"Brother Li Hao, are you crazy?"

Pig Bajie's voice was full of surprise and said, "my Buddha, is that what you say you can contact? Just like the Immortal Emperor, you can contact if you want?"

"If the Tathagata could share equally with the Immortal Emperor, now he doesn't deserve to be compared with the Immortal Emperor."

Li Hao could not hear the slightest bit of awe in his voice, and calmly opened his mouth.

"Little friend, speak carefully!!"

Pig Bajie's tone was full of helplessness, and he began to advise: "Li Hao, Li Hao, it doesn't matter if I heard this. After all, I was once a man in the fairy world. I tell you, if I was listened to by Luohan King Kong in other Buddhist circles, I will never die with you and form a big cause and effect that can't be eliminated even if the three worlds are separated!!"

"It's just a fact. The Tathagata is still afraid to be said?"

Li Hao sneered and said faintly.

Just as Li Hao was chatting with pig Bajie, his wechat in the three circles suddenly received another application for adding a friend. The greeting wrote: "hehe, little friend, you call my real name so directly. I'm afraid you don't want Bajie to contact me, but want to force me to show up directly?"

Tathagata Buddha, the ancestor of Ten Thousand Buddhas, even directly and actively added Li Hao's three realms wechat!!

"Li Hao, did the Buddha take the initiative to find you?"

Pig Bajie sent a wechat in horror and said eagerly, "Oh, I knew something would happen if you call my Buddha's Dharma name directly. Unexpectedly, it was still sensed by the true spirit of my Buddha across the three realms. It seems that the seal of Hongjun Daozu is getting worse day by day."

When you reach a certain level of cultivation, you will get a kind of supernatural power, such as a kung fu master. In reality, if someone stares at him secretly for a while, he will certainly have an invisible feeling in his heart. If someone or a demon secretly intends to kill him, even if his eyes don't look at him, Can also be keenly felt by him.

Once the cultivation reaches the highest level of Immortal Emperor, Mingjun and Buddha, even if someone mentions their real names across the three realms, it can make them feel, judge good and bad, and even go back to find out what they were talking about at that time.

So just now, when Zhu Bajie called the Immortal Emperor in his voice, he only dared to say the Immortal Emperor and his title, and did not dare to mention his real name Zhang nature. When he mentioned the Tathagata Buddha, he only dared to call me Buddha or Buddha, and did not dare to mention the Buddha's Dharma name like Li Hao. Tathagata is afraid to be sensed by the true spirit of the Buddha.

Originally, after Hongjun Daozu isolated the three realms with seals, Zhu Bajie thought it didn't matter if Li Hao called the name of Buddha in the world, but now the sealing effect of Hongjun Daozu is gradually weakening. He didn't expect that Li Hao's calling the real name of Tathagata really attracted the attention of Tathagata Buddha!

"Bajie, thank you. Don't worry. What I told you will certainly come true. When I finish talking with Tathagata, your position in Buddhism will certainly rise."

Li Hao replied and then confirmed the friend application of Tathagata Buddha.

"Li Hao, you have to have a good chat with the Buddha. I tell you quietly that although my Buddha is always smiling and happy, he seems to have no temper at all, but in fact he is ruthless when he starts a fire. Didn't you see that my monkey brother was pressed by him for 500 years?"

Zhu Bajie also knew that since the Tathagata Buddha really came forward, he could not intervene this time. He had to give Li Hao a careful advice at last.

"Hello, Tathagata."

Li Hao knew it well. He opened a dialog with the Tathagata Buddha and called his name directly. Although he was polite, his attitude was not low at all.


There are only two words in the voice of Tathagata Buddha, but the voice is like a yellow aluminum clock. If a person with insufficient cultivation or concentration is roared by a Buddhist lion, he will lose his mind. Don't talk, I'm afraid he will faint directly!

However, Li Hao has not been greatly affected. After all, he is now a state of spotless heart and no body. Across the three world seals of Hongjun Daozu, he is not afraid of Tathagata Buddha, let alone succumbed under these two words.

"If you have a request from me, why don't you honor it?"

Sure enough, Li Hao was silent, but the Tathagata spoke again.

"It's not asking, it's exchange."

Li Hao smiled and said, "you have what I want, I have what you want, and what you want is more urgent than me. Why should I respect you?"


The Tathagata smiled and said, "when I look back on time, you should want to ask my other shore Golden Lotus to help the little dragon in your gourd retain the memory reincarnation? Then tell me, what do you have that I need?"

"What the Buddha expected is good. I really want to ask for a golden lotus on the other side for my brother, but it's not free, because I have what you or the whole Buddha need!"

Li Hao's tone was full of self-confidence and said, "I would like to ask, originally, the Buddha's mind was as vast as the sea, and the Buddha became a boundary. Lingshan was originally just an ordinary mountain, but it was independent of the three realms because of the blessings of Buddhas and good men and women. It really jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements. Why is it attached to the fairy realm now?"

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

There was an obvious pause in the voice of the Tathagata. After a moment of silence, he said again: "The reason why I contacted you was to figure out that you have great luck and have a great origin in our Buddhism in the future. Since you can ask this sentence, you must know the reason why my Lingshan has to rely on the fairy world. What do you want to say?"

"Lingshan can't be called the Buddha world as before. In the final analysis, it can't draw the power of good men and women from the world again, or it can't draw the same huge and sufficient power as before. Therefore, in order to avoid the plot of Emperor Ming, it has to be attached to the fairy world, isn't it?"

Although Li Hao has never been to the fairyland and the underworld, he has a lot of close friends in the fairyland and the underworld. He usually has nothing to do and can see a lot in the group chat of those immortals.

"It's not difficult to understand the reason. It's rare to solve the problem."

The Tathagata Buddha was not surprised that Li Hao could tell the whole story.

"If I can help you solve this problem, can you promise me to use the Golden Lotus on the other side and help Zhu Bajie improve his position in Buddhism?"

Li Hao didn't say the solution first, but asked first.

"Little friend, you are not a Buddhist. You have a strong sense of immortality. Wuneng has converted to our Buddha. You will never care about the size of sesame and mung bean like benefactor."

The Tathagata Buddha said faintly, and did not forget to satirize Li Hao.

"Man is the Buddha of the past, and Buddha is the man of the future. If he is a man, he has the heart to win. Why should the Eight Precepts be an exception?"

Li Hao asked, "can the Buddha survive? If there is really no desire to win, why do you want to solve the problem that Lingshan has to depend on the fairy world?"

Facing Li Hao's rhetorical question, the Tathagata Buddha was silent.

"I can't argue with you."

After a long time, he said with conviction.

"Buddha is not as good as you..."

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