Ao Xing sensed the place where the real dragon trial broke out in the Dragon virtual Valley and focused on searching for Li Hao's breath.

He is not optimistic about his situation now. In Longxu Valley, he can't, like Li Hao, converge his little dragon blood to avoid the induction of ZuLong's will in Longxu valley. Ao Xing is a real dragon, and every inch of his flesh and blood is pure dragon blood.

So it can't escape the induction of ZuLong's will. Even if it suppresses its own breath, it can't avoid it all the time, because Longxu Valley may be a treasure hunting paradise for foreigners, but for the descendants of the dragon family, it is a real place for iron and blood trial!

Only the dragon people who have passed the test of Longxu Valley can be regarded as Zhang Da's adult after going out. They can leave the shelter of the dragon people to travel all over the world.

Ao Xing could feel that the will of Lord ZuLong in the Dragon virtual Valley had found him. Before long, there would be a trial against him in the Dragon virtual valley. If he didn't find Li Hao quickly, its safety would not be guaranteed at all.

As soon as the dragon's tail was thrown, Ao Xing's body flew through the air at a high speed, passing through dazzling shadows.

Although the Viper negative toxin in its body has not been completely removed, the impact is not too great. The flesh and blood bitten by the Viper negative has been reborn with the strong self-healing ability of the dragon family, but its Qi and blood are hurt after all, and it is still relatively weak.

"Brother, I'm going to hold your thigh!"

Ao Xing urgently wants to see Li Hao. For Li Hao, Longxu Valley may be a paradise like a duck to water, but for its real dragon, it is a sea of swords and fire.

In other words, Ao Xing is like a student taking an exam. Longxugu is the examination room. The examination room has no privileges for him, but more constraints.

Li Hao is the invigilator, who can ensure that other people with ulterior motives will not copy Ao Xing's test paper.


Ao Xing's speed was very fast. In mid air, he was almost a dark golden line, tearing through many clouds, and rushed to the place where Li haogang had just led the dragon group to test.

But when he sensed Li Hao, he didn't find it. In the dark, another pair of cold eyes were watching it!

"Ao Xing, ha ha, Ao Xing, whose strength has not recovered to the peak, in the face of me who is stronger than before, it seems that today... Is the time when I turned into a real dragon!!"

The Viper shrank in the shadow and stared up at Ao Xing in the air. He also followed Ao Xing at a very high speed and patiently found the right opportunity to kill his prey.


Ao Xing was concentrating on sensing Li Hao, when a harsh sound of the wind suddenly shot out from the grass below it!

"There is an ambush!!"

As soon as Ao Xing's face changed, he didn't need to think about it at all. His body made an instinctive dodging reaction and easily avoided the venom sprayed at him towards a tornado nearby.

"Viper negative, it's you again!!"

Ao Xing stabilized his figure in the air and stared at the dense grass below. There was a golden awn shining in the longan. He roared angrily: "what are you doing hiding your head and tail? I think you still want to be a dragon? Be a special mouse!!"

"Hahaha, brother Aoxing, I just say hello to you. Why are you so angry?"

The Viper was not embarrassed when he missed the negative blow. He slowly poked his head out of the grass, breathed Xinzi, shook his tail and flew into the air, revealing sharp fangs towards Ao Xing.

"Last time you plotted against me in the sky dragon's gate and destroyed my brother Li Hao's way to the dragon's gate. Today, you dare to show up!"

Ao Xing stared at Viper negative. The wound on his body seemed to hurt again. He said angrily, "well, I'll take your head to see brother Li Hao today and avenge that day!"

"Don't try to be brave. My venom in your body hasn't been cleared yet?"

Viper negative didn't panic at all. The old God looked at Ao Xing in front of him and said, "you're not at the top, but I'm making further progress. Ao Xing, you've been ruthlessly refused to invite you so many times by my demon family. Today is when I took your blood and turned into a real dragon!"

With that, Viper negative no longer pretended. The frightening cold light flickered in his sharp fangs. He shook his body and rushed towards Ao Xing!

"Damn long bug, Ben long will let you know my power today!!"

Ao Xing also shot angrily. Even now, his body is still damaged, but he is also powerful. Shaking his tail and claws can easily tear the air and make a sharp roar!

"Highly toxic column!!"

Viper negative's body suddenly tightened, and the green demon fog rose up all over. He was also the strongest parent and son of viper demon king. After he got the complete dragon flesh and blood and AO Xing's real dragon flesh and blood, his strength was definitely the strongest demon king level in the demon family, and his strength should not be underestimated.

He opened his big mouth, and two dark green pillars sprayed out of his fangs, forming two dark green venom pillars, which sprayed towards Ao Xing.

"Damn poisonous bug!!"

Smelling the disgusting smell in the venom, Ao Xing's face became very ugly. He roared, opened his mouth and said, "Ben long burned you with dragon breath!!"

The hot dragon breath surged out of Aoxing's dragon mouth and met the Viper negative attack!


Under the baking of dragon breath, the poison evaporated instantly and did not bring any damage to Ao Xing.

Neither dragon breath nor venom could do anything. After a moment of stalemate, the two sides stopped at the same time.

"Stinky bug, you die!"

Ao Xing suffered a great loss in the hands of viper negative. Now the enemy is very jealous when he meets him. He directly makes a real fire, roars and rushes towards Viper negative and starts a close melee.

Both sides you come and I go, but Ao Xing has more advantages than Viper negative. Although he has no fangs, he has sharp claws and dragon horns. You come and I go. Although Ao Xing is injured, he not only didn't fall in the wind, but even suppressed Viper negative by virtue of the advantages of the dragon family.

After all, the dragon family is the dragon family. Besides, Aoxing is still the most noble real dragon. It can be seen from this how powerful it is!

"Shit, the real dragon is so strong..."

The Viper rolling in the air shook off the blood from the corners of his mouth and had a retreat in his heart.

"Stinky bug!"

Ao Xing patted the Viper with one claw and stretched out to bite his big mouth. With one tail, he rolled out and said in a loud voice, "I'll kill you today!"


However, a loud noise suddenly sounded from all around, which had no impact on the Viper negative, but Ao Xing, who was ready to pursue the victory in the air, trembled like an electric shock!

"Horizontal groove!!"

Ao Xing trembled and roared, "ZuLong will!! are you fucking blind?! unexpectedly, you give me a test at this time?!"

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