Although there is no seasoning, Li Hao is not a cooking expert who can accurately master the heat, but even so, the meat aroma of Qun Wang's soup is still spreading wildly around, which makes people's fingers move and their tongue salivate.

In addition to the Demon power, the demon family also has a strong power of Qi and blood, which also makes the blood and flesh of the demon family a full tonic and delicious for the human family.

Hearing Li Manchang's voice, those Li Rui who had been watching in situ were completely stunned.

There were more than thirty demon king level masters who made them desperate before, including nine tail Tianhu and the parents and children of wolf nu.

You know, if handled properly, the demon king with the strength of Nine Tailed Tianhu and wolf anger is not a problem when facing experts at the same level.

But Li Hao is not only a couple of more than 30, but also includes wolf anger, the son of the powerful demon king!!

"After Li Jiaqi became the leader of Xiaoyao sect, he went deep into the demon family territory, picked the top ten demon kings one by one, and won a great victory, ushering in a five-year period of stable development for the human family.

Now, Li Hao cooks more than thirty demon kings alone, and the meat fragrance spreads thousands of miles. It can be said that several may have the opportunity to become the potential seeds of the next top ten demon kings of the demon family in the future!

Kirin Gemini, one is to crush the top ten demon kings, the other is to burn and cook 32 demon kings. The two brothers can be said to be the nightmare of the whole demon family!

"Among peers, how can there be such a big gap between people?"

Li Rui and others have come over and looked at Li Hao, who is cooking stewed broth. Li Rui opened his mouth hard and said bitterly.

"Why do you think so much?"

Zhang Ziyun, who was still in the vertical and horizontal Valley, could think about it. He walked over and said with a smile: "brother Li, you are famous in the first world war today, but should you give us some of the booty?"

"The demon meat is delicious. Solo Lele is not as good as all Lele. Everyone can come here and eat fine food and enjoy fine food!"

Li Hao smiled and stretched out his hand to invite them over.

The people led by Li Rui still hesitated. After all, these have nothing to do with them. They are all the credit of Li Hao alone.

However, Zhang Ziyun took the lead in sitting on the ground beside Li Hao and looked with interest at the demon blood and flesh in the big jar condensed by Li Hao with earthy Zhenyuan.

"Sure enough, the people in the vertical and horizontal valley are free and easy enough."

Li Hao smiled and waved. The earthy Zhenyuan once again condensed a ceramic spoon and bowl from the nearby land, fell in front of Zhang Ziyun, smiled and said, "taste it and see how the king stewed."

Zhang Ziyun nodded happily and impolitely, scooped a bowl of thick soup with a spoon, blew air, and then took a sip happily.


With one mouthful, Zhang Ziyun immediately opened his mouth and gave a satisfied sigh. He said, "it's really delicious all his life, rare, rare!"

Hearing Zhang Ziyun's words, Li Rui and they could no longer be reserved. They gathered around one after another, smiled and saluted Li Hao, asking for a bowl of demon king meat soup to replenish their body.

Meat fragrance is great news for the Terrans, but for the demons who can smell it nearby, it is no different from bad news.

A swarthy rat demon king is sneaking into a hole underground to see if he can find a dragon tomb nest after a dragon clan died.

The rat family has a great advantage in the underground. It has a sensitive sense of smell and can be large or small. It can better adapt to the environment of digging holes underground. It is a natural exploration expert.

But suddenly, its originally cheerful body suddenly stopped, stopped and shrugged its small dark nose. In its mung bean like eyes, it suddenly showed an incomparable sense of sadness, and raised its head with a wail!

It smelled the smell of the cooked meat of the kings. From the smell of the cooked meat, it could even distinguish which were its former friends or enemies, but now they are all dead.

"The wolf is angry and Hu Xuan is dead."

Viper negative curled up in the shadow. It was very far from where Li Hao burned the demons, but it could still capture even the slightest trace from the air.

Especially wolf Nu, who had been his good friend for many years, was determined to help him kill Ao Xing and let Viper negative get the blood of the real dragon.

But now, it died first.

"Who would have done it?"

The viper's long and narrow eyes glittered with cold and ruthless light.

There was no origin. Li Hao's white robed figure on the flying dragon's gate emerged in his mind.

In addition to him, Viper negative can't think of anyone else who can kill wolf anger here. Unless the Terran gathers people and horses to ambush wolf anger, it may let him fall.

"I really have a chance to fuse the blood of the real dragon, but the blood power contained in the bite of Ao Xing is too little."

The viper's eyes twinkled with greedy desire. He licked his lips with his forked tongue and said, "brother wolf anger, when I find a chance to devour all the blood of Ao Xing and turn into a real dragon, I will wash the whole Taoist door with blood, and then raise mortals as food to worship your spirit in heaven!!"

"Li Hao..."

After swearing, Viper negative didn't know why. He thought of Li Hao's figure again. He shook his head impatiently, came out of the shadow of the corner and began to walk towards the front.

He should quickly find the treasure in the Dragon void Valley, or AO Xing.

He is confident. As long as Ao Xing is alone now, he becomes stronger. He is poisoned by AO Xing. Even if he doesn't sneak attack this time, he also has a great chance to win.

The whole demon family has high hopes for Viper negative, and he is not willing to be only a snake, but yearns for the real dragon standing on the top of the world!

Vipers walk in the shadow. Snakes are cold-blooded animals. Too high temperature will make them feel uncomfortable. Even if their demon king level has ignored the changes of cold and heat, their instinct still makes them like sneaking in the shadow.

There is a vast expanse in the Dragon void valley. The location after entering is also transmitted randomly. If you are lucky, you may know someone nearby. If you are unlucky, you don't meet someone you know until you go out.

However, viper's luck was good. After walking for another day and night, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"What do you really want? Ao Xing, Ao Xing, I didn't expect you to be met by me in Longxu Valley!"

Viper negative's face showed a cruel smile, because he sensed the smell of his venom here. Although he was forced to be very weak, it was very clear.

He knows that Ao Xing is definitely not far from him!!

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