When Ao Xing roared, both the human race and the demon race had to stop and be quiet for the time being.

Longxu Valley is the key to their trip. No one wants to offend the only key to enter Longxu Valley - Zhenlong Aoxing at this time.

"The men and horses on both sides converge to the dragon. Your power is now used to summon the Dragon virtual Valley, not to fight bravely!"

Ao Xing snorted from his nose and taught a lesson again. After a dragon waved its tail, the whole body leaped into the air, and the mighty Longwei escaped madly!

Among the people present, except Li Hao, everyone showed a trace of fear. Some whose cultivation was not as good as Ao Xing, even their legs trembled, and they could not stand. Even super experts like Li Jiaqi or the top ten demon kings of the demon family, their faces were tense, and they were obviously trying their best to resist the influence of Long Wei.

Only Li Haoyun is light, as if he doesn't know anything.

A spotless heart, a feather does not add body.

At this level, there are few things that can interfere with him.


Ao Xing used his sharp dragon claw to stroke gently in his heart. The hard and incomparable dragon scale broke a small piece and shed a few drops of golden blood!

The surging power of Qi and blood emerged. Even if it was only a few drops of blood, it was also the real dragon's blood. It contained abundant power, which made some demon families salivate.

However, the top ten demon kings turned back and roared, suppressing some restless people.

Although the real dragon blood essence is precious, it is the key to summon the door of the Dragon virtual valley. There are many treasures that are more precious than the real dragon blood essence!

"Instill your strength into the real dragon blood essence, especially the ten main sect leaders and the ten demon kings. Don't keep anything."

After all this, Ao Xing glanced at the two camps below and said lazily.

"I see."

Li Jiaqi nodded, then turned back to the humanity on his side: "everyone is ready to accumulate strength and instill their true yuan breath into the real dragon's blood essence, especially the leader of the ten major schools. Spare no effort!"

The demon families on the other side also issued the same instructions in their own languages.


At both ends of the indefinite mountains, the energy fluctuation of the super explosion suddenly soared into the air!

Li Jiaqi is the leader of the Taoist sect of the human race. Due to the lack of Zhang Baozhu, only the nine masters are instilling cultivation into the blood essence, and all the masters of the first-class sect are also urging their Zhenyuan breath towards the blood essence of the real dragon.

On the other side of the demon family, the surging Demon power also soared. Under the urging of the ten demon kings, it rushed towards the real dragon blood essence!


A dragon chant sounded from Aoxing's heart and blood essence. A touch of uncontrollable excitement appeared in Aoxing's huge longan in the air, shouting: "welcome Zu long!"


The dragon blood became brighter and brighter under the urging of the leaders of all parties, and then a bright dragon shadow rose from it, soared up, and rushed directly into the sky on the Wuding mountain!

"The dragon's gate is open, and the Dragon void Valley is here!"

The virtual shadow of ZuLong spread, and a towering huge portal stood between heaven and earth. In the center of the portal, a lifelike faucet appeared on it, full of domineering!


The gateway to Longxu valley.

"Old rules!"

Ao Xing's dragon body hovered in the air, and Lang said: "this time, only the top ten demon kings and those below the leader's cultivation are qualified to enter the Dragon virtual valley. Anyone who tries to urge the dragon's gate to appear is qualified to recommend a place to enter. Of course, you are careful. You are not responsible for the deaths and injuries in the dragon's gate."

After hearing Ao Xing's words, there was some commotion within the Terran.

"It's a quarter of an hour. Let's make a quick decision."

Li Jiaqi turned back and ordered in a deep voice.

Longxu Valley is a great opportunity, but it is also a great challenge. It is likely to die miserably, so we have to consider it carefully.

Finally, the candidate for the Terran expedition to Longxu valley was finally determined. Among the top ten famous schools, Qing Xuanzong abstained because of Hong Shan's absence, and the childe Changqin of Fengqin Pavilion abstained because of his injury. Shen Changtian of Wuji gate naturally signed up to go. Zhang Ziyun of Zongheng Valley thought he would not go, but unexpectedly, yes, This time he didn't flinch.

Senluo hall was the worst. Because Zhang Baozhu died, they didn't contribute energy to Longmen. They didn't even have a recommended quota.

Dalao Jianzong sent its chief disciple Luo Qin, xingmangzhai sent Zhuge Ji, Pingsha sent its chief disciple Sha Wuji, and Wanling nest sent Wan Wenqiang with the dragon soul.

"Li Hao accompanied me in as my guardian, so in theory, you Xiaoyao sect can send another person."

Ao Xing looked at Li Jiaqi and said.

As soon as he said this, all the famous families next to him were extremely envious.

Just because of the relationship between Li Hao and AO Xing, Xiaoyao sect has an extra place. This is a great benefit. Who knows if Longxu valley will create a genius for Xiaoyao sect again?

"Brother, let me go!"

A young man came out from behind Li Jiaqi, his eyes full of vigor, Lang said.

Li Rui, the grandson of the elder, has admired and worshipped Li Jiaqi since childhood. Since Li Hao left home, Li Jiaqi has recovered all his guilt and love for his own brother from Li Rui, so they have also become sworn brothers.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Li Jiaqi looked at him and said in a deep voice, "your cultivation and the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box are not outstanding. It will be very dangerous to go in."

"I think so!"

Li Rui nodded without hesitation and said, "I want to enter Longxu Valley, and I have to become stronger!"


Li Jiaqi nodded heavily and said, "then go!"

The quota of the top ten famous sects has been set, while the remaining first-class sects are all the same. All the leaders who have just made their own efforts have offered themselves to go to Longxu Valley in person.

They have become very strong leaders of the first-class sect, but they are still a little worse than the top ten sect leaders like Li Jiaqi.

This gap is not what they can catch up with by practicing hard all day. They must find an opportunity to make a breakthrough, and longxugu is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

If you can find the adventure and return from it, you may become a peerless strongman who can compete with the top ten sect leaders for nine days!

This is irresistible to those who seek Tao!

After the people were selected, Li Jiaqi led the leaders of the top ten famous schools. Looking at the people who walked out of the crowd and were about to embark on the road of jumping the dragon's gate, he suddenly took the lead in a fist hug and said in a loud voice, "I wish you a triumphant return!"

"I wish you all a triumphant return!"

The rest of the famous sect leaders also hugged their fists and said respectfully to them.

"I wish you all a triumphant return!"

Behind them, on the Terran side of Wuding mountain, the Taoist monks of the sea of people also congratulated in unison.

For a time, a breath of unity, man will conquer the sky rises up!!

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