Nine Tailed sky fox.

The most cunning and intelligent race in the demon family.

The general wisdom of the demon family is very different from that of the human family. It's like when Li Jiaqi killed the demon family alone and picked out the top ten demon kings one by one. Someone once said that if there was a fox family among the top ten demon kings, it wouldn't be Nine Tailed Tianhu. As long as it was a fox family, Li Jiaqi would never come back and would be counted to death.

Because there is no Fox family among the same level, and the demon families are arrogant. The top ten demon kings will never ignore the suggestions of the demon family whose demon position is lower than them.

But this time in Longxu Valley is different. Among these demon families at the demon king level, there is a Nine Tailed heavenly fox with the same cultivation. With this kind of think tank, the action and efficiency of the demon family will be greatly improved!!

The Nine Tailed heavenly fox put away his magic power, and the demon families in all directions kept decreasing. Finally, there were only eight demon kings on each side.

Looking at the thirty-two demon kings, Li Rui's faces were completely ugly.

They know that they have lost the best chance to break through after being completely defeated by the magic of nine tail Tianhu.

Li Rui has gathered more than a dozen clan experts. If they knew at the beginning that there were only eight demon kings on each side, and they chose to break through with all their strength, it is absolutely possible to rush out of several people.

But just now, because of the magic of Jiuwei Tianhu, they thought that there were more than 30 demon kings on each side. When Li Rui and his colleagues reacted that the number of demon families was not quite right, it was too late and the siege of the demon family had been completed.

Now the encirclement has been formed. If they want to break through again, they will be attacked on all sides. More than 30 demon kings have surrounded Li Rui and stared at them covetously, as if they were watching their delicious food.

"Today, all of you will die!"

The wolf, the parent-child of the wolf slaughtering the demon king, showed his teeth angrily, licked his tusks and said, "I haven't eaten delicious human meat for a long time. I must have a good time today!"

"Brother wolf anger, pay attention to your demeanor."

Jiuwei Tianhu frowned, looked at the surrounded Terran and whispered, "these are the elite of the Terran. If we can wipe them out, it must bring heavy damage to the Terran."

"Hahaha, since sister Hu Xuan cherishes her image, I will do all her meat later!!"

The Wolf grinned angrily and said with a wild smile, "I'll have two human meat meals later!!"

Looking at the arrogance of wolf anger, the human friars present turned red with anger. This guy took them completely as fish on the chopping board and could enjoy them at will!

However, at the thought of the more than 30 demon kings who surrounded them, Li Rui and they couldn't help shivering, and a sense of decadence rose in their hearts.

More than 30 demon kings, they have less than 20 Terrans, and there is no chance of winning!


All the monks are full of unwilling, especially those who have had a chance encounter in the Dragon void Valley, such as Jin Shanyi. It is difficult to wash away the unwilling in their hearts!

Just had the opportunity to rise to the sky, will you be buried here again now?

Then didn't all the opportunities they found make wedding clothes for these demons?

"I'm Li Rui. It's bad. It's bothering everyone."

Li Rui sighed, and a look of remorse appeared on his face.

Using his status as a disciple of Xiaoyao sect, he gathered the Terran organizations he met. Originally, he wanted to roll bigger and bigger like a snowball. Finally, he gathered all the Terrans in Longxu Valley to support and help each other, but he didn't expect to be found an opportunity by the demon clan inadvertently. Instead, he rounded them up and caught them all!

"It seems that today is really a bad day."

Zhang Ziyun dug his ears. His face was still so indifferent, but it was this indifferent, but he stood out from the crowd in an atmosphere of despair.

"Zhang Ziyun, aren't you the most afraid of death?"

Seeing him like this, some people who knew him couldn't help asking curiously.

"I'm still afraid of death."

Zhang Ziyun nodded naturally, then turned the conversation and said angrily: "but there is a wolf cub who wants to eat the little master's meat. I have to break off its two teeth to avoid losing money!"

Hearing his words, I don't know how, the Terrans present suddenly felt a stream of blood rushing to their heads, and the original fear and despair dissipated a lot.

"Well said!!"

Just when the Terrans were excited by Zhang Ziyun's words, a long roar suddenly sounded from the horizon.

Li Hao pulled Shen Changtian dimly, stared at Zhang Ziyun and said, "when you hit Zongheng Valley, you ran away without fighting. I thought you were a coward. Today's words made me look at you with new eyes."

"Li Hao, you go!"

When Li Rui saw that Li Hao came back with Shen Changtian, a look of anxiety appeared on his face, waved his hand and said, "go! You can't have an accident!"

All the monks of the Taoist door showed a trace of anxiety.

Li Hao's identity is no small matter. He is not only the second young master of Xiaoyao sect, the executor of Fengqin Pavilion, but also the saint mentor of Wuji gate, and the quasi saint who has spoken immortal holy words. Quasi saint is the potential stock that has explored the foundation of the holy way and has the most hope of canonization in the world!

If Li Hao can be canonized in the future, even if all of them are buried today, it is worth it to exchange Li Hao's vitality!

Saints can suppress the world forever. Even quasi saints who may be canonized are more valuable than all of them!

"Li Hao, go!"

"We'll hold for you, you go!!"

"Yes, let's go! Kill the demon to avenge us after canonization!!"

The crowd below was excited and began to persuade Li Hao to leave.


Jiuwei Tianhu's eyes paused on Li Hao and said with interest: "I also arranged five demon kings to ambush him. It's reasonable that he won't have any vitality. It seems that something has happened to you. If what I expected is good, the five demon kings should have been killed by you?"

"Not by us, but by me."

Li Hao didn't mean to leave at all. He floated down and looked up at the more than 30 demon kings around him.

"It's really strong to be able to fight one against five without being hurt."

Jiuwei Tianhu smiled and said, "but what if you can fight again? The Terran has a Li Jiaqi. In those years, you could defeat him with one enemy and ten, no matter how strong you are? Even if you can beat him, can you win 20 demon kings? Or 30?"

Jiuwei Tianhu Xuan turned around with a smile and said, "today we are here, but there are thirty-two demon kings!!"

"So what?!"

Li Hao sneered, suddenly raised his palm and patted himself on the chest. He opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence. He said in a cruel voice: "today, you 32 beasts will die here. I will do what I say!!"

With Li Hao's drink, Longxu Valley suddenly turned pale!

"It seems that Ben Zhunsheng will roast wolf claws and fox legs before cooking snake meat soup!!"

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