"Dad! Are you okay?"

In Wanling's nest, Wanfeng's daughter Wanrong and his adopted son Wan Wenqiang came forward to hold Wanfeng, who vomited blood. His face changed greatly and asked eagerly.

"I never thought that this son has become such a climate now."

Wan Feng's eyes were full of remorse and said angrily: "at the beginning, when he first entered the Taoist door, although his talent was amazing, his accomplishments were not paid attention to by me. But now, he doesn't have to do anything. He can seriously hurt me who is in charge of the all souls nest array just by speaking with the general trend!"

With that, Wan Feng hammered down the ground and said, "if I had known this, I shouldn't have thought about leaving a genius's love for my Terran. I should have cut down the roots and killed him!"

"Dad, it's okay. Rong'er and I can definitely kill him here!"

Wan Wenqiang's face showed a cruel color, clenched his teeth and said, "rong'er and I have been practicing the combination of dragon and Phoenix recently. Although our cultivation is still far behind the level of the top ten masters like your father, we are not weaker than his Li Hao!"

"Yes! What about quasi saints? What about Kirin Gemini?"

Wan Rong's big eyes showed a look of resentment and said angrily, "brother Qiang and I are the hosts of the dragon soul and the phoenix soul. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious. He is only one of the Kirin Gemini stars. He can't be the opponent of the two of us who have the same cultivation!!"

"Don't go. I have a bad feeling. You'd better not go."

Wan Feng's hands trembled slightly.

The old strong man who once crossed the Taoist gate and competed with Li Hao and Li Yunfei, Li Jiaqi's father, feels scared now.

Although he was really reluctant to admit it, he was really afraid.

First, Li Jiaqi blocked the door to fight, and then Li haozhen vomited blood. It can be said that he hasn't suffered such a serious injury in nearly a hundred years since he achieved great accomplishments!

Now he is really afraid that his son and daughter will be folded in Li Hao's hands. He knows very well that Li Hao is not a kind-hearted hypocrite. He once hurt him like that. If he has the opportunity, he will never mind ending Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang.

This dragon and Phoenix placed all Wanfeng's hopes. He couldn't bear to make mistakes.

"Dad, don't worry. The power of our combination of dragon and phoenix is not as simple as you think."

Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang looked at each other, then helped the injured Wan Feng to bed, resolutely walked out of the Wanling nest and greeted Li Hao.

"Li Hao, here we are!"

Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang both soared into the air, watching Li Hao, who was condescending and looking down at them in mid air, and roared up to the sky.

"It's an honor for two to fight one?"

Li Hao squinted at them, then smiled and asked, "why didn't your father show his face? Is he in poor health?"


If Wan Wenqiang and his two people talk about poison tongue, even if there are a few more people, they will never be Li Hao's opponent. They are immediately ignited by Li Hao's words, burning in anger and smoking in their seven orifices!

"Brother Qiang, calm down. He wants to annoy us on purpose."

Wan Rong was a girl after all. She wanted to be calm. She pulled Wan Wenqiang's sleeve and warned loudly.

"Li Hao, do you think you're great at winning eight consecutive games?"

Wan Wenqiang took a deep breath, looked at Li Hao, sneered and said, "let's see the power of our combination of dragon and Phoenix today!"


Li Hao nodded indifferently, without any attention.

"Today, my father's hurt hatred and the clan's humiliation hatred, our brothers and sisters will count the general ledger with you!!"

Wanrong scolded, and a light golden yellow appeared in her eyes, and then the terrible momentum rose!

A pair of pale golden wings emerged from behind her, lifelike, derived from a terrible pressure.

Phoenix soul!

"Li Hao, die!"

Wan Wenqiang also roared. A layer of rich golden awn on his hands emerged, evolved into a pair of sharp dragon claws, and the stern dragon power also emerged.

And the momentum of the dragon and Phoenix, even in mid air, faintly converged and contained together, soaring geometrically!!

"One dragon and one phoenix, well, it's OK."

Li Hao finally put his hands behind his back and looked at Wan Wenqiang and Wan Rong with great interest. The expression on his face remained unchanged.

"I thought it was something of Li Hao. What a dragon soul..."

After seeing Wan Wenqiang, Ao Xing, who was watching the war, threw his mouth and said, "it's just the remnant soul of an ordinary dragon family. It's not as good as an ordinary dragon family, let alone a real dragon. My brother Li Hao has the real dragon blood of his own dragon in his body. This boy has been disabled."

Sure enough, when Wan Wenqiang stretched out his hand and a vicious dragon blasted his heart towards Li Hao's chest, Li Hao raised his eyes faintly, stared at him and said, "the soul of the remnant dragon, dare you make a mistake?"


This sentence is clearly spoken by the human language, but it is like a real dragon roaring.

With this roar, Wan Wenqiang's whole body was suddenly shocked. The dragon soul lodged in his body unexpectedly appeared a trace of unspeakable agitation!

It seems that the inferior meets the superior, and his heart is in awe.

"Brother Qiang, what's the matter?!"

Wanrong obviously felt that wanwenqiang was wrong, because they were a combination of dragon and Phoenix. She could intuitively feel that wanwenqiang had a problem.

"No, I don't know..."

Wan Wenqiang stammered at Li Hao and said incredulously, "he... He seems to have the smell of a real dragon!!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Wan Rong took Wan Wenqiang's hand and said, "brother Qiang, you instill the power of the dragon soul into me and let me be the main force to attack him. His real dragon blood can't restrain you."

"Good idea."

Li Hao glanced at Wan Rong, smiled contemptuously and said, "I heard that you Wanling nest like playing with animal souls very much."

With that, Li Hao raised his hand and waved it. The vigorous inner breath of Zhenyuan surged out and condensed out of thin air into a peacock with colorful feathers!

Early peacock beast soul!!

Almost at the moment when the peacock animal soul was condensed by Li Hao, Wan Rong's face suddenly changed!

It has been said before that among the ancient gods and beasts, the dragon is the leader of the Shui nationality, and the unicorn is the respect of the animals. Among the 100 birds, in addition to the Phoenix, there are the early peacock Daming king, Bi Fang, Chongming bird, shenluan and other gods and birds competing for the master of 100 birds!

The first generation peacock is not lost to the Phoenix!

Wan Wenqiang's dragon soul was restrained by Li Hao's real dragon blood, and Wan Rong's phoenix soul was tit for tat by the early peacock animal soul summoned by Li Hao. Now, they can say that they have no advantage!

"I heard that you like playing with animal spirits?"

Li Hao smiled again under the terrified gaze of Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang, and then from his body, a roar of the supreme beast roared out again!

Unicorn beast soul!!

"The real dragon subdues the dragon soul and the peacock against the Phoenix."

Li Hao looked at the light and shadow of the unicorn on his chest and said mockingly, "now I have an extra Unicorn beast. How can you play?"

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