Ao Xing gave a sad roar, and the huge dragon body convulsed inch by inch. It fell powerlessly from the air to the ground, smashed up the dust all over the sky, and crushed the green grass on the ground into countless flying grass scraps under the escaping dragon power!

It has been half a month since the opening of Longxu valley. Although the time flow rate in Longxu Valley is different from that in the outside world, the time in Longxu Valley is still no different.

Ao Xing has been suppressing his real dragon breath because of the Viper negative toxin in his body and dare not lead the real dragon's trial. However, even if it is suppressed, the ZuLong will everywhere in the Dragon virtual valley will find him. As long as the dragon family can't escape, the real dragon can't do it.

And the longer he repressed, the more he wanted to escape. Once the test broke out automatically, it would be more violent. Ao Xing himself knew this, but he had no way.

As long as he can protect the Dharma by Li Hao's side, Ao Xing is confident that he can carry it even if the most difficult test comes.

But if you don't clean up the injury in your body and rush to cross the robbery, even if it is an ordinary test, he may capsize in the gutter, because the viper is not easy to bear that bite, and it also injects the venom of the big demon king given to him by his father, the Viper king!

Otherwise, only the Viper negative venom will not bother Ao Xing for so long.

So he can only suppress it. When he feels that he can't suppress it, he wants to find Li Hao as soon as possible according to the fluctuation of the Dragon Fire sea trial.

It's a pity that he didn't expect to meet Viper negative again on the way. After a fight, even if Ao Xing had been injured, Viper negative with increased strength was still not his opponent, but it didn't matter. With AO Xing's full efforts, the breath of the real dragon in his body could no longer be suppressed, which immediately led to the arrival of ZuLong's will, Led to the doom and began to test him.

Ao Xing screamed in pain and felt that his soul was about to explode.

This trial is actually aimed at the most dangerous soul refining robbery of the real dragon!

Ao Xing's dragon soul only felt that an invisible fire of trial was burning his dragon soul violently. This pain had nothing to do with the body, but it was much more difficult than the body, making its will unable to concentrate at all. Let alone fighting, it was not easy to keep awake.

However, Ao Xing also knows that with his origin, he can definitely survive the soul refining robbery without interference, and once the trial is over, his dragon soul will become more powerful than before, even compared with Li Hao's mind that has been quenched by purple rhyme and imperial Qi!

But now there are vipers on the side. How can Ao Xing survive the soul refining robbery safely?

The viper, who escaped a few miles away, stopped and looked at Ao Xing, who fell from the air and screamed more than once. A trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

Although he knew that Ao Xing was still injured, he would never break out suddenly. He had some doubts in his heart. He was afraid that Ao Xing deliberately pretended to lead him back.

However, Ao Xing's real dragon blood was too tempting for him. He couldn't help looking back and watching to see whether it was Ao Xing's plan to lure the enemy or a real heaven given opportunity.

Ao Xing's real dragon body rolled violently on the ground and stirred the wind and cloud. It looked very painful. After struggling for dozens of breath, it was like exhaustion. It gradually quieted down. In addition to twitching a few times from time to time, it was basically motionless.


Viper negative kept staring at Ao Xing's movement in the distance. Seeing that Ao Xing was twitching on the ground, he finally couldn't stand the greed in his heart and turned around to chase after Ao Xing in the direction of falling.

Ao Xing's huge dragon body was powerlessly scattered on the ground. The Dragon claws were stiff, the Dragon scales were closed, and his eyes stared round. There was still a strong dragon power on his body.

Viper negative was always careful, but when he got close and saw Ao Xing like this, he finally put down his heart.

Although the dragon clan is dead, the remaining power will not dissipate, and a sudden and violent death like Ao Xing will naturally die in peace. If Ao Xing is a viper with his eyes closed, he will believe that he is pretending to be dead and turn around and run away.

"Ha ha ha!"

Viper couldn't help laughing up to the sky, so that tears were about to flow out.

pennies from heaven!

Who said pie wouldn't fall from the sky?

Isn't that falling? And it's still stuffed with dragon meat!!


When Viper negative opened his mouth and was ready to bite Ao Xing's body, a strong wind suddenly rose. Ao Xing's originally dull eyes suddenly burst out a divine awn, suddenly returned to God, and slapped Viper negative's head with a fierce claw!!


The Viper suffered from negative eating. He was patted by AO Xing's claw, and the snake scale burst, plasma splashed, screamed and flew out!

Ao Xing didn't die, but he hid his breath under the soul refining robbery, lured the Viper to come over and wanted to give him a fatal blow.

However, unfortunately, Ao Xing's strength was severely suppressed under the double torture of the remaining venom of the viper of the demon king and soul refining robbery. Although this blow seriously injured the viper, he had no spare power to kill the viper.

After injuring the viper, Ao Xing didn't stop for a moment. As soon as the dragon tail was thrown, the whole dragon body soared up again and reluctantly fled to the distance.

Now he can only find a relatively safe place to hide as soon as possible and rob the damn soul.

"Prince viper, what happened?"

At this time, the sound of two broken winds suddenly came from the air. The demon kings of the two demon families happened to come. When they saw that the viper's face was full of blood, they immediately asked in horror.

"Come on, Aoxing, the cheap dragon is in front. Catch up with me and kill him!"

The Viper screamed bitterly, and the earth shaking killing intention flickered in his pupils. He roared: "I want to eat it alive today!!"

"Don't worry!"

The two later demon kings immediately took command. The demon family actually reached a consensus before entering the Dragon virtual Valley this time. If necessary, all the demon kings entering the valley must do their best to help Viper negative obtain the real dragon blood of Ao Xing. All meritorious people will be rewarded after they return.

Among the two demon kings, an eagle and a bat. The two guys not only had strong flight ability, but also had strong detection and tracking ability. They soon found Ao Xing running away.


The eagle's cry and the bat King's ultrasonic wave came all over the world, making Ao Xing unavoidable. He gave a wail and fell to the ground again!

"Cheap dragon, dare to Yin me!"

The Viper roared and rushed up from behind, opened his big mouth, and bited down on AO Xing fiercely!!


Ao Xing's body suddenly stiffened. Under the hostage of the eagle demon king and the bat king, Ao Xing, who was already injured and still suffering, could not resist at all.

That pathetic dragon chant is like the last afterglow before sunset

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