"Prince viper, is this real dragon's flesh and blood more delicious than the flesh and blood of human friars?"

The eagle demon king and the bat demon king looked enviously at the viper, couldn't help swallowing and spitting, and asked with a shy face.

After killing Ao Xing, the eagle demon king and the bat demon king stood respectfully aside, just like the servant of viper negative, guarding beside him.

Ao Xing is dead. Viper negative is now swallowing its real dragon body. If there is no accident, as long as Viper negative swallows all Ao Xing's flesh and blood, he will have a chance to change, get rid of the shackles of viper and become a high nine innocent dragon!

Even if you can't perfectly inherit Ao Xing's real dragon blood, it's definitely a good thing to change from a snake to an ordinary dragon family.

Because once Ao Xing dies, in addition to the divine dragon in the fairy world and the dark dragon in the dark world, there is only the Viper negative dragon family. Even if it is not a real dragon, its identity is definitely not small.

Both the eagle demon king and the bat demon king understand that this is also a great opportunity for both of them. Once the Viper negative dragon returns, with his own identity and the promotion of his father, the big demon king Viper snake king, the demon family, which has been divided by ten kings, is likely to achieve unity for the first time in history!

At that time, Viper negative is the Lord of all demons!

If the eagle demon king and the bat demon king can hold his thigh now, they can become viper's confidants, and at least become the top ten demon kings of the new generation in the future!

Viper negative didn't speak, opened his mouth and swallowed Ao Xing's flesh and blood, without stopping for a moment.

In fact, according to the way snakes eat, they usually swallow their prey after poisoning, or non-toxic snakes will choose to strangle their prey and devour it instead of chewing and swallowing like other animals or humans.

However, Viper negative now has no way, because he can't swallow Ao Xing's real dragon body in one bite. He can only choose to chew and swallow in the most time-consuming way.

While swallowing Ao Xing's flesh and blood, the Viper stared at Ao Xing. Although Ao Xing did not move and had no breath under his bite, he always had a feeling that Ao Xing was not dead. This feeling made him very uneasy. He would feel safe only if he swallowed Ao Xing into his stomach as soon as possible.

Ao Xing's flesh and blood was eaten by the Viper bit by bit. In the end, only a keel and a lonely faucet were left, and there was no breath at all.


Viper negative belched loudly and said contentedly, "you two are very good. You have made great contributions to helping me catch the dragon. Next, you continue to help me protect the Dharma. As long as I can completely refine the real dragon blood, I will be able to successfully turn the dragon. Then you will be my personal guard!"

"Yes, my subordinates!"

The eagle demon king respectfully said.

"I should call you the Lord of demons in advance."

The bat demon king smiled flatteringly and flattered him.

"When I turn into a dragon, it's not too late."

Viper negative's face also showed a sense of satisfaction. Now his snake head has gradually evolved towards the dragon head. There are two slightly raised drums on his head, and a few strands of pale golden hair on his mouth and nose have also grown. Viper negative can clearly feel the changes of his body.

Over time, when he completely digests the blood of the dragon family, he will grow four Dragon claws, two horns and dragon whiskers, and complete the ultimate evolution from a snake to a dragon.

Of course, after Viper negative completely incarnated into Jackie Chan, he can no longer hide the dragon blood in his body to avoid the test of Longxu valley. He can't escape and must bear it.

"Now, let's find a safe place to hide. When I completely refine the blood of the real dragon, I'll be the time when I Viper negative king comes to the world!!"

With a sweep of the snake's tail, the Viper blew Ao Xing's lonely dragon's head directly, and then roared away under the left and right guards of the eagle demon king and the bat demon king.

But they didn't find that in Ao Xing's cracked dragon head, a faint dragon shadow flashed by, wandering in the air for a while, and then flying in a certain direction in the sky like an instinct.

On the other side, Li Hao burned their salaries and boiled more than 30 demon kings. All the Terrans present ate happily and burped for days. They ate up the flesh and blood of these demon kings for several days.

"The whole body is warm. Although the demon clan is hateful, the flesh and blood is indeed a great tonic for our Terrans."

Zhang Ziyun said contentedly, "it's really fucking cool. If I boast to the old man in Hengheng valley that I have eaten the demon king's meat, ha ha, I'm sure I can make him angry with jealousy."

The Terrans were all delighted. They not only survived the disaster, but also ate so many tonics. It was too profitable.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, today's King's banquet has come to an end. I suggest you look for opportunities. Although it is safe to get together, you are born in hardship and die in happiness. If you want to forge ahead, you should always maintain a sense of crisis."

With a wave of his hand, Li Hao dissipated all the pots and pans he condensed with earthy Zhenyuan in front of the people again. The dust returned to the dust and the earth returned to the earth. Everything before seemed to be passing away.

"Li Junsheng is right. Let's explore separately."

Many people nodded one after another and felt that Li Hao's words were very reasonable. They all rekindled the fire of seeking and wanted to make a world in the Dragon virtual valley.

Suddenly, Li Hao, who was talking, felt a shock, suddenly turned around, stared at the void in the distance, and his face was blue.

"Li Junsheng, what's the matter?"

Many people found that Li Hao looked wrong and asked curiously.

"Brother Li, did the demon clan gather to take revenge?"

Zhang Ziyun was just picking his teeth leisurely with a small piece of demon king bone, but now he became serious for a second. He turned and said, "can you give him a big trick again? If not, the mountains and rivers meet. I'm going to look for good fortune."

Seeing Zhang Ziyun's ungrateful appearance, everyone can't cry or laugh. The human nature of Hengheng Valley is so jumping off. Heaven and earth are big and life-saving. In Zhang Ziyun's generation, it has secretly developed this natural and unrestrained into a shameless trend.

"The soul returns."

Li Hao did not answer, but there was a strong holy light in his eyes.

With the immortal words coming out of his mouth and the increasing power of understanding the holy way of Shennong emperor and soldier Saint Sun Bin, his every move is becoming more and more like a saint.

With his call, the people standing around Li Hao only felt a breeze blowing by, and all those who felt the wind heard a pathetic, sad, sad and sad dragon chant in their ears.

All four sorrows are there, and all those who hear them tremble with fear.

Li Hao's hand has a bright golden light, which can vaguely see the shape of a little dragon inside.

"Viper negative!!"

Li Hao's body trembled violently, and his eyes suddenly became blood red. His killing intention rushed straight into the sky, tearing the clouds, and even the hot sun became dim!!

"From now on, the cause and effect between you and me can't be washed by a pot of snake soup. I want to imprison your soul and suffer from karma fire for generations!!"

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