Looking at the empty shadow of a peacock and a unicorn beast suspended in front of Li Hao, Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang showed a gray color on their faces.

Condensing the animal soul, Li Hao can summon the animal soul with his own strength and understanding!

This power has simply exceeded their imagination and understanding, and the animal soul they have always been proud of seems to have become something ordinary and worthless.

"Brother Qiang, don't be afraid. It's understandable that he is a unicorn Gemini and can condense a unicorn beast, but why can he summon the animal soul of the early peacock? I think he must be pretending and mystifying!"

Wanrong stared at Li Hao in front of him and bit his teeth.

However, the Qi machine of the first generation of peacocks locked her, and her words seemed so weak.

"I was lucky enough to get a peacock, the emperor's feather of Daming king."

After listening to Wan Rong's words, Li Hao explained with a smile.

Indeed, he could stay together morning and night, and he had been able to gather the spirit of the early peacock. It was because he had been with the Emperor Ling Ming of the peacock and had seen with himself the blood essence of the emperor's Ling, which had been transformed from the ordinary bird to the present.

These daily accumulation is a kind of rare food. Although Li Hao's realm at that time was still very low, his cultivation and vision were also very low, and there was no way to see through more things, but now he is different from that time. Looking back, he has a different harvest and taste.

Especially after the recent breakthrough to the state of spotless heart and no body, the past has become more and more clear in Li Hao's heart. His Lingtai is Qingming. Everything he has experienced before can be seen clearly. As long as he recalls it, it will be very real.

Therefore, relying on his understanding of the early generation of peacocks and his feeling after observing the evolution of thousands of nights at a close distance, he personally tested it today. As expected, he succeeded in one fell swoop and condensed the animal soul of the early generation of peacocks.

But Li Hao knew in his heart that the animal soul was not perfect. He could only summon a single battle. He could not live as long as Wan Rong and the animal soul that was lodged in their bodies, and assisted the host in cultivation.

This is because he has practiced the five Qi Tianxin formula of wood Qi, fire Qi, earth Qi and water Qi Zhenyuan. He is still short of gold Qi Zhenyuan to be truly perfect. If the five elements are not perfect, naturally they can not form a world or living creature that can cycle forever.

The same is true of animal souls.

However, it is more than enough to deal with Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang.

"Spell it!"

Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang looked at each other, and a trace of determination flashed in their eyes.

"Do you want to burn cultivation accomplishments, then explode the animal soul, take me to burn jade and stone and die together?"

Li Hao looked at them with great interest and said with a smile: "I advise you not to do such meaningless things. First of all, even if you burn cultivation accomplishments and explode the animal soul, you may not be able to kill me. Moreover, as long as I don't want to be attacked by you, I have a 99% chance to avoid your attack. Why?"

"Stop putting on airs here and die!"

Wan Rong gave a shrill scream, just like the blood of a Phoenix. A flame burst out from under her skin, enveloping her whole person, forming a real Phoenix Fire shadow and rising in the air!

"I will explode the dragon soul. What kind of blood level suppression do I care about?!"

Wan Wenqiang looked at Wan Rong and roared wildly. This sound was like saying to himself, and more like saying to the Dragon ghost in his body.

Sure enough, prompted by the host's will to die, he also sent out an earth shaking dragon chant in his body, and then a scale was broken. It seems that the Dragon shadow seriously injured also surged out, enveloping Wan Wenqiang!

"Dragon and Phoenix cry blood and live to death!!"

Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang held their hands tightly together, and a tragic momentum that would rather be broken than complete came out.

"Sad and ridiculous."

Li Hao sighed and seemed to be regretting something. Then he stretched out his hand to let the peacock virtual shadow and Kirin virtual shadow in front of him rise slowly.

Even if Wan Wenqiang used his own life to make the Dragon ghost get rid of being suppressed by the real dragon blood temporarily, his Kirin virtual shadow is not afraid of the badly injured dragon ghost!



Suddenly, when Li Hao, Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang were about to have the most terrible ultimate collision, a sad roar suddenly came out from the inside of the Wanling nest.

Wan Feng stumbled out of the door in disheveled hair. His face was pale, and there were even blood stains left after he had just plotted against Li Hao's back injury. The whole person looked like a poor old man in his old age.

"No, don't do that."

Wanfeng "Putong!" fell to the ground, knelt down at Li Hao's feet and cried, "please, I beg you, Li Hao, Li Zhunsheng, you have a lot of adults. Please spare my son and daughter. I know they are hitting stone with eggs. I know they can't be your opponent. Please, don't destroy their animal soul. No, please."

"From beginning to end, I'm not forcing them."

Li Hao said faintly, "they want to fight me, and they want to burn their accomplishments and explode their animal souls. I even advised them not to do such useless work. They don't listen. What can I do?"

"I know, I know."

Wan Feng kept kowtowing on the ground. Without using a little Zhenyuan to protect his body, he directly knocked his forehead against the skin and shed blood!

"I'm wrong. I shouldn't be greedy for profit. I should design and frame you everywhere. I shouldn't know my mistakes and don't change. I'm still going to Hei. Li Zhunsheng, you are Zhunsheng. If there are a lot of saints, please forgive me."

Wan Feng is really afraid now.

When Li Hao won Hongshan, he didn't care. When Li Hao became the Taoist priest of Fengqin Pavilion, he also comforted himself that he was lucky. Li Haocheng couldn't sit still for the sake of the saint mentor of Wuji gate. He didn't feel a bit flustered until Zhang Bao's pillar body died.

Until today, until today, Li Hao really came to the door. In the case of calling the zongmen array, he was still hurt by Li Hao with small words. Wan Feng was really afraid!

Now, seeing that Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang want to explode the animal soul, he knows that even if they die, Li Hao will never die!

"Although I personally hate you, you are a good father as a father."

Li Hao looked down at Wan Feng who had completely surrendered to repentance, sighed and said.

"Father, how can you kneel?"

Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang behind them were about to crack their canthus and roared.

"Shut up!!"

Wan Feng turned back and roared, calmed his son and daughter, and then begged to Li Hao.

"That's all."

Li Hao waved his hand and said, "I can stop because of your sincerity for your children."


Wan Feng was slightly stunned. Obviously, the surprise came too suddenly, which made him a little overjoyed.

"However, the capital crime is excusable, but the living crime is unavoidable."

Li Hao took a deep breath: "Hongshan sneaked into the demon family and waited for the opportunity. I think you also lurked in the past to secretly protect her safety."


Wanfeng hesitated for a moment and took orders respectfully.

Although Li Hao said he was punishing, he was actually giving him the opportunity to make meritorious service. Wan Feng was grateful and only convinced Li Hao.

"As for you two."

Li Hao glanced at Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang and said coldly, "you have talent but don't distinguish right from wrong. You've been imprisoned for five years. You've been a mortal for five years. Repent!"

With a wave of Li Hao's big hand, Wan Rong and WAN Wenqiang couldn't even dodge, so an irresistible force poured into their bodies and sealed all their accomplishments!


Just before Li Hao finished handling all the things here, Ao Xing, who was watching the war, suddenly shook his body, showed the dragon body directly from the human form, rushed into the air, stared at Li Hao and shouted: "the Dragon virtual Valley is about to open, I sensed that the Dragon virtual Valley is about to open!!"

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