Li Hao's voice was sad and terrible. Although it was not aimed at the people present, Li Rui, Zhang Ziyun and Shen Changtian, who were very close to him, still had a bone chilling illusion. They felt that the real yuan breath was a little stiff, as if they could not resist on the premise of Li Hao's pasta killing.

Li Hao untied the skirt on his chest and opened the sea gourd tied around his neck. A suction force came out from inside and sucked the Ao Xing dragon soul in his hand into the gourd and saved it.

The sea gourd is a fairy weapon in the fairy world. In addition to its super large capacity, it has a particularly good preservation effect for items. Of course, it can't store flesh and blood living creatures. Otherwise, it will be a small world. Looking at the three worlds, there are few such treasures. It is impossible to own them as a hundred flower fairy, let alone give them to Li Hao.

However, after Ao Xing died, his soul was no longer a living creature, so there was no problem putting it into the sea gourd for a short time.

"Everybody, please pass on a message for me."

Li Hao looked at the people standing around with burning eyes. His face was as cold as frost. He gritted his teeth and said: "in the Dragon virtual Valley, who can provide me with the whereabouts of viper negative, can let me Li Hao owe him a favor. Even the demon family is the same. As long as you help me, the demon can beg for mercy from me in the future."

Everyone was stunned after hearing Li Hao's words.

Although this sentence doesn't sound like anything. There are neither rare treasures nor peerless skills. It's just a human favor, but anyone with a brain can understand that Li Hao's human favor is bigger than heaven!

Li Hao is now the second person of Xiaoyao sect, and from the guilt of Li Jiaqi and Xiaoyao sect, Li Hao's real power can be said to be similar to that of Li Jiaqi.

And he is also the Taoist priest of Fengqin Pavilion and the saint mentor of Wuji gate.

Alone, he represents the three major sects in the ten major sects of Taoism!

It can be said that Li Hao is now the most powerful person in the Taoism. As long as he is willing, there is basically nothing he can't do.

What's more, he is the only quasi saint!

Owe this favor, if Li Hao can reach the peak of the holy way and succeed in canonization in the future, it is equivalent to earning a favor from the saint with a message!!

This human kindness is enough to keep a sect forever and a family prosperous for hundreds of generations!

As long as this favor is not used, it is a deterrent that everyone can't ignore, a deterrent sheltered by saints!!

Hearing Li Hao's words, everyone's eyes were hot, their throats rolled, they felt blood surging, and they were too excited to speak.

This sentence also has great temptation for the demon family. It can not only make Li Hao promise one thing, but also avoid death when he meets Li Hao next time.

Life, whether for the human race or the demon race, is the most basic and the greatest desire.

However, while excited, all the people present were also secretly shocked and lamented that Li Hao seemed to have a mind to kill the viper. He must lose the viper in the Longxu Valley, so as not to escape back to the demon world after leaving the Longxu Valley, which is equivalent to the Dragon returning to the sea and the tiger returning to the mountain forest. It is difficult to find a chance to kill the viper.

"Don't worry, Li Junsheng. We will pass the news."

Someone threw a fist at Li Hao and took the lead in turning around and leaving.

After a person took the lead, more and more people also left with fists. They carefully searched for the news of viper ambition. At the same time, they also transmitted Li Hao's words to every human companion or demon enemy they saw.

For a time, looking for Viper negativity was like a butterfly effect, spreading from one point to every corner of the vast dragon virtual valley.

"Brother Li, I'm leaving too. Don't worry. Although Viper can't beat me, I'm still happy to enjoy another bowl of snake meat soup, so I'll try my best to search his whereabouts and let you cook him."

Zhang Ziyun also hugged his fist and turned away happily.

Li Rui glanced at Zhang Ziyun's back and thought of his previous eating. When he ate the demon king broth, he also said that he would only eat one bowl. As a result, he ate at least a dozen bowls of demon king broth these days. The guys in henggu are too unreliable. Don't believe him.

"Why don't I come with you?"

Li Rui looked at Li Hao, opened his mouth and whispered.

He didn't know what Li Hao was going to do next, but he thought that if he stayed with Li Hao, he would take care of him somehow.

"No, you go too."

Li Hao shook his head and refused Li Rui's proposal. His face sank like water. As soon as he took a step, the whole person drifted away, showing thousands of miles of leisure, mountains and rivers reversed, and appeared far away.

Li Rui stared at Li Hao, who soon disappeared into his sight, sighed, convinced, and turned to find his fortune.

When he first heard of Li Hao's name, he once had the idea of competing for the length, but now he thinks his original idea is too ridiculous.

Li Hao came to a very quiet place with the dragon soul of Ao Xing as if he were going to the world step by step.

"Don't worry, I will let you live."

Li Hao opened his mouth silently in his heart, then took out his mobile phone and opened Sanjie wechat again.

After opening the dialog with the altar messenger Zhu Bajie, Li Hao said in a voice: "brother, the last time I asked for advice from you, I said that if I came out of the weak water alive, I would return your cause and effect, remember?"

Soon, Zhu Bajie replied to Li Hao.

"Hey, man! You haven't heard from me for such a long time. I thought you must have died in the weak water. I felt bad for you for a long time!"

"How do you give back to me?"

Pig Bajie was a little embarrassed and said, "my old pig doesn't know what he lacks now, but if the cause and effect are continuous, it's not good for you and me..."

"In those days, the Tang monks in the eastern land and their four masters and disciples learned scriptures from the West. Tang Sanzang was granted zhantan merit Buddha, Monkey King was granted Dou defeat Buddha, monk Sha was granted golden arhat, and even white dragon horses were granted eight heavenly dragons. But your old pig only granted a net altar Messenger, not even arhat, but just a messenger. Aren't you unwilling at all?"

Li Hao said faintly.

"What do you mean by this?"

Pig Bajie didn't directly say whether he was willing or unwilling, but asked.

Li Hao smiles in his heart. Zhu Bajie doesn't know whether he is willing or unwilling in the final analysis. That means he is unwilling.

"Since you are not willing, I will help you improve your position in Buddhism. I'm sure you can overcome this cause and effect?"

Li Hao said faintly, "help me introduce you. I want to contact the Tathagata Buddha!!"

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