With beautiful mountains and rivers, the zongmen of Wanling nest is located on the floating island, a natural Holy Land in the daomen!

Floating island, as its name implies, is a huge Island suspended in mid air. It is supported by an unknown force and will not sink for ten thousand years.

The Reiki intensity of the whole Wanling nest is also extremely strong among the three thousand blessed lands and caves of the whole daomen, second only to the first Xiaoyao sect.

Because the ranking of famous sects is related to the richness of the clan's aura and the distribution of genius land treasures, it will lead to some sects' obsession with the ranking, such as Zhang Baozhu, the predecessor of death daoxiao.

All souls' nest is completely opposite to the limitless gate. The limitless gate pays attention to the diligence and will acquired. Even if the talent is not so superb, it can be accepted as long as it has the cultivation potential, but all souls' nest is very different, because all disciples of all souls' nest pay most attention to talent!

Because without talent, it is impossible for people to awaken their own animal soul or let powerful alien animal souls choose themselves.


Approaching the all souls nest, an invisible pressure suddenly came, which made Li Hao and them obviously feel that their actions were constrained everywhere.

On that day, Li Jiaqi thought that Li Hao had died in the weak water dark prison and killed him angrily. Therefore, since then, the Wanling nest has been on pins and needles, keeping the defense array of the sect door open.

"Li Hao, come on, if you go a hundred miles, you're half or 90. You're just short of the last game. Don't drop the chain!!"

On the periphery of the floating island, a large number of onlookers who want to watch the war have gathered, but they are all isolated by the defense force of the Wanling nest. If there is no accident, there is no way to go inside to watch Li Hao's battle against one dragon and one phoenix.

"Meet the quasi saint. You must pay attention to protecting yourself. Once the saint is canonized in the future, it will bring the prosperity of our Terran for thousands of years!"

"Yes! The appearance of the quasi Saint indicates that my humanity is prosperous, but don't lose anything in the internal fight!"

Many people came to care for and support Li Hao. I hope he must pay attention to protecting himself and not be hurt by the dragon and Phoenix.

There has been no new saint in the Terran for a hundred years. Now the world has changed greatly. Everyone may not feel it, but people in the Taoist door feel uneasy. Seeing the quasi saint is like seeing the backbone. In particular, I hope Li Hao can successfully reach the peak of the holy Tao in the future!

Li Hao smiled and nodded to them all the way.

Everyone who is full of kindness to Li Hao seems to feel that he is smiling at himself and his heart is surging with excitement.

The closer you get to the floating island, the more obvious the terrible pressure becomes. Finally, if you don't mobilize Zhenyuan's internal breathing to resist, it will even become extremely difficult to take a step.

So those monks who want to watch the war can only stop and can't send Li Hao to the interior of the floating island.

However, Li Hao, Li Jiaqi and AO Xing are not ordinary people. Although the defense power of the Wanling nest is strong, it is impossible to give them a blow.

Li Hao stood with his hands on his back, walking in the energy field deliberately laid for them in the all souls' nest like a stroll in a leisurely court. He was as graceful as a startled goose and as vigorous as a wandering dragon, completely unaffected by the slightest bit of influence.

Although the improvement of Tao realm does not mean the improvement of cultivation power, the more later, the improvement of each level of Tao realm has infinite wonderful functions.

For example, Li Hao is now in a state of spotless heart and no body. In this state, any external pressure and demons will be naturally removed without my body.

Therefore, the array pressure of all souls nest seems to be nonexistent for Li Hao.

The pressure exerted by heaven and earth on him, he opened his body and mind, regarded himself as a transparent carrier, and let the pressure flow out again!

If he can't bear it himself, let the boundless world around him bear it for him!!

Li Jiaqi is also an expert in the realm of cave and micro. He can see the fire and know the weak points of the energy field with a sweep of his mind. He can mobilize his true yuan breath and walk through the weak links of the energy field in the most labor-saving way.

And AO Xing, his way is the most savage and direct. Regardless, he fought hard with the strong body of his dragon family's real dragon blood!

Ao Xing doesn't have so many realms, but his physical power of Qi and blood is too strong. Every step, his own power will make a dull sound with the big array position of the Wanling nest. The tip of the needle will not give way to the wheat awn!

The three brothers walked side by side, admiring those who were blocked out of the array.

"When the prospective Saint arrives, why is there no one to meet him in the all souls nest?"

Li Hao stood under the floating island, roared up to the sky and turned his white robe. With the support of strong Zhenyuan internal breathing, he soared to the ground and flew high into the sky!

"You're not ashamed to talk. You're just protected by the sages by chance. Dare you claim to be a saint? It's arrogant. My all souls nest will never bow to people like you!"

A soft drink came from the floating island. There was no slightest awe in the tone, only thick hatred.

Hearing her unreasonable words, Li Hao couldn't help smiling, and everyone outside the floating island was stunned.

Can you say immortal words by chance?

There is no funnier joke than this one at the bottom of the day!

"Since you think my brother is blind and said an immortal holy word, I think you might as well have more. If you can get one or two words, we will admit that you are quasi holy."

When it comes to ridicule people, Ao Xing is much more enthusiastic than Li Hao. He immediately opened his mouth and said in a strange way: "how interesting is it to have a group of heroes competing for the deer and quasi saints? It also saves that only brother Hao is qualified to be canonized now. It's strange that it's not challenging."

As soon as he said this, there was no sound in the all souls nest.

Others can argue, but this immortal holy word is really there. Li Hao can say it. Can anyone in their all souls nest say it?


"Even if you don't recognize me as a quasi saint, as a disciple of Xiaoyao clan, a Taoist in Fengqin Pavilion and a saint mentor of Wuji gate, can't the respect of the three sects be enough to meet all souls' nests upside down?"

Li Hao opened his mouth again. This time he was no longer so polite. An invisible force poured out of his words and pressed against the nest of all souls!

He is now under the authority of the three factions, and his every move has the atmosphere of a great success. It will be difficult to resist just by speaking and writing.

"All souls' nest has a big shelf. I don't know whether I despise our three major sects or the second largest sect, but it doesn't have etiquette!"

Li Hao's loud drink was like generating electricity in the void. He directly tore the energy field of the Wanling nest with his three inch tongue!!


Wanfeng vomited a big mouthful of blood again when the injury in Wanling's nest had just improved.

Stealing chicken can't erode rice. He wants to give Li Hao a blow, but he doesn't want to make his injury worse again!!

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