"It turns out that the track of the vine is like this."

After dodging several times, Li Hao has gradually found out the track of the angry dragon.

Although the vine is spiritual, it is only a plant after all. It is rigid and will not be flexible.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the rattan shadow in the sky is basically impeccable, but in the eyes of real people in Li Hao's realm, they can still find out the extremely small flaw.

"In this way, I already know how to crack the first level of Longmen."

Li haochengzhu smiled on his chest, just like walking in a leisurely court. The body that had dodged quickly suddenly stopped!

"Hahaha, this humble Terran has no strength to hide anymore?"

Seeing Li Hao's performance, the demons who didn't know his strength immediately burst into laughter.

In the propaganda of the demon clan, the Terran is a humble race, which is only worthy of their food. However, in the overhead dragon's gate, in addition to the real dragon Ao star and the Viper negative who swallowed a complete dragon's flesh and blood, there is a human who is qualified to climb, which immediately makes the demon elites selected to enter the Dragon virtual Valley jealous, All of them are eager to see Li Hao lose face.


An angry dragon vine pulled fiercely towards Li Hao's body. Seeing this scene, the demons' smiles became more and more rampant, while some people in the Terran couldn't bear to cover their eyes.

Just now, the real dragon Aoxing and the demon king Viper were directly torn apart after being drawn. How many times is their flesh and blood defense than Li Hao?

If Li Hao is also drawn, he will be seriously injured and lose the opportunity to compete in Longxu Valley, or he may die under the vines on the spot!

But at this critical moment, an amazing scene happened!

Li Hao's feet in the air suddenly moved one step towards the side, which seemed to be very random, and only this small step just avoided the attack of the vine.


The attack range and speed of vines are very terrible. After the end of one vine, another vine pulls towards the place where Li Hao is standing!

Li Hao raised his legs again and stepped away.

"My God! This... This is too abnormal?!"

Some people who had been watching Li Hao's situation all opened their mouths and were surprised to explode.

People who have not reached the realm of human beings will never realize how wonderful the realm of cave micro is.

See through the fire!

Everything can't escape their induction and prediction. The enemy is expected to take the first opportunity. If he takes one step, he can figure out how to take the next three steps, or even thirty steps!

"Luck, it must be the luck of this weak human!"

The demons and evil spirits under the flying dragon's gate gasped and stared at Li Hao, who was like walking in his back garden, and cursed in his mouth.

But obviously, their curse has no effect.

Compared with the embarrassment of Ao Xing and viper negative, Li Hao showed relaxed freehand brushwork, and even couldn't stop at his toes on the angry dragon vine. He tried to attack him with his strength and sent himself to a higher place.

Soon, after the Kung Fu of a cup of tea, Li Hao has taken the lead in passing through the range of the first weight of the flying dragon's gate and entered the second weight!

In the second dragon gate, there was a vast white fog. In addition to the fog, Li Hao didn't notice anything else by virtue of his cave.

With a confused attitude, Li Hao moved towards the depths of the fog, but before long, he suddenly had a warning in his heart, and his body flashed quickly, narrowly avoiding an angry dragon vine drawn face-to-face from the fog!

"The second is fog and angry dragon vine?"

Li Hao frowned and immediately found something wrong.

Because he saw Ao Xing and viper negative who were still struggling.

"This Nu long vine is also the Nu long vine in the first dragon's gate. I was misled in the fog and went back to the first from the second!!"

Suddenly, Li Hao realized the reason.

It turns out that the second heavy fog of the flying dragon's gate has the ability to make people lose their sense of direction.

However, after being seen through by Li Hao, the fog was naturally not a big problem for him. After several ponders, he successfully broke through and entered the third tier.

At this time, Ao Xing and viper negative passed the first level of Nu Long Teng one after another, but their bodies were all whipped by Nu Long Teng.

After entering the second level, Ao Xing and viper negative had to stop carefully and began to run, urging their abundant Qi and blood to heal their wounds.

This is one of the advantages of the demon clan compared with the human clan.

As long as it doesn't hurt the vitality or fatal injury, the demons and beasts can urge their rich Qi and blood to quickly heal the wound, but unless the Terran has a rare panacea, they can only calm down and heal the wound.

"Li Hao, what's the matter with you boy?"

Ao Xing looked up at Li Hao, who disappeared in the fog, and he did not make complaints about it. "You jump faster than this only real dragon in Longmen, and it makes me feel embarrassed."

Viper negative, who was quietly recuperating, heard Ao Xing's saying that he was the only real dragon, his scarlet narrow eyes flashed a trace of jealousy. Looking at the blood of the real dragon flowing from the broken wound on AO Xing's body, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

While Ao Xing's attention was focused on talking to Li Hao, Viper negative flashed a cruel color in his eyes. He suddenly jumped, opened his big mouth, and bit his sharp fangs at the wound pulled out by angry dragon vine!


Caught off guard, Ao Xing was immediately attacked by the viper, and was severely bitten off a large piece of flesh and blood, but it also quickly fought back. A divine dragon waved its tail and fiercely pumped the viper's body out. At the same time, he roared, sprayed a red burning dragon breath in his mouth, and hit the viper's snake heavily!!

"Little snake, you want to die!!!"

Ao Xing's eyes almost want to spit fire. Even if it is the blood of the real dragon, it can't bear to be attacked by Viper negative. It's nothing to lose a large piece of flesh and blood. What's more hateful is that there is highly toxic in Viper negative's tusks. If Ao Xing can't deal with it in time as soon as possible, it will be a big trouble for him.

Of course, the Viper was hurt when he was dumped by AO Xing, but it still made a crazy laugh!

"Ha ha ha!"

"The real dragon's flesh and blood is really the best delicacy in the world, Ao Xing! What if I get hurt? Today, you and I fight and disturb the volley dragon's gate. I can devour your flesh and blood to heal the wound, but you are troubled by my venom and interrupt Li Hao's way to jump the dragon's gate faster than me. I'm sure I'll make no loss!!"

Sure enough, in the arrogant laughter of viper negative, the flying dragon gate began to fluctuate violently, and then dissipated slowly.

The Viper demon king has been plotting against the dragon family. Naturally, he has received a lot of news about the dragon family, Longmen and Longxu valley. Viper negative knows that in order to let the dragon family climb on the flying Longmen by their own strength, they are absolutely not allowed to fight with each other. Once they fight, they will stop jumping the Longmen!

So before, all dragons knew that once they fought in the flying dragon gate, they would cut off the road of leaping dragon gate of all dragon families, and no one dared to commit public anger.

But now the prosperity of the dragon clan is gone, Viper negative took advantage of such a defect, not only attacked Ao Xing, but also cut off Li Hao's road to the dragon gate!!

"Cheap snake."

Li Hao stood on the third level of the flying dragon's gate, turned back and looked down at the Viper negative below. He said faintly, "wash your body in the Dragon void valley. When Ben Zhusheng sees you again, you must burn your salary and boil a pot of tonic snake soup to feast all of our family!!"

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