"Are you okay?"

Li Hao slowly fell in front of Shen Changtian, looked at him a little embarrassed and asked.

"It's just a small injury. It's no big deal if it's bitten by several animals."

Shen Changtian smiled with a simple and honest smile, and then saluted Li Hao with hugging fists with great gratitude: "thank you, Saint mentor, for saving my life. You don't know. You saved my two lives!"


Li Haomei asked strangely.

"If you hadn't pointed out a higher level of the limitless way to us that day, I wouldn't have made progress. If I hadn't made a breakthrough in my cultivation before entering the Dragon virtual Valley, I wouldn't have persisted under the five demon kings for so long until you came to save me."

Shen Changtian said with a smile, "you saved my life by killing these five beasts. You gave me advice on my accomplishments before I had my life. Don't you mean saving my second life when you come?"

"Have you ever met anyone else in this dragon void Valley?"

Li Hao asked.

"Yes, many of our Terrans are gathered together."

Shen Changtian said, "Li Rui of your Xiaoyao sect suggested that we send different people out every day to find out if there are any Terrans nearby and guide them to gather together. I didn't expect that I had such bad luck when I came out to find people today and met so many animals!"

Then Shen Changtian spat at the place where the demon kings died.

"Li Rui is a good idea."

Li Hao nodded slightly, but immediately shook his head and said, "but although this can bring our Terrans together, it may also be watched by demons. If I expected it well, it must not be an accident that you were ambushed today. I'm afraid those Terrans in the base camp are also in danger."


After listening to Li Hao's words, Shen Changtian's face changed and said, "no? The place where we are stationed is very hidden. The people who come out to search are also very careful. There should be no flaws left."

"No matter how hidden it is, it is not absolutely safe."

Li Hao said: "what's more, the sensitivity of the five senses and six senses of the demon family is much higher than that of our human family. They can gather together more efficiently and find our whereabouts more easily. So many of you gather together, not to mention anything else, just the smell of the human family. It's also very easy to be found by the demon family."

Hearing Li Hao's analysis, Shen Changtian's face was completely ugly.

"The reason why the demon clan hasn't launched an attack before, I think they must be trying to find out the specific location and approximate number of you, and then wait for their number and strength to crush you, and then annihilate you all with a thunderbolt!"

Li Hao grabbed Shen Changtian's arm, took another step, shrunk to an inch, took Shen Changtian and left quickly: "tell me where you are stationed. Hurry back as soon as possible, I can save them!"

Shen Changtian's face was pale and was carried by Li Hao as if he were carrying a chick. Under Li Haoshi's ten thousand li idle court, he rushed to their base camp at a faster speed than ordinary flying!

However, at this time, outside the terran base camp, two Taoist monks responsible for patrolling and guarding were talking and laughing.

"Brother Jin, when you went out to look for someone yesterday, you not only found two fellow disciples, but also got some treasures left by a real dragon by chance. It's really envious of others!"

A middle-aged man in purple enviously said to the man in green next to him.

"Oh, just good luck."

The man in green waved his hand again and again. Although his mouth was modest, there was another hidden smile at the corners of his mouth. Obviously, his heart was also quite happy.

"Brother Jin, if you are successful, don't forget your brother!"

The purple man smiled.

"Don't forget what brother Wang said."

Jin Shanyi nodded and suddenly his face changed!

"Brother Jin, what's the matter with you?"

Wang Zihao looked at Jin Shanyi whose face was not right and asked suspiciously.

"Wang, brother Wang..."

Jin Shanyi's lips trembled, pointed at his back and said, "please tell me, I had an illusion, right?"

"What's the matter?"

Wang Zihao turned around in doubt. The next moment, he was stunned as if petrified!

Not far away, the overwhelming power of Qi and blood surged. At least more than 30 demon kings appeared and began to rush towards the place where they gathered.

"Demon clan, enemy attack of demon clan!!"

Prince Hao uttered a long, shrill scream, which made his scalp numb and creepy!

More than thirty demon kings!!

There are only about ten people gathered here. Although they are all first-class masters at the sect leader level, their cultivation is equivalent to that of the demon king, but their number is nearly twice that of the opposite demon clan!!

If you do, you don't have to think about it. The Terran is absolutely a large-scale rout and is slaughtered wantonly by the demon family!

After all, not everyone is as abnormal as Li Hao or Li Jiaqi. They can suppress countless experts of the same level at will.

"Run! Everybody run!"

Wang Zihao and Jin Shanyi fled back to the base camp desperately and shouted anxiously, "the demon clan has committed a large-scale attack. It seems that our deeds have been exposed and we can't force the enemy. Let's run away!"

"Don't panic, how many demons are there?"

Li Rui frowned, got up and asked.

He is a genius of Xiaoyao sect. Although he can't compare with Li Jiaqi and Li Haoyuan, he is the backbone of these people.

"There are more than 30 demon kings just what we see. We are absolutely not opponents!"

Jin Shanyi was so anxious that he was sweating. A first-class expert like them had long been protected from cold and heat, but now he was sweating his clothes and was obviously in a mess.

"Retreat, everyone retreat quickly!"

After listening to Jin Shanyi's words, Li Rui also knew that he must not be impulsive at this time. The number of demon families is too large. If he hits hard, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg and killing himself.

"Humble Terran, do you still think you can run away?"

However, just then, a roar of great pride suddenly exploded in the sky.

As soon as Li Rui looked back, they were surprised to find that demon families came around them. They had been surrounded into turtles in a jar!!

"How could there be so many demons?!"

Li Rui exclaimed with disbelief in his tone.

I'm afraid there are hundreds of demon families in all directions. Even if all the demon families entering the Dragon virtual valley are added together, there are not so many!!

"Stupid humans, don't you boast that you are smarter than our demon clan?"

Looking at the frightened Terrans, a contemptuous voice came out of thin air.

"Why? Smart people, can't you even see through my little cover?"

An enchanting woman with nine tails behind her came in the air, her eyes moving and looking forward to life.

Seeing her, Li Rui's face turned as white as paper!

"Nine Tailed heavenly fox?!"

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