
Hearing Ao Xing's extremely excited call, Li Hao's eyebrows picked up and a look of expectation appeared on his face.

Dragon void Valley, is it about to open?

The blood in his heart was surging, and Li Hao's pupils also burst out a ray of longing.

In fact, among the nine challenges to the nine sects, in addition to the elimination of the spirit of the evil tiger, the military spirit and demon spirit against Zhang Baozhu, and the three trips to xingmangzhai, which have greatly honed and helped Li Hao, others, whether Zhan Hongshan, Shen Changtian, or even the Dragon and phoenix of Wan Wenqiang and Wan Rong, are like children playing at home for Li Hao.

What we have to face in Longxu Valley is the challenge that really makes his blood boil!

"The Dragon void Valley appears. Go to ring the door and ring the bell!"

Li Jiaqi spoke for the first time nearby. As the first alliance leader of daomen, he pointed his sword to the sky, and the turbulent inner breath of Zhenyuan went straight into the sky!

Under the tumbling clouds, a huge bell flat condensed out of thin air, and then a dazzling thunder suddenly cut through the sky, like a column knocking on the bell flat, and hit the bell flat made of clouds!

The clouds condense and the thunder strikes!


A simple and thick bell sounded suddenly from the clouds, forming a visible sound wave, like ripples in the water, slowly escaping around!

Almost at the same time, all the doors, large and small, heard the bell!

When the bell rang, it was definitely a big event that startled the whole Taoist door!

"Ten major sects, all sect leaders, as well as all sect leaders of first-class sects, all set out to gather at Xiaoyao sect in a few days!"

Li Jiaqi's voice rolled away through the chime bell and spread towards the whole gate.

All the leaders who are qualified to go to Xiaoyao sect have clearly heard this sentence, and those who have not heard it are naturally unqualified.

Although the Dragon void Valley appeared in good luck, if you want to really open it, you must have a strong energy infusion. Originally, when the ancient dragon family was prosperous, the energy needed to open the Dragon void valley was jointly urged by those powerful dragon family elders, and there was no need to borrow the hand of outsiders.

Of course, at that time, even if we knew that Longxu valley was full of treasures and opportunities, there was no share of outsiders at all. Only the dragon family could enter it for trial.

That is, now, the dragon clan is declining. Except for those who went to heaven to become eight heavenly dragons in ancient times and those who entered the underworld to become the underworld dragon, there is only a real dragon such as Aoxing in the world. It can't open the Dragon virtual Valley by itself. Therefore, it needs the power of Terran and demon clan as a condition of exchange, Terrans and demons can also send people in.

"Where will the Dragon void Valley be born?"

Li haoluo returned to Ao Xing and asked.

"Between time and space."

Ao Xing, who had always been careless, became very serious at the moment and said, "Longxu Valley is another space condensed by the ancestors of ZuLong. It is independent outside the three realms and exists in the gap between time and space. The three realms were sealed and isolated by Daozu Hongjun. Longxu Valley has not been born. I can feel some clues recently."

"Is that so?"

Li Hao frowned slightly and nodded in a deep voice.

It seems that what the Immortal Emperor revealed to him before is not groundless. Heaven and earth are really about to change. The seal of Hongjun Daozu is weakening bit by bit. At that time, the ambitious Mingjun will certainly make a comeback!

"It seems that after coming out of Longxu Valley, I have to find a chance to have a good chat with brother Tu Feng and brother Bai Qi."

Li Hao made up his mind that Tu Feng was the top Pluto who had been framed by the Pluto king and had just been killed from the 18th floor of hell. Although Bai Qi was a new Pluto level expert, he majored in the way of killing and cutting. His combat effectiveness was also high among the Pluto king. Li Hao believed that he could find out a lot of information about the underworld from them.

"Let's go. The Dragon void Valley is about to open. There must be something moving on the demon clan. We'll go to Xiaoyao sect first, and then we'll go to Wuding mountain."

In mid air, Li Jiaqi, who finished playing the Guangming bell, also came back and said to Li Hao and AO Xing.

"Well, let's go."

Li Hao nodded, and the three soared at the same time. Li Jiaqi flew with his sword, while Li Hao rode on AO Xing, who turned into a dragon, and hurried towards Xiaoyao sect together.

At the same time, all the masters of the sect who were qualified to hear Li Jiaqi's voice in the whole Taoist gate also explained clearly what was going on in the sect and began to set off for Xiaoyao sect.

A command, the world gathered to respond!

At the same time, in the territory of the demon family, on a huge mountain peak, a giant wolf with golden hair jumped up to the highest rock on the top of the mountain and roared up to the sky against the blood red full moon in the sky!




The shrill wolf howl spread all over the land of the demon family. All the ten demon kings and those who were close to the ten demon kings stopped their original actions, raised their heads and looked at the mountain, and then issued all kinds of strange roars!

"Longxu Valley!"

"Longxu Valley is coming!"

"Ao Xing sent us an invitation. Let's go!"

"Go! Go to Wuding mountain!"

"I really want to cross Wuding mountain to go inside the Taoist gate! I haven't eaten the delicious flesh and blood of the monk for a long time!"

For a time, the demons gathered in the demon territory, just like the Terran Taoist gate, and all the top forces gathered together and ran towards the indefinite mountain that separated the demon territory from the Terran Taoist gate!

Two days later, in Wuding mountain, hundreds of demon families stared at the Terrans on the other side of the mountain, breathing heavily from their nostrils and roaring low from time to time.

"Terran, send it to the king!"

Finally, a tiger Demon King opened his mouth and growled greedily.


Hearing this, the leaders of the Terran sect immediately stared angrily, opened their mouths and denounced one after another, and some even began to brew Taoism and prepare to attack.


The demon clan is also unwilling to show weakness, one by one, ready to move.

Terrans and Demons live together in the world and have been opposed for tens of thousands of years. The hatred of both sides has already gone deep into their blood. As long as they meet, they will kill!

"Shut up!!"

However, just when the war seemed to be imminent, a dragon shadow appeared in the middle of the two camps. It was Ao Xing!

I saw that the real dragon, who was often trained by Li Hao as a child on weekdays, was now very dignified, suspended in mid air and looked down at the humanity on both sides: "Ben long, no matter what you want to do, you should know what Ben long asked you to come here for!"

Then he added coldly, "if you want to do it, you can do it when you open the Dragon void Valley!"

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