The volley dragon's gate was disrupted and dissipated in the middle, and the invisible space fluctuated. Li Hao, Ao Xing and viper negative on the volley dragon's gate were directly moved away. Then the Terrans and demons who entered it below were wrapped by a large amount of dragon Qi light and shadow and disappeared in place.

After the end of the flying dragon's gate, the trial of Longxu Valley officially begins!!

After the whirling feeling, Li Hao stabilized his body and fell from the air.

Looking around at this strange land, Li Hao took a deep breath and could clearly feel that there was a part of his body blood that was very ready to move.

He knew very well that it belonged to the part contaminated with the blood of the real dragon.

Although foreigners can come into Longxu valley now, in the final analysis, it is still the territory of the dragon family. Only the dragon family or the most noble real dragon can get many things.

"The Dragon Qi in this world is very strong, but the pressure is also great. It may not be at all for the strong flesh and blood of the dragon family, but it is not a small pressure for the human family."

Li Hao tried to move his arms, legs and feet, felt the space pressure in the Dragon void Valley, and weighed it in his heart.

Here, if monks want to move freely like the outside world, they must call the internal breathing Zhenyuan in their own body.

"It's very effective for body refining."

Li Hao did not choose to call Zhenyuan internal breathing to help him resist the pressure of external dragon Qi, but chose to bear it all by his own body.

He didn't even use the state of spotless heart and a feather without body to eliminate the influence. He really relied on his own body to bear the squeeze of dragon Qi. He walked in the Dragon void valley like an ascetic monk and endured his own physical strength.

Li Hao also knows that compared with the dragon clan or the demon clan, the human race's body is really at a loss. He doesn't expect to exercise his body to that abnormal level, but it's always beneficial and harmless to enhance one point.

"Now we have to find Ao Xing quickly. We can't let it encounter accidents."

Li Hao was worried about the safety of Ao Xing. He moved forward aimlessly and tried his best to find the trace of Ao Xing.

When Ao Xing invited Li Hao to protect the Dharma for him, he once said that Longxu Valley is definitely not a comfortable place for the real dragon, but a place of trial that is difficult and dangerous.

Now it has also been attacked by the Viper negative, and it is highly poisoned by the viper. If it meets someone with evil intentions again, Li Hao is worried that Ao Xing will be overwhelmed.

However, there is a vast expanse in the Dragon virtual valley. Although all people enter from the dragon gate, they are randomly transmitted to various places, ranging from far to near. Some may not be touched all the time, or they may be transmitted together when they enter with good luck.

It seems that this time luck is not on side of Ao Xing and Li Hao. Their brothers are not nearby this time. At least Li Haodong's Micro territory is fully open, and there is no trace of Ao Xing's existence.

Because it is an independent boundary opened up by ZuLong, although it can not give birth to life, the time and space in Longxu valley are completely different from those outside. A week in Longxu Valley is almost equivalent to a day outside.

After searching for three days in Longxu Valley, Li Hao finally felt the breath of others.

And he is quite familiar with this breath - Shen Changtian of Wuji gate!

"There seems to be a lot of evil spirits nearby. The situation seems not optimistic."

Li Hao frowned slightly, moved in his heart, and hurried towards Shen Changtian's breath.

In the past three days, apart from several real dragons that fell here in ancient times, he hasn't met a living man who came in with him, not even a demon. Now he finally feels the smell of acquaintances. Of course, he wants to have a look.

In Li Hao's current state, as long as he wants, it's not difficult to shrink the ground to an inch and idle court for thousands of miles. It's naturally extremely fast to catch up with the road.

After a few breaths, he saw Shen Changtian surrounded by a group of demons. Shen Changtian was using the profound meaning of Hunyuan limitless to support him. Relying on absolute defense, although he could not fight back, it was difficult for these demons to knock him down for a while.

However, in the face of the siege of these demon kings, Shen Changtian is also extremely difficult to support. This is the situation after his mixed element limitless skill has been improved by Li Hao. If it had been changed before, his cyclone would have been filled up by the frenzy of these demon kings!

"Saint teacher, save me!"

When Li Haolin came near, Shen Changtian, who was originally full of despair, suddenly showed a happy face and shouted.

"Hmm? There's another family?"

Hearing his voice, one of the demons turned around and saw that Li Hao was just a person, slightly stunned. Then a cruel and bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face and shouted, "Hey, I thought this person was not enough for our brothers to share food, but now there's another one, which is just right!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Those demon kings who were attacking Shen Changtian showed a bloodthirsty smile on their faces.

Shen Changtian knows Li Hao's power, but the news in the demon family territory is far less well-informed than that in the Taoist school. They don't know that the young man in front of them once suppressed the talents of the whole Taoist school with his own strength!

"When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God!"

Li Haoman said in a voice, not fast, the whole person came on the ground, just like a passing traveler.

However, every word he spits out from his mouth seems to have a magical magic. Every word, the demon kings feel that the pressure on them will increase, their attack will weaken, and the power they can mobilize will become less.

When Li Hao finished all the eight words, the faces of the demon kings finally changed!

Because they found that their power was sealed by something. Unexpectedly, less than 20% of their power was left!!

When a saint is in power, his ghost is not God.

Li haozhunsheng opened his mouth and won his power with a word!

"It's him! It's the human who has boarded the flying dragon's gate!!"

After seeing Li Hao's face, these demon kings finally recognized Li Hao's identity.

"He said he would burn his salary and boil a pot of snake soup!"

The demon king's voice trembled. He didn't care to attack Shen Changtian at all. He turned his head and wanted to escape.

"I want to run now. It's too late."

Li Hao's voice was bland and incomparable. He raised his hand and pointed, and the void suddenly exploded!

"Thunder! Fire! Water! Wood! Earth!"

The five different attribute forces suddenly broke through the air and bombarded the five frightened demon kings.


Almost at the same time, the bodies of the five demon kings were all fried into powder, and the bones did not exist!!

Seeing this scene, Shen Changtian was stunned.

Although his battle with Li Hao has only passed for a few days, he feels that this Saint mentor seems to be several times stronger than that day!!

Worthy of being a quasi saint who spits immortal holy words, his majesty is unparalleled!!

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