The Qianjun staff method is just extremely fierce. It is a staff method created by the monkey king himself. Qianjun chengyuyu, Wanli haiboping, angrily breaking the old gentleman's furnace, talking and laughing to retreat the heavenly soldiers, and the mighty spirit fills the heaven and earth!

Each move contains his noble righteousness of subduing demons and subduing demons all the way, as well as his invincible will to face countless heavenly soldiers and generals.

This is quite consistent with Li Hao's invincible holy way!

With a long roar, the golden light in Li Hao's eyes flickered, and the invincible breath and will all over his body were more obvious, as if he rose into the sky, like the scorching sun in the sky!

In fact, Qianjun stick method is not very complex. The key is to be able to understand and experience the invincible will, and Li Hao's holy way is also the invincible Road, which coincides with the spirit of the monkey king. This Qianjun stick method is almost tailor-made for him. Soon he understood it completely and thoroughly understood the subtlety!

With a long roar, Li Hao said, "thank you, brother monkey. The Qianjun stick method can not only enrich my fighting skills, but also make my holy way more solid. Thank you very much!"

"Needless to say, my grandson is a man, but he wants to be worthy of his heart. In my heart, Zixia is more important than Buddhism and Taoism. Therefore, your kindness to me is even better than my master Sanzang. Let alone pass on your powerful stick method, even if I want my grandson to work hard for you!!"

Sun Wukong grinned and said, "brother, I won't tell you more. I have to hurry up to tell Zixia the good news. Bye!"

Li Hao smiled without saying anything. At the end of the monkey king's voice, he heard a sound of breaking the sky. It was obvious that the monkey king could not wait to show his somersault cloud and left Lingshan to talk to Zixia.

Put away the mobile phone, Li Hao took the dragon egg of Ao Xing's reincarnation in both hands, took one step, changed the stars, reversed the mountains and rivers, and appeared in a very far place in a flash.

His holy way has been further improved after learning the thousand powerful stick method. After being promoted to the high level of spotless heart and no body, he has gone further again and vaguely encountered the highest level of human reality - emptiness!

Emptiness is disillusionment. It is something out of nothing. It is this, that, and neither this nor that.

Once the empty state is reached, even if people stand in front of them, they are like flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, which is beyond reach. Let alone attack. If the other party is unwilling, you can't even touch a touch of his clothes.

As long as Li Hao really enters the realm of emptiness, he will really stand in front of the threshold of the peak of the holy way, and further become a semi holy from the current quasi holy!

The semi holy posture can sweep invincible under the emperor. Even Tu Feng and Sun Wukong today dare not say they are semi holy opponents!

Because saints can suppress the enemies of the world, be arbitrary forever, and even oppress emperors!

This is also why in the past, both the fairy world and the underworld could only establish faith in the mortal world, but there was no way to dominate the mortal world, because in the past, there were saints in the world, and no one could touch them!

Li Hao walked in the Longxu valley. After his strength was further, he saw the Longxu Valley more thoroughly and could roughly feel that the Longxu valley would not be closed for almost half a month.

In other words, he must kill the Viper within half a month. Otherwise, once the Viper returns to the demon world, he will have a long dream and increase variables.

However, Li Hao is not in a hurry. He knows that all the Terrans and some demon families in Longxu valley are asking about the fate of viper negative for him, as well as the eagle demon king and the bat demon king. None of the three can escape.

The news is flying all over the sky. Li Hao's jade slips are receiving all the news through the public forum of daomen. Now his mind is as vast as a sea. Even if it is complex and complex, he can see clearly and synthesize the most useful clues.

Three days later, Li Hao received a vital message, that is, a monk near the trapped Longyuan once found that there were lightning and thunder around, clouds and clouds, full of palpitating power.

Li Hao's heart moved. It must be someone crossing the robbery.

In the Dragon virtual Valley, only those with dragon blood can cause doom, or are qualified to make the Dragon virtual Valley reduce doom. Among this group, he knows that only himself, the real dragon Ao star, and one is Viper negative.

Originally, Viper negative, like Li Hao, only has a small amount of dragon blood. If you don't want to lead the doom to refine yourself, you can hide it deliberately and won't be found by Longxu valley. But now, after swallowing Ao Xing's flesh and blood, Viper negative has gradually transformed into a real dragon family, although the blood is not as rare and noble as the real dragon, But it is also an ordinary genuine dragon family.

So now, Viper negative is the same as Ao Xing's situation before. No matter how much to suppress his blood, he can't be as carefree as before. He can't escape the induction of dragon void Valley and lower his doom test.

Therefore, the vision near the trapped Longyuan is definitely not groundless. Even if the viper is careful, it will eventually show the fox's tail.

"Trapped Longyuan..."

Li Hao pondered for a moment, then stepped up and crossed towards the trapped Longyuan.

Hatred is like fire. It can only be extinguished with the blood of the enemy!

With Li Hao's speed, he crossed the whole Longxu Valley in only half a day and came to the trapped Longyuan at the other end.

"Your message is very valuable. Thank you."

Li Hao looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and nodded at him.

This man is called Zhou Qinian. He is a first-class leader of the time sect of the Taoist sect. His cultivation is also very deep. He is only a line lower than the leaders of the ten major sects. He can win when he meets the vast majority of demon kings.

It was when he was trapped near Longyuan a few days ago that he found the heaven and earth vision. At first, he thought there was some great fortune to be born. He was secretly happy, but after quietly touching it, he found that he heard the Dragon singing and roaring. He immediately thought of the news that Li Hao was looking for Viper negative, and immediately contacted Li Hao through the jade slips of the Taoist door's public forum.

Li Hao did notice that there was a strong smell of dragon here. Obviously, Viper negative really experienced robbery here. With such an important clue, it was much easier for him to find Viper negative.

"From today on, I owe you a favor."

Li Hao looked at Zhou Niannian in front of him and said, "as long as I don't violate morality and human relations, I'm absolutely duty bound if necessary."

"Thank you, Li Junsheng!"

After receiving Li Hao's promise, Zhou Qinian showed a touch of joy on his face and said respectfully.

"Viper negative, our account should be calculated next!"

Li Hao raised his eyes and looked not far away. He could smell the breath of the dragon family from the air, and his face became colder and fiercer.

Even the dragon egg he held in his hand seemed to feel and became hot.

Ao Xing, he must be looking forward to revenge!!

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