Gantry open!!

With a huge roar, the dragon's gate condensed by AO Xing's blood essence and the energy of the top experts of the human race and the great gods of the demon family opened with a roar!

"This time when the Dragon void Valley is opened, we demon clan must seize the opportunity. We should not only find more fortune and treasures in it, but also find opportunities to kill more talents and strong people who enter the Terran clan!"

The wolf demon king, one of the top ten demon kings of the demon family, roared at his parents and children: "we were forced by Li Jiaqi to sign the armistice contract. Now the time is coming. In the space of Longxu Valley, you don't count as our violation of the agreement, do you understand?"

"Father, I see."

Wolf butcher's parent-child, wolf Hao, nodded his huge wolf head. His blood red eyes showed a cruel light and said, "I must go in and find more relics of the ancient real dragon, and then kill all the humble Terran food."

"In addition, this time you go in, you have to help all the vipers of the Viper king. He once had a chance to devour a big dead flesh that had just died.

Wolf butcher glanced at the Viper demon king not far away and said, "if you can work together to find a chance to let him devour the real dragon, this world will not be called human world in the future, but should be called demon world!!"

At the same time, all the big demon kings of the demon family are also carefully explaining to their parents and children.

The more noble the blood, the more strict the self-protection of blood. It was impossible for these ordinary demon families to swallow the blood of the real dragon and turn into the real dragon.

However, snakes were originally distant relatives of the dragon family. In addition, the Viper demon king personally got the dragon blood, which made their blood closer to the dragon family, so that it was possible to devour and integrate the real dragon blood.

The reason why the demon clan has not invaded the Terran on a large scale for so many years is not only because of the strength of the Terran itself, but also because Ao Xing chose to stand on the Terran side.

The real dragon can basically restrain all water systems or amphibious demon clans. If Ao Xing helps the Terran attract weak water in case of war, the demon clans will cause great damage.

This is also the reason why the demon family has been actively fighting for AO Xing for so long and wants it to come to the demon family camp.

After many years of failure, the demon family came up with another move, that is, a dangerous move to find a chance to forcibly kill Ao Xing and let the Viper negative who is most likely to integrate its real dragon blood replace him as the real dragon!

In this way, isn't the real dragon on the side of the demon clan?

At that time, the war will start again. Viper negative will help the demon clan to attract weak water to increase the water system demon clan and attack the Terran. With each passing day, the originally balanced war situation will change unexpectedly!

If so, daomen may not be able to protect the pure land of the Terran, let demons pour into the earth and destroy the civilization of the Terran!

"My son, this is your only chance. As far as I know, Longxu Valley is the testing place for the real dragon. Ao Xing will not have any privileges when he is inside at first, but will also be suppressed and honed. As long as you catch him weak, you must devour him!!"

The Viper demon king looked down at the Viper negative turned into a human form beside him, spit out his letter and said, "if you become a real dragon, you are the ancestor of all demons. At that time, you will destroy the human orthodoxy, unify the world, and condense all the Qi of the world. In the future, you will almost become as great as the Immortal Emperor, the Lord of the fairy world, and the Lord of the underworld, the Lord of the underworld!"

"I will do my best!"

The Viper nodded, and his eyes without any emotion twinkled with cold light.

"Let's go!"

Li Hao took the lead and rose from the sky.

Ao Xing walked side by side with him, and the two men entered the dragon's gate first at the fastest speed.

Then, other Terrans and Demons jumped up from the original place and flew towards the dragon's gate in the air.

"There is also a certain emphasis on jumping the dragon's gate. The dragon's gate is towering into the sky, with nine levels. The higher the level, the greater the chance of getting benefits in the Dragon void valley."

Ao Xing whispered to Li Hao, "brother, you also have the blood of our real dragon in your body. Although it's not pure blood like this dragon, it's much better than the little snake of the demon family. You must try your best to jump a few times later!"


Li Hao nodded and looked at another towering portal in the dragon's gate. He said in his heart: "it seems that only those with dragon blood are qualified to jump in the Lingtian dragon's gate inside the dragon's gate.

Sure enough, after Li Hao and AO Xing entered the Longmen, a rich light was projected from the towering lingtianlong gate and integrated into the bodies of Ao Xing and Li Hao, but those ordinary Terrans didn't have this treatment.

When the demons of the demon family came up, only the Viper was shot into the body by a light.

"Let's go!"

Li Hao and AO Xing looked at each other. At the same time, they rose up under the envious gaze of the human and demon families below and rushed towards the flying dragon gate!


Viper also snorted coldly. Unwilling to fall behind, he rushed to the sky and rushed to the dragon's gate!


Near Lingtian dragon's gate, a heavy pressure also came to Li Hao's face, which suddenly changed Li Hao's face.

First, near the first mark of the dragon's gate, a thick cane suddenly revived from the dragon's gate and rolled towards Li Hao and them!

"Angry dragon vine!!"

The sound made by the roaring of the thick green vines was like the sound of a dragon. Only the strong wind came on his face, which made Li Hao feel numb on his scalp. He could feel that if he was really sucked into himself by this kind of vines, even with the defense ability of Aoxing dragon family's flesh and blood, he would definitely be ripped apart, let alone him!

"You have to get away!"

The thought in Li Hao's heart suddenly turned. Under the induction of the cave micro state, he keenly captured the track of the angry dragon vine and began to try to avoid it.


Although Nu Longteng had no eyes, but his perception was also extremely sharp. The vine almost swept close to his body and was narrowly avoided by Li Hao!


On the other side, Ao Xing and viper negative gave a scream successively.

Under the continuous terrorist attack of Nu Long Teng, Ao Xing and viper had no help from the cave micro realm. After avoiding the attack of several vines, Kan Kan finally got a hundred secrets and was severely hit. Suddenly, their flesh and blood were blurred!!

Li Hao's heart was cold and his expression was more dignified.

The first weight of the flying dragon's gate is so abnormal!!

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