heart, as if something had been fettering his shackles and quietly smashed at this moment.

It's natural. At this moment, Li Hao naturally entered the realm of spotless heart and no body!!

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