Spotless heart!

Not a feather!

Li Hao was solemn at this moment. The small golden heart condensed by his blood essence in the air fluctuated and beat, making a sound like a drum. At the moment, the heart in Li Hao's chest also beat with it.

The sacred heart of truth, Li Hao's sacred heart of truth is finally condensed at this moment!!

The foundation of the holy way of all saints is to clarify their own concept of sanctification, and then condense the holy heart of truth, so as to successfully step out of their own holy way and achieve the immortal throne!

Before being canonized, every saint must speak the voice of the immortal holy word, or leave behind the handed down holy books and works, such as Confucius' Analects of Confucius, the spring and Autumn period, Shennong Ding of Shennong emperor, Sun Bin's art of war and so on.

Under such a coincidence, Li Hao was forced to a desperate situation by Zhang Baozhu, stimulated his full potential as a natural saint, and said his own immortal words in advance!

When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!!

Only the emergence of immortal words can arouse Li Hao's sacred heart of truth to condense and start beating violently, and only the emergence of immortal words can attract everyone nearby to recite involuntarily.

Because saints can suppress all ages, and they are the kings of the world. There will only be one at most in an era. The holy way is overwhelming. One person is canonized, and others can only be crushed!

It is precisely because of the words of the holy way that Li Hao can easily break the last layer of window paper from the realm of cave and micro to the realm of spotless heart and a feather without body. The realm of the soul is sublimated again and has undergone magical transformation!

Everyone could not help lowering their heads. No matter how proud they are, under the light of the holy light, Li Hao is not a saint yet, but he has initially had the appearance of a saint and stepped out of his holy way.

When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!

This holy way is all inclusive. It is an invincible way of fighting, a way of saving ghosts and demons, and a way of helping the world!

"Mom, the light is so dazzling that even Ben long feels that he is about to cry!"

Ao Xing covered his eyes. Even though he was the last pure blood real dragon in the world, he had to avoid his edge.

This is the glory of the holy way, unparalleled in the world and shining through the ages. After all, even if Aoxing's real dragon ancestors were still alive, they were proud to accompany the saints in ancient times. It was the dignity of the saints to resist the dragon and patrol the sky.

"Haw haw!!"

The countless demons and ghosts summoned by Zhang Baozhu were immediately like ice and snow in the sun under the light of the holy light. They all screamed, and the ice disappeared and melted, and disappeared invisible. Let alone close to Li Hao, they couldn't even escape!!

The whole bloody wasteland trembled crazily, the rain fell from the sky and the spring poured from the earth. All the demon souls that cursed the earth were purified, and the visions symbolizing auspiciousness appeared one after another. The whole earth was rapidly glowing with vigorous vitality!

The souls of those Terran martyrs, instead of disappearing, have been strengthened one by one. They have become solid from the illusory soul body, and have benefited greatly from the vision of heaven!

Now they can no longer be regarded as simple souls of ordinary soldiers, but scattered immortals!

With independent consciousness, you can continue to practice. It is another kind of life body. It is a loose immortal who is reborn and robbed by the spirit body!!

"See Master!!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers' souls are reborn. They excitedly look at Li Hao in the air. At the same time, they bow down and kneel down and express their loyalty to Li Hao from the bottom of their hearts!


Zhang Baozhu was like a mad devil at the moment. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. The whole person's breath was completely depressed!

The power of saints cannot be violated. Even if Li Hao only sends out the power of saints in advance, he can not be regarded as a real saint. At best, he can only be regarded as a quasi saint, but Zhang Baozhu is still hostile to Li Hao's Shenghui and is subjected to a terrible and destructive attack!!

"I just want to return to the top five. Why? Why!"

Zhang Baozhu, dishevelled, stumbled and howled on the ground. The whole person was staggering. Where was the appearance of flying through the clouds and imposing in the past?

At the moment, where is he still like the famous God ghost three links?

I'm afraid even an ordinary woman with no strength to bind a chicken can easily push him to the ground!

If you are hated by saints, you will not be tolerated by the current human race!!

Looking at Zhang Baozhu's staggering and embarrassed appearance, everyone sighed in their hearts.

Zhang Baozhu was right. He just wanted to lead Senluo hall back to the top five of Taoism, but he was dragged step by step into the abyss like a bottomless pit by his vanity and too strong self-esteem. He not only provoked people like Li Hao, but also didn't know how to turn around, unlike Liu Zhiyin and Zhang Wuxin.

At this time, the leaders of all the top ten famous schools in the Taoist school felt it and looked into the bloody wasteland through time and space.

No, it should no longer be called bloody wasteland, because it is no longer bloody, nor wasteland, but a vibrant oasis.

When the immortal word comes into the world, everyone will worship it.

At the moment, in the secular world outside the Taoist gate and in the deep mountains of Yunnan, ling'er, who was vividly helping Li Hao set up an ecological base, suddenly became stiff, as if she felt something in her heart. The small tripod pattern in the center of her eyebrows was full of light, which frightened Lin Wei nearby.

"Unexpectedly, there is the breath of the throne. Brother Hao, how terrible are you growing up in the Taoist door?"

Ling'er looked at the unknown distance and murmured with hope.

"Holy throne!"

In the highest floor of Ruyi building, a woman sitting behind the curtain suddenly made a sound. Although she didn't show her face, her eyes vaguely exposed through the curtain were full of soul-taking power. It seemed that she would sink into the world forever with only one look!

But the eyes full of magic are full of horror at the moment.

For the primitive mind devil, the power of the throne is the only power she is helpless and afraid in the world.

This is also why she wanted to demonize Li Hao, a natural saint, as soon as she was born, and then wanted to kill Li Hao before he grew up.

"Little brother, can't you be holy?"

The original demon behind the curtain bowed his head and said, "it's really a bad fate. Unexpectedly, the two spokesmen I have attached to me have a lot to do with you, enemy..."

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